...Electrolux Cleans Up Webster University Electrolux Cleans Up Electrolux is a maker of appliances that has locations all over the world. The Chief Executive of Electrolux, Hans Straberg, is very motivated to try new product ideas to increase sales for the company. The company is having a weeklong seminar in Stockholm where the employees of different divisions, work together to come up with new product ideas and try to put their self into situations of the everyday man and woman. With all of these new ideas, the company employees know that interdependency, empowerment, cross-functional teams, and new ideas are important to continue with the success of the company. Making A Move Hans Straberg faced many challenges when he took over in 2002. Costs were increasing and Electrolux was losing their market share to lower cost goods produced in Eastern Europe and Asia. Competition in the United States was fierce, so Straberg had to make some radical changes. Straberg closed production plants and moved production to Asia and Eastern Europe where the cost of labor is cheaper. Straberg also broke down barriers between departments by forcing engineers, marketers and designers to work together in an effort to produce new products. Cross-Functional R&D The method of forcing different divisions to work together is known as cross-functional R&D (Ivancevich, Konopaske, Matteson. 2011). The purpose of a cross-functional R&D team is to reduce the amount of time...
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...5590 Case 10.1: Electrolux Cleans Up 1. How did Electrolux Chief Executive Straberg break down barriers (and increase communication) between departments? Why did he do this? Explain Straberg began breaking down barriers between the departments and forcing his designers, engineers, and marketers to work together to come up with new products. He recruited executives from companies with strong track records in innovation, including Procter & Gamble (P&G) and PepsiCo. Brainstorming sessions were carried on by Kim Scott, a recent P&G defector, in the following way, “she urged everyone ‘to think of themselves as Catherin.’” Chief Executive Straberg brought together departments which are rarely placed together to produce ideas/products. As Fucco, employee for Electrolux’s fabric care research and development center in Porcia, Italy, stated, “We never used to create new products together…The new way saves time and money by avoiding the technical glitches that crop up as a new design moves from the drafting table to the factory floor.” The illustration described in the previous paragraph is an example of how the company put themselves in the place of the customer in order to not only find out what the needs of that customer were, but how to satisfy those needs. Straberg recruited executives from companies, to include: P&G and PepsiCo, companies who have also been placed in difficult situations, but in the end succeeded. 2. What are the advantages for Electrolux of having...
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...with Whirlpool and other companies that are changing the global appliance market. While Whirlpool begins more global expansion it faces a new competitor in the U.S. market, Electrolux. Whirlpool also has other troubles on the home front with a multiple lawsuits. As whirlpool deals with these adversities, they are still pushing forward to remain the major home appliance manufacturer; they have launched a new, authentic ad campaign to continue to earn trust here in its home market. Industry The Swedish company, Electrolux, has recently overtaken Whirlpool as the number one appliance supplier in the U.S. Electrolux just finalized a $3.3 billion deal purchasing GE’s appliance department. As seen in the graphic above, with the acquisition of GE, Electrolux has barely overtaken Whirlpool by just 0.9%. Whirlpool still surpasses Electrolux globally however, with $19 billion in annual sales; $3.1 billion dollars more than Electrolux with $15.9 billion. Whirlpool has declined to comment on the new competition which is detailed in the Wall Street Journal article titled “Electrolux to Buy GE Appliances Business for $3.3 Billion.” This article details the deal and its effect on Electrolux and the North American market. Legal/Technological Whirlpool is facing other harsh conditions besides competition from Electrolux. Whirlpool is also a part of two lawsuits. The first is over a plant in Fort Smith, Arkansas. The plant was found to be leaking trichloroethylene or TCE, a carcinogen, into...
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...M17_HOLL6227_05_SE_C17.qxd 5/20/10 4:06 PM Page 641 CASE STUDY IV.3 Dyson Vacuum Cleaner: shifting from domestic to international marketing with the famous bagless vacuum cleaner The Dyson history It is impossible to separate the very British Dyson vacuum cleaner from its very British inventor. Together they are synonymous with innovation and legal battles against established rivals. James Dyson was born in Norfolk in 1947. He studied furniture design and interior design at the Royal College of Art from 1966 to 1970 and his first product, the Sea Truck, was launched while he was still Courtesy of Dyson. studying. Dyson’s foray into developing vacuum cleaner technology happened by chance. In 1978, while renovating his 300-year-old country house, Dyson became frustrated with the poor performance of his conventional vacuum cleaner. Whenever he went to use it, there was poor suction. One day he thought he would find out what was wrong with the design. He noted that the appliance worked by drawing air through the bag to create suction, but when even a fine layer of dust got inside, it clogged its pores, stopping the airflow and suction. In his usual style of seeking solutions from unexpected sources, Dyson noticed how a nearby sawmill used a cyclone – a 30-foot-high cone that spun dust out of the air by centrifugal force – to expel waste. He reasoned that a vacuum cleaner that could separate dust by cyclonic action and spin it out of the ...
