...Case Study of PQHRM Module – 01 Evolution of Management Batch - 113 Group – 01 Index Number PQHRM/113/02 PQHRM/113/04 PQHRM/113/14 PQHRM/113/35 PQHRM/113/9 T/PQM/113/111/01 PQHRM/113/34 PQHRM/113/20 Electra Products Inc. Innovative Management at turbulent times Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ........................................... 2 II. Description of Problome.................................... 3 Problem Summary Company & Problem Analysis Empowerment back on track Barbara’s situvation III. Implementations ................................................ 6 Planning Process Continus Improvement Barbars Situvation IV. Conclution ........................................................ 15 V. Extraction ......... Error! Bookmark not defined.16 P AGE |1 Executive Summary Company Electra Products Inc. is an 80 year old publicly held Retail Electrical Product Manufacturer, who has well experienced & loyal set of employees. Barbara Russel is Vise President Manufacturing of this Operation & Martin Griffin is newly appointed CEO to carry out the empowerment program which was a decision of top management as a solution to below problem. Current Situation Company was facing following main problems; In recent years market share of Electra products has declined rapidly due to foreign & domestic competition. Company did not have any new innovations to face the challenging market. Communication...
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...Webster University Space Coast Region Merritt Island Campus Case Study Report Of Elektra Products, Inc By MNGT 5000 Management Submitted to: October 30, 2012 Synopsis Electra Products, Inc. is a manufacturing and retailer of electrical products and supplies. It is facing difficult times due to loss of market shares as a result of competition and lack of new product ideas. They are also having personnel, communication and morale issues. Mr. Martin Griffin, new CEO, was hired to turn the company around. He started a new campaign of empowerment and decided to divide the managers into different problem-solving teams. He asked they come up with ideas to implement the new campaign. Barbara Russell, Manufacturing vice president, and her team were excited; however, not everyone felt the same way about the new empowerment campaign. Apparently, personnel were discouraged and lost trust in management because of the failed attempts from the past. Some managers did not believe the new campaign of “empowerment” would change anything. During the following meeting, Barbara reported her team’s recommendations. Mr. Griffin received them with enthusiasm but when he left the room, the other department heads found reasons why the changes would not work. Barbara and her team were very disappointed at the other manager’s lack of support. She was wondering what to do next and thought her choices were not easy: talk to Mr. Griffin, work slowly to gain support...
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...The Phenomenon of “ Father Absence” Reflections on Zweig’s Letter from an Unknown Woman. Abstract The father-absence is a widespread phenomenon in the society nowadays. However, it is recently that people notice the psychological importance of father as a significant influence on female character development. Empirical research has demonstrated various negative outcomes for females in single-parent homes such as being overshy, self-abandoned as well as indifferent to the sorrounding, all of which influence their life-choice. This paper deals with this problem mainly from how psychologically father-absence affects the development of the female character which strongly decides their fate based on Stephan Zweig’s novel: Letter from an Unknown Woman. Key words: father-absence, the Name-of-the-Father 1. Introduction Letter from an Unknown Woman is one of the most famous novels composed by Austrian writer Stephan Zweig. Its cyclically-told tale of romantic yearning and pining for love is embodied in the doomed, delusional relationship of the two romantic leads: a young neighbor girl's steadfast, sacrificial love for a self-absorbed, dilettante writer. Zweig uses the form of the woman’s monologue as a letter to show us a tragic story of her whole life: how she falls in love with her neighbor, keeps faith for him through her whole life while the man has never recognized or remembered her. Many critics believe that the root-cause of this love-tragedy lies in...
