Family Service Worker Andy Chavez received an intake call from Lana Lukosevicius, a Social worker at [École secondaire] Toronto Ouest. The referent reported concern for Justine Louise Gill, a grade 8 student of the school, who disclosed that she was allegedly sexually assaulted by Andrew. Andrew is an adult neighbor of her paternal grandparents.
Justine’s parents, Scott Gill and Juli Piller-Tahy, are separated. Scott has full custody of her and her brother. While the mother has visitation rights.
On the 22nd of December, Lana stated that she noticed that Justine was crying. Justine initially complained that her jaw hurts, but later she said that she did not want to tell her because Lana will call the police. However, Lana notice that Justine was blurting out different things like, “it is ok,” “it was not all that bad,” “she does not want to think about it,” and “she will not see the person.” When Justine finally mentioned that “it wasn’t rape,” Lana felt something is wrong and told Justine that something might have happened to her and that she is worried. By that time, she was already crying. Lana said that Justine thought that Lana only reports physical abuse; but she was informed that she also reports all kinds of abuse. Justine said that she had disclosed other secrets with her. However, Justine said that “its not anybody’s fault”, “not her family”, and that she will not give anybody’s name. Lana said to Justine that she will be emailing her parents.…show more content… Lana also had just met the father, so she might not be there for them. Later, she called the Toronto CAS, but she was informed that since she has no name, they cannot do