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.... Introduction 3.1 PRODUCT PROFILE A washing machine is a domestic appliance powered by a fractional horsepower (FHP) electric motor to wash clothes and household linen and dry clothes. The capacity of the washing machine is determined by the weight of the dry clothes it can wash at a time and is expressed in kgs. 3.2. SEGMENTATION: Washing machines can be segmented on the following bases: 3.2.1. Functions- Washing machines can be classified as washers, semi automatic and fully automatic machine on the basis of their functions. * Washers: Washers are simple machines, which wash clothes but do not dry them. They are minimal in functions and are mainly manufactured in unorganized sector. These are single tub machines and are very low in price. These machines are becoming obsolete in the urban areas due to their inefficiency in performing certain functions. * Semi automatic or Twin tub: These machines have two tubs, washing tank and drying tank. They perform more function than the washers but the sequencing and duration of each stage of the process like washing, rinsing and drying operations have to be controlled manually. Clothes need to be physically transferred from one tub to the other. * Fully automatic: These are compact machines in which clothes are washed and dried automatically in a single drum. Depending upon the type of fabric and total weight of the clothes the wash combination is selected and the wash cycle is carried out automatically. Fully automatic washing...
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...TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU University of Applied Sciences INTER NATIONAL BUS S T A M P E R E E N I N EM S A T T I K O R K E A K O U L U A M UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES BUSINESS SCHOOL FINAL THESIS REPORT A Marketing Analysis of Household Appliances Market in Finland A Case Study for the Haier Group Na Wang Degree Programme in International Business May 2009 Supervisor: Shaidul Kazi TA MPERE 2009 TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU University of Applied Sciences INTER NATIONAL 2 B USINESS Writer(s): Study Programme(s): Title of Thesis Na Wang International Business A Marketing Analysis of The Household Appliances Market in Finland, A Case for the Haier Group Month and Year of Completion: Supervisor: May 2009 Shaidul Kazi Number of Pages: 57 ABSTRACT A company which wants to enter into a new market must first understand the target market’s business environment and how to create and retain customers by providing better value than the competition. As the environment changes, businesses must adapt in order to maintain strategic fit between their capabilities and the marketplace. The process by which businesses analyze the environment and their capabilities and decide upon courses of marketing action is called marketing analysis. A marketing analysis can help the company to make decisions based on the marketing information they have. The aim of this thesis is to form a marketing analysis for Haier Group on the basis of an...
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...OWNERS GUIDE Ceramic Glass Cooktop Radiant Surface Elements Electronic Oven Control - ES III Self Cleaning Oven Feature READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Contents Product Registration ......................................................... 2 Versión en español ........................................................... 2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ............................... 3-4 Setting Surface Controls ................................................ 5-6 Setting Warm Zone Controls (if equipped) ....................... 7 Setting Warmer Drawer Controls (if equipped) ................ 8 Before Setting Oven Controls ........................................... 9 Control Pad Functions .................................................... 10 Setting the Clock and Minute Timer ............................... 11 Setting Oven Controls ............................................... 12-15 Self-Cleaning ............................................................. 16-17 General Cleaning ....................................................... 18-20 Customizing Your Oven Performance ............................. 21 Changing Cooktop and/or Oven Lights .......................... 21 Avoid Service Checklist .............................................. 22-23 Warranty ......................................................................... 24 ELECTRIC RANGE This Owner's Guide contains general operating instructions for your range and feature information for...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVOIR AND MANAGEMENT (205KM) CASE STUDY CHAPTER 10 CASE 10.1: ELECTROLUX CLEAN UP STUDENTS NAME : NUR FARAH ‘AIN BINTI ZULKIFLI STUDENTS ID : CVB110711837 SECTION : 2 LETURER’S NAME : MISS ABIDAH BTE SAAD QUESTION 1 How would you describe the conflict between Michael Eisner and the Weinstein brothers, two board members (Disney and Gold), and Steve Jobs? Was it functional or dysfunctional? ANSWER Functional conflict defined as a confrontation between groups that enhances and benefits the organization’s performance’ while dysfunctional conflict defined as any confrontation or interaction between groups that harms the organization or hinders the achievement or organizational goals. From our point of view, this case study’s conflict was mostly dysfunctional, though, with some degree of functional conflict. They were functional in that even though the conflicts existed between Eisner and the Weinstein brothers and with Steven Jobs, the company was successful despite these widely publicized issues. For example, Eisner did lead the company to 67th in the Fortune 500 ranks and to a value of $40 billion; with his actions in the early ‘80s, he turned the company around with several company acquisitions. Also, even though the conflicts were high profile in the media, Disney was still successful. As a conclusion, it can be said that a company will perform low either there are no or when there is too high conflict existed...