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...CASE STUDY 12.1 PROFITEL INC. By Steven L. McShane, University of Western Australia As a formerly government-owned telephone monopoly, Profitel enjoyed many decades of minimal competition. Even today as a publicly traded enterprise, the company’s almost exclusive control over telephone copper wiring across the country keeps its profit margins above 40 percent. Competitors in telephone and DSL broadband continue to rely on Profitel’s wholesale business, which generates substantially more profit than similar wholesale services in many other countries. However, Profitel has stiff competition in the cellular (mobile) telephone business, and other emerging technologies (voice-over-Internet) threaten Profitel’s dominance. Based on these threats, Profitel’s board of directors decided to hire an outsider as the new chief executive. Although several qualified candidates expressed an interest in Profitel’s top job, the board selected Lars Peeters, who had been CEO for six years of a publicly traded European telephone company, followed by a brief stint as CEO of a cellular telephone company in the United States until it was acquired by a larger firm. Profitel’s board couldn’t believe its good fortune; Peeters brought extensive industry knowledge and global experience, a high-octane energy level, self-confidence, decisiveness, and a congenial yet strongly persuasive interpersonal style. He also had a unique “presence” that caused people to pay attention and respect his leadership. The...
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...STRATEGIC AUDIT HARLEY DAVIDSON Inc Audit Team: Graeme Eldridge Enya Gu Areeya Ongmongkonkun John Gao CONTENTS |Case Abstract |3 | |History |4 | |Current Situation | | |Performance |5 | |Strategic Position | | |Mission |5 | |Objectives |5 | |Strategy |6 | |Policies |6 | |Corporate Governance | ...
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...Study of the thin films technology and using it as a differentiator for positioning it in the international markets SIP Project Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the PGDM Program 2010-12 Submitted by Name: Ashish Mohan Srivastava Roll number: 2010268 Supervisors: 1. Mr. Raj Kumar Verma Assistant Manager (Projects and Services) Moserbaer Photovoltaic India Ltd. 2. Professor J.Mohanty Institute Of Management Technology, Nagpur 2010-12 [pic] Acknowledgement It gives me a great sense of pleasure to present the report after undergoing an intense summer internship at Moserbaer’s Photo Voltaic wing. It is really difficult to gratify each and every person who has been instrumental in the completion of the project but I am taking great care that no one is left out. So in the same sequence at very first, I would like to acknowledge my parents because of whom I got the existence in the world for the inception and the conception of this project. Later on I would like to confer my acknowledgement to Mr. J.Mohanty my faculty guide and other faculty members who taught me how to do project through appropriate tools and techniques. Because Moserbaer India Ltd. has trusted me and given me a chance to do my integrated research study, I would like to give thanks to the organization and especially to Mr. Raj Kumar Verma (Asst. Manager, Projects and Services) my corporate mentor and Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (Research Scientist) from the depth of my heart...
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...International Marketing and Purchasing of Industrial Goods An Interaction Approach B y IMP P roject Group Editor: Håkan Håkansson, U niversity of Uppsala J OHN WILEY & S ONS Chichester • New York • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore Copyright © 1982, by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means nor transmitted, nor translated into a machine language without the written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Håkansson, Håkan, 1947 International marketing and purchasing of industrial goods. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Marketing – Europe. 2. Industrial procurement – Europe. I. Title. HF5415.12.E8H34 658.8'0094 81-13070 ISBN 0 471 27987 0 AACR2 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data: International marketing and purchasing of industrial goods. 1. Marketing – Europe 2. Purchasing I. Håkansson, Håkan 658.8' 394 HF5415.1 ISBN 0 471 27987 0 Typeset by Pintail Studios Ltd., Ringwood, Hampshire Printed in the United States of America Contents Preface ....................................................................................... ix 1. Introduction A CHALLENGE ......................................................................................... 1 MARKETS FOR INDUSTRIAL GOODS ...................................................... 1 BENEFITS OF STABILITY AND OBSTACLES TO CHANGE IN INDUSTRIAL MARKETS ........................
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...by the copyright herein may be reproduced, transmitted, stored or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Cengage Learning Academic Resource Center, 1-800-423-0563 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit all requests online at www.cengage.com/permissions Further permissions questions can be emailed to permissionrequest@cengage.com Text Permissions Manager: Timothy Sisler ExamView® and ExamView Pro® are registered trademarks of FSCreations, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation used herein under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. used herein under license. Technology Project Editor: Rob Ellington © 2009 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. Content Project Manager: Lysa Kosins Manufacturing Coordinator: Doug Wilke Production Service: PrePressPMG Sr. Art Director: Tippy McIntosh Internal and Cover Designer: Mike Stratton/Stratton Design Cover Image: Todd Davison PTY LTD/The Image Bank/Getty Images...
