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Case Application Living Large


Submitted By u2lisa
Words 1599
Pages 7
Case Application Living Large Case Application Living Large What growth strategy does Live Nation appear to be using? What competitive advantage do you think Live Nation has? It appears as though Live Nation may be using two kinds of growth strategies; Concentration, which focuses in its primary line of business (in this case the music industry), and “increasing the number of products and services offered or markets served in that primary business”(Robbins & Coulter, 2009), and horizontal integration by combining with competitors. In 2009, Live Nation announced they were merging with ticketmaster to “expand into a complimentary business” (Rapino, 2009). With the concentration growth strategy, Rapino is able to offer many products such as concert tickets, merchandise, videos, and albums when other companies only offer one or a couple of these products. Using the horizontal integration growth strategy Rapino is able to eliminate competition and keep profit inside the company. “The key to Live Nation’s growth strategy is the ability to connect to those millions of people who attend shows every year” (Robbins & Coulter, 2009). By keeping a database that includes contact information for every fan (or client) that Live Nation has ever had, Live Nation is able to “connect” fans to their artists with greater ease. By strengthening the artist to fan connection, the purchase of merchandise and tickets is easier and helps Live Nation to keep growing and profiting. How might SWOT analysis be useful to Mike Rapino? A SWOT analysis is an analysis of the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Robbins and Coulter, 2009). The SWOT analysis would be very useful to Mike Rapino. He

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