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...1 The CASE Journal Volume 4, Issue 2 (Spring 2008) Table of Contents Click on the article or case title to go to that page Editorial Policy Letter from the Editor Case Abstracts Cases “Sally’s Dilemma: Making Tough Choices in Collaborative Visioning” Karl A. Hickerson, David J. O’Connell & Arun K. Pillutla, St. Ambrose University “The Death of a Salesman Revisited: Part A” Herbert Sherman, Long Island University & Daniel James Rowley, University of Northern Colorado “The Death of a Salesman Revisited: Part B” Herbert Sherman, Long Island University & Daniel James Rowley, University of Northern Colorado “Customer Service at the Jewish Community Center” Edward Demarais, Salem State College, Sandra Sheckman, & Gina Vega, Salem State “The Frozen Production Line” Anton Massman, U.S. Air Force, Elaine Davis & Janell M. Kurtz, St. Cloud State University “Dow Chemical and Agent Orange in Vietnam” Cedric Dawkins, California State Polytechnic University – Pomona Membership Form Page 2 The CASE Journal Volume 4, Issue 2 (Spring 2008) EDITORIAL POLICY The audience for this journal includes both practitioners and academics and thus encourages submissions from a broad range of individuals. The CASE Journal invites submissions of cases designed for classroom use. Cases from all business disciplines will be considered. Cases must be factual, and releases must be available where necessary. All cases must be accompanied by an instructor’s manual ...
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...NUMATIC – ENTERING THE DOMESTIC MARKET CASE STUDY BACKGROUND NUMATIC INTERNATIONAL LIMITED started manufacturing in 1959 in the United Kingdom. Today they have facilities at Chard Sommerset on 9 hectares with over 26 000 square metres of production space, employing more than 700 people and producing at least 3000 products per day. Today NUMATIC INTERNATIONAL is the single largest manufacturer in Europe. NUMATIC SOUTH AFRICA enjoys all the back up and service of their mother company. NUMATIC machines have been available in South Africa since 1980. THE PRODUCT NUMATIC provides a wide range of industrial cleaning equipment, from mopping units to vacuum cleaners, single disc rotary scrubbing and polishing machines plus combination maintenance machines. The machines are all manufactured to the highest of British standards and comply with our own SABS standards. Product Ranges o Vacuum cleaners o Hotel trolleys o Mopping units o Floor machines o Janitorial trolleys o Specialised units In the beginning, the company employed six people in a little factory that was not as big as a garage and the most sophisticated equipment was a drill. Thank heavens the days were 24 hours long! The first vacuum cleaner designs were made of a combination of oil drums and everyday components that were readily available, such as suitcase handles, furniture castors and domestic washing-up bowls. All assembled in such a way as to provide a simple, reliable workhorse for...
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...Developing a Marketing Strategy: Delivering and Capturing Value Marketing Plan: The Brita Products Company Product: • Brita Pitcher-filter water system Price: $15.16 pitcher system and $4.10 filter • Brita faucet system Price: $34.99/$39.99 Faucet System Place: Pitcher system: main health food chains introducing department stores, mass merchandise, grocery stores, club stores, drug stores. (Minimum advertised price). Faucet to be launched. Promotion: They are very focused in taste for pitcher. It has been a good decision since I think probably to try to find another proposal for purity and health for the faucet system. Diagnosis: The first question is can we launch faucet system? Or would it cannibalize the pitcher system in which we are the leader? I think we definitely should launch the faucet system it is cheaper so we can access to another segment of customers. Also the faucet could even convince people that regularly drink water directly from the tap, because it last longer, and the cost is lower compared to the pitcher. It even helps the customer get to know Brita and improve taste on water, and even evolution as a Brita customer, first the faucet system then the pitcher. Then how would we promote the faucet in order to differentiate it from the pitcher? Would the taste be also the main focus on our campaign? Or should we focus on health and bacteria? Even though public is not very aware of the bacteria issues on water. Another question is to launch...