Words: 18749 - Pages: 75
...Michelle L. Stotts, Charles B. Shrader and Samuel M. DeMarie Victory: The New American Motorcycle Celebrates Its First Decade on the Road Now that we are in our 10th year and have a fairly complete line of premium cruiser and touring motorcycles, it is clear what we stand for, and who we appeal to most. Victory stands for class-leading quality, innovation and style. Victory is American and new- always looking forward. We are all about the future of American motorcycles. - Mark Blackwell, Victory Vice President1 Mark Blackwell, vice president in charge of Victory Motorcycle at Polaris Industries, glanced up at company headquarters in Medina, Minnesota as he pulled his gleaming cruiser into the parking lot. An accomplished rider himself, winning the national 500cc motocross championship and being inducted into the American Motorcycle Association’s Hall of Fame, he knew his company’s bikes had come pretty far since they were first introduced to the riding public in 1998. With the development of the new Vision, a luxury touring bike, and the steady release of aggressively-styled cruisers, the company had continually innovated throughout its first decade in business. Yet Blackwell pondered the recurring questions facing Victory Motorcycles and Polaris. He wondered if the initial decision to diversify into heavyweight motorcycles was the right road to take. He realized Polaris took a big risk by moving into motorcycles and going up against the recognized powerhouses in the industry...
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...MANAGEMENT PRACTICE S.A.I.M. S.A.I.M. CASE-STUDY WORKBOOK Prepared by Dr Norris W Dalton. Copyright 2002 SAIM Management Practice 1 Copyright @ 2002 - South African Institute of Management All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from SAIM. Copyright @ 2002 Copyright 2002 SAIM First Edition (2002) Management Practice 2 MANAGEMENT PRACTICE CASE-STUDY WORKBOOK CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction. 5 2. Management in Context. 7 3. Learning to be a manager. 9 4. Case-study analysis. 11 5. Problem-solving and decision-making. 14 6. Caselets: First-line and Middle-management (Tactical/operational levels). 21 7. Case-studies: Executive / Senior management (transitional / strategic level). 119 8. Case-studies: Management failures (Reference studies). 173 9. Lessons: 201 Business {Managerial) Failure. 10. References and Further Reading. Copyright 2002 SAIM 207 Management Practice 3 Copyright 2002 SAIM Management Practice 4 MANAGEMENT PRACTICE Management Principles are easy; Management Practice is difficult. 1. Introduction The Theory of Management (20%) is easy and can be learnt in a classroom setting, since it relates to knowledge acquisition and book-learning...
Words: 40484 - Pages: 162
...policy direction which propounded socialistic society and mixed economy. There was dearth of capital, infrastructure facilities and entrepreneurship in the country. During this period, the Government developed infrastructural base such as roads, railways, electricity, ports, banks, financial institutions, insurance etc through the public sector enterprises which were supposed to attain commanding heights of the economy. The environment thus created resulted in the people of India becoming job seekers and the Government itself became a dominant entrepreneur and job provider. Industrialists in general became license seekers rather than wealth creators. Goods and services of poor quality were produced at higher cost and lower reach, thus India Inc. could never develop a competitive edge. It is in this context that President Kalam, on the eve of Republic Day, 2004, said that “The combination of entrepreneurship education in schools and colleges, the hassle free...
