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Submitted By quietq06
Words 292
Pages 2
Emily Woods
June 17, 2014
J. Crew

Dear: Valued Customers
Please accept my deepest apologies on behalf of the J. Crew industry. We have been reviewing orders placed through our online digital shopping cart over the last 24 hours and found that we made a pricing error. The J. Crew Cashmere Turtleneck Sweater was mistakenly priced at $18 when the correct price should have been $218. Unfortunately, many delighted customers scrambled to order the bargain cashmere. Before J. Crew could correct the mistake, hundreds of shoppers had added this item to the cart for the bargain sweater.

We regret to inform you that we are unable to honor the $18 price. However, in every effort to make things right with our valued customers we have decided to cut the price from $218 to a fantastic $118.80-$130.80 depending on the size you ordered. Although the pricing mistake was our error, we are not able to fill orders at the $18 price. Therefore, your order has been cancelled. The special price is only valid for customers who placed their orders during the previous 24-hour period.

Please forgive us for the error and rest assured that website management will take all necessary steps to prevent a problem like this in the future. Please feel free to contact customer service with any questions. We want to thank your for being a valued J. Crew customer. Also, I will make it better on our customers. Click on the link below to get the special price above. add it to your shopping cart and it will email me and let me know who you are and where your order should be sent.

Emily Woods
J. Crew Corporate Communications

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Budget Cost

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