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Cash Securities


Submitted By chep
Words 3302
Pages 14


1. Kenya’s court system. a. the court of appeal this is the highest court in Kenya with the function of hearing appeals from the high court in certain matters. b. the high court this is the second in hierarchy. Hears both criminal & civil matters. it has specialized divisions:- - family divisions - criminal divisions - civil divisions - commercial division - constitutional& judicial review divisions.
Appeals from various administrative bodies & subordinate courts are heard and determined by the high court.

c. magistrate’s court handle civil & criminal matters depending on the rank of the magistrate. the hierarchy of magistrates is:- 1. chief magistrate 2. senior principal magistrate 3. principal magistrate 4. senior resident magistrate 5. resident magistrate 6. district magistrate

d. specialized courts children’s court – this deals with matters relating to children e.g. parental responsibility
, custody, guardianship, protection of children, foster care, child offenders.
Anticorruption courts which deal with the matters relating to corruption & integrity.

e. tribunal tribunals are made by the parliament to deal with disputes that arise in the course of the regulation & administration of certain matters. Common tribunals are:-
1. industrial courts Deals with labour disputes.
2. land disputes tribunals Deals with disputes relating to land i.e. division of land & tenants in residential houses.
3. rent restriction tribunals – hears and resolves disputes between landlord and tenants in residential houses.
4. business premises tribunals – hears and decides cases involving landlord & tenants in business premises.

f. kadhis courts this deals with matters relating to personal status, marriage, divorce, inheritance in

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