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...Technology Management and Strategy (IMEN 301) 目录 1. Abstract 3 2. Introduction 3 1) A creator: James Dyson 3 2) Early products by James Dyson 4 3) A new idea 4 4) The $ 2000 vacuum cleaner 4 5) The first Dyson 4 3. Product 5 1) Vacuum cleaners 5 2) Hand Dryer 5 3) Washing Machine 6 4. R&D 7 5. Marketing 7 1) Evolution of Dyson in the market 7 2) Turnover 8 3) Differentiation Strategy 9 4) Focus Strategy 10 5) Cost Strategy 10 6. Innovation 11 1) The innovator’s challenge 11 2) Fast transition from concept to 3D 11 3) Rapid prototypes from design data 12 4) Computer simulation boosts design accuracy 12 5) Protecting their innovations 13 7. Analysis 13 1) Porter’s Five Force Model 13 Existing Rivalry 14 Bargaining Power of Supplier 14 Potential Entrants 14 Threat of Substitutes 14 Bargaining Power of Buyer 15 2) SWOT Analysis 15 Strength 15 Weakness 15 Opportunity 15 Threat 16 1. Abstract In 1978, James Dyson noticed that the air filter of the workshop where the spraying finishing operations on Ballbarrow models was constantly obstructed powder particles (like a vacuum cleaner bag is blocked by dust). He has designed and manufactured industrial cyclone tower, which removed the powder particles by exerting a centrifugal force 100 000 times the force of gravity. The same principle could he operate in a vacuum? James Dyson began to work. Five years and 5,127 prototypes later, the first Dual Cyclone bagless Vacuum...
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... — Zhang Ruimin, 20032 On December 26, 2004, Haier Group, ranked China’s number-one company by the Asian Wall Street Journal,3 celebrated its 20th anniversary with annual sales topping RMB 100 billion.a (See Exhibit 1 for Haier revenue growth.) Starting with a defunct refrigerator factory in Qingdao, Shandong province, founder and CEO Zhang Ruimin built Haier into China’s largest home appliance maker.b Globally, Haier ranked third in white goods revenues, and was the second-largest refrigerator manufacturer (with about 6% of the global market) behind Whirlpool and ahead of Electrolux, Kenmore, and GE.4 Zhang pledged to make Haier the world’s best-selling refrigerator brand by 2006. (See Exhibit 2 for global appliance market shares.) Haier held about a 30% share of China’s RMB 129 billion white goods market,5 and had a growing presence in “black goods” sectors such as televisions...
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...SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT REPORT ON “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF WATER PURIFIER” (AQUAGUARD) EUREKA FORBES PVT. LTD. SUBMITTED FOR THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTFOR THE AWARD OF Masters Of Business Administration SUBMITTED BY: UJJAVAL K. JAIN UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: Ms. Anjali Kedawat AMITY UNIVERSITY, RAJASTHAN Acknowledgement I would like to take the opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all those who have been the part of this report in some way or the other. First and foremost, I would like to thank my company guide Mr. Tapan Khurana ( Regional head, Marketing), for his valuable guidance, and for allowing me to work on the topic that developed my marketing skills, for getting knowledge for my career growth. I am thankful to my faculty guide Ms. Anjali Kedawat for her encouragement and timely suggestions which helped me greatly during the course of this project. I am thankful to Mr. Ankur Chaturvedi (Area Head- HR) for allowing me to get summer training in the company for nourishing my career. I’m also thankful to Mr. Avijit Ghatak (DDSM) and all those people in the company for their suggestion and help during my training that helped me to complete this project. Last but not least: I would acknowledge my Family, Relatives and all those at my department and college, Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan who helped me make this project reality. Ujjaval K. Jain MBA (General) 3rd semester ...
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...Kitchen Management Project Report Project Team Members Dannica Xara Agbayani Nadine See Diet Ronald Guadalquiver Patricia Lamerez Vanessa Anne Nabong Project Submitted To Chef Cheong Yan See Enderun Colleges Inc. 1100 Campus Avenue, Mckinley Hill Taguig city, Philippines July 31, 2015 Tsunami Fine Dining and Sake Bar 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Restaurant Concept 3-4 II. Food Menu 5-10 III. Organizational Chart 11-13 A. Front of the house B. Back of the house IV. Work Shifts 13-15 V. Restaurant Layout 16-17 VI. Restaurant Equipment 18-24 VII. Sources 25 Tsunami Fine Dining and Sake Bar 2 Restaurant Concept Our Restaurant serves Modern Contemporary Japanese cuisine with 200 square meters space and a high rental. It has 80 seats which can accommodate 160 guests per day. We are a Fine dining restaurant that specialize in Sake drinks (sake pairing). Tsunami sake Bar’s target market are Businessmen, Yuppies, Class A and B. Our operating hours are from 11:00am to 2:00pm for lunch, then for dinner, it will start at 6:00pm to 10:00pm. Our Late night menu starts at 10:00pm and it will end at 2:00am. A different menu will be provided for the Late night hours. We will be closed on Mondays. We have three Menus which consist of the A La Carte Menu, Tasting Menu, and Late night Menu. Ala Carte menus is composed of 4 courses such as Cold Appetizer, Hot Appetizer, Mains ...
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