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...policy direction which propounded socialistic society and mixed economy. There was dearth of capital, infrastructure facilities and entrepreneurship in the country. During this period, the Government developed infrastructural base such as roads, railways, electricity, ports, banks, financial institutions, insurance etc through the public sector enterprises which were supposed to attain commanding heights of the economy. The environment thus created resulted in the people of India becoming job seekers and the Government itself became a dominant entrepreneur and job provider. Industrialists in general became license seekers rather than wealth creators. Goods and services of poor quality were produced at higher cost and lower reach, thus India Inc. could never develop a competitive edge. It is in this context that President Kalam, on the eve of Republic Day, 2004, said that “The combination of entrepreneurship education in schools and colleges, the hassle free...
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...19 Freudian & Humanistic Theories MODULE 455 448 449 432 Photo Credit: © Colin Anderson/ Getty Images A. Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory B. Divisions of the Mind C. Developmental Stages D. Freud’s Followers & Critics E. Humanistic Theories Concept Review F. Cultural Diversity: Unexpected High Achievement G. Research Focus: Shyness 434 436 438 440 442 447 H. Application: Assessment—Projective Tests Summary Test Critical Thinking Can Personality Explain Obesity? Links to Learning 450 452 454 Introduction Personality Ted Haggard founded New Life Church in the basement of his house 25 years ago and became a prominent author and national evangelical Christian leader with a congregation of 14,000 worshippers in the largest church in Colorado. He is married with five children and has boyish dimples and a warm smile. In 2006, at the peak of his career, a male prostitute accused Haggard of having a three-year sexual affair with him and of using drugs. is accusation was alarming not only because Haggard was a married pastor, but also because he publicly supported a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. When the accusations were first broadcast on the news, Haggard confessed to church officials, saying, “Ninety-eight percent of what you know of me was the real me. Two percent of me would rise up, and I couldn’t overcome At the height of his career, it” (Haggard, 2006a). Then, in Ted Haggard, well-known pastor, a television news interview the confessed...
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...Eastman Kodak Company 2010 Annual Report on Form 10-K and Notice of 2011 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K X Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the year ended December 31, 2010 or Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the transition period from Commission File Number 1-87 to EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) NEW JERSEY (State of incorporation) 343 STATE STREET, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK (Address of principal executive offices) Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: __________________________ Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: Title of each Class Common Stock, $2.50 par value Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes [X] No [ ] Name of each exchange on which registered New York Stock Exchange 16-0417150 (IRS Employer Identification No.) 14650 (Zip Code) 585-724-4000 Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes [ ] No [X] Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding...
Words: 115418 - Pages: 462
...Business Quiz DHL Baseline/Tagline/AdLineof Company/Brands WE make importing Smooth Doordarshan Satyam Sivam Sundaram Electrolux India Makes life a little easier Energizer Keep going ESSAR Steel 24 carat steel Fed-Ex The World On Time Ford Mondeo Redefined Aggression Ford Motors Built for the road ahead Godrej locks PEACE OF MIND.GUARANTEED Graviera Suitings THE MAN OF SUBSTANCE Gucci Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten Haier Inspired living Harley-Davidson If you don't have to answer to anyone, what would you do Harrod's retailer, ENTER A DIFFERENT London WORLD Hero Honda CBZ Motorcycling Unplugged Hero Honda Born in a studio, not in a Passion factory Hindustan Times Let there be light Hitachi Inspire the Next Honda The power of dreams Honda DIO FROM INDIA TO THE WORLD.AND TO YOU HSBC World's local bank Hughes Software Think skywards HYUNDAI Play a bigger game ELANTRA Hyundai's new ad Drive your way Jobsahead.com FILL IN YOUR AMBITION Johnnie Walker Keep Walking whiskey Kingfisher airlines Fly the good times Kodak You press the button and we do the rest Lacoste Because what you are LG EXPAND YOUR LIFE LG AC BREATHE HEALTHY Lufthansa There is no better way to 1 Created By: S.Sriram MBA-HR, TAMILNADU srirams@gmx.com Company Accenture Air Deccan Air India Air Sahara Airtel AKAI Allen Solly Allianz Insurance Apple Computers Bajaj Auto Bajaj Pulsar Bajaj spirit Blue Star BluestarAC Bournvita Brooke Bond BSNL BUSINESS STANDARD BUSINESSWORL Magazine of the...
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