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Comparing Men's Clothing In The Late 19th Century

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I personally think that men now have a better range clothes selection than in the past. I think this because in the olden days men only had to wear certain clothes which did not really give them a sense of individuality. They just had to wear only the ones that they could afford had no bigger choice to choose from as compared to now.
In the olden days there was a few selection of clothes to choose from. Clothes were made from linen cloth and woollen. They only had sufficient outfits for everyday wear. They had work clothes and outfits for special occasions such as church. They never threw away clothes but would hand them over to their younger sisters and brothers.
Many men wore long white cotton shirts and breeches. Breeches are pants that are just below the …show more content…
This type of dressing gave them a pretty hour glass figure and this was inspired by Prince Albert. They also wore very tight trousers and waistcoats, with high upstanding collars and neckties tied around them.
1890s- This is when the three piece suit was very popular and frequently worn from the 1890s onwards, and it became common for men to have creases at the front of the trousers. Dress coats were still worn, but generally by older and more traditional men. Collars were starched and very high, with tips pressed down into wings, though by the end of the century collars were more frequently turned down and worn with the modern long, knotted tie style, hair was cut short and mostly parted at the side.
Style for men since the 200 has been a mixture of the best elements of all previous fashion in the past, the baggy pants of the 20s, the casual outgoing shirt of the 40s platforms from the 70s and retro from the 90s all rolled together. There is not really a pattern of fabric that stands out completely from all the others. But one thing for sure is that fashion has not really changed but has just

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