...Término de contrato de trabajo Sepa cuáles son las condiciones y procedimientos para poner fin a un contrato de trabajo. Las cosas han estado mal en la fábrica de Don Fernando. Las bajas ventas están causando grandes números rojos, y para salir a flote va a tener que reducir, es decir, despedir personal. Pero, ¿cómo hacerlo? ¿Qué causas legales puede invocar para eso, y qué documentos debe gestionar? ¿Y corresponde pagar indemnización a los trabajadores que despedirá? ¿Cuáles son las causales legales para poner término a un contrato de trabajo? Muerte del trabajador. Mutuo acuerdo entre las partes. Renuncia voluntaria. Vencimiento del plazo convenido en el contrato. Fin del trabajo o servicio que originó el contrato. Caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. Conducta indebida de carácter grave, que debe ser comprobada. Por ejemplo, falta de probidad del trabajador, acoso sexual o conducta inmoral. Negociaciones que ejecute el trabajador dentro del negocio y que aparecen como prohibidas en el contrato. Que el trabajador no acuda a sus labores sin causa justificada durante dos días seguidos, o dos lunes en el mes, o un total de tres días en el mes. Abandono del trabajo por parte del trabajador. Actos, omisiones o imprudencias que afecten el funcionamiento del establecimiento, la seguridad o la actividad de los trabajadores. Daño material causado intencionalmente en las instalaciones, maquinarias, herramientas, útiles de trabajo, productos o mercaderías. Incumplimiento grave de las obligaciones...
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...que una mala fe por parte del actor quien en pleno conocimiento de que se le pagaron cada uno de los haberes reclamados, vuelve a requerir su pago y además en la misma confesión judicial reconoce que la empresa nunca falto al pago de haberes, siendo así vendrá a su conocimiento que todas las pretensiones no pueden tener asidero. De la contestación a la demanda y Audiencia Preliminar En la contestación a la demanda se establece claramente que la terminación de las relaciones laborales fue ante la autoridad competente Inspector de Trabajo con la comparecencia de las partes mediante Acta de Finiquito haciendo constar todos los rubros pormenorizados a que tenía derecho acogiéndonos al Art. 169 numeral 6 del Código de Trabajo que determina el caso fortuito o fuerza mayor (plagas de campo) por parte de AGROCALIDAD,...
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...C3-01 CONTRATO DE PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES DE CONSTRUCCION DE OBRA ARQUITECTONICA, QUE CELEBRAN POR UNA PARTE EL SEÑOR SERGIO ANTONIO ESPINO HERNÁNDEZ, A LA QUE PARA EFECTOS DE ESTE INSTRUMENTOS EN LO SUCESIVO SE DENOMINARA "EL CONSTRUCTOR", Y POR LA OTRA PARTE EL SEÑOR ARQUITECTO JORGE ALBERTON NOVERON HERNANDEZ, A LA QUE EN LO SUCESIVO SE DENOMINARA "EL CLIENTE", AL TENOR DE LAS SIGUIENTES DECLARACIONES Y CLAUSULAS. DECLARACIONES I. Declara "EL CONSTRUCTOR" por conducto de su representante: A)..Sergio Antonio Espino Hernández Ser una persona con actividad empresarial. COMUNIDAD B). Que su domicilio y principal asiento de sus negocios es el ubicado en Barrio de Santa Cruz Grande Sin numero Localidad San Juan Coajomulco con Código Postal 50708 en Jocotitlan, Estado de México. C). Que ha conocido previamente los requerimientos de "EL CLIENTE" para el desarrollo y prestación de los servicios que se le encomiendan en términos de este contrato. D). Que previamente ha conocido el sitio en el que en su momento se construirá la obra diseñada por él, en términos de este contrato, a fin de considerar todos los factores que intervendrán en su ejecución. E). Que cuenta con la capacidad, conocimientos, experiencia profesional, organización adecuada, recursos técnicos y fuerza de trabajo que se requieren para ejecutar los trabajos objeto del presente contrato, conforme se detalla en su cotización CANCELERIA CASA REAL DE HACIENDA JAIME ZECUA de fecha 11...
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...de objetos que interactúan entre sí. Este enfoque representa un dominio en términos de conceptos compuestos por verbos y sustantivos, clasificados de acuerdo a su dependencia funcional. En este método de análisis y diseño se crea un conjunto de modelos utilizando una notación acordada como, por ejemplo, el lenguaje unificado de modelado (UML). ADOO aplica técnicas de modelado de objetos para analizar los requerimientos para un contexto - por ejemplo, un sistema de negocio, un conjunto de módulos de software - y para diseñar una solución para mejorar los procesos involucrados. No está restringido al diseño de programas de computadora, sino que cubre sistemas enteros de distinto tipo. Las metodologías de análisis y diseño más modernas son casos de uso guiados a través de requerimientos, diseño, implementación, pruebas, y despliegue. Diseño orientado a objetos es una fase de la metodología orientada a objetos para el desarrollo de Software. Su uso induce a los programadores a pensar en términos de objetos, en vez de procedimientos, cuando planifican su código. Un objeto agrupa datos encapsulados y procedimientos para representar una entidad. La 'interfaz del objeto', esto es, las formas de interactuar con el objeto, también se definen en esta etapa. Un programa orientado a objetos se caracteriza por la interacción de esos objetos. El diseño orientado a objetos es la disciplina que define los objetos y sus interacciones para resolver un problema de negocio que fue identificado y...
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...Jim Rumbaugh. En el proceso de creación de UML han participado, no obstante, otras empresas de gran peso en la industria como Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle o IBM, así como grupos de analistas y desarrolladores. En UML 2.0 hay 13 tipos diferentes de diagramas. Para comprenderlos de manera concreta, a veces es útil categorizarlos jerárquicamente: Diagramas de estructura enfatizan en los elementos que deben existir en el sistema modelado: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Diagrama de clases Diagrama de componentes Diagrama de objetos Diagrama de estructura compuesta (UML 2.0) Diagrama de despliegue Diagrama de paquetes Diagramas de comportamiento enfatizan en lo que debe suceder en el sistema modelado: 7. Diagrama de actividades 8. Diagrama de casos de uso 9. Diagrama de estados Diagramas de Interacción, un subtipo de diagramas de comportamiento, que enfatiza sobre el flujo de control y de datos entre los elementos del sistema modelado: 10. Diagrama de secuencia 11. Diagrama de comunicación 12. Diagrama de tiempos (UML 2.0) 13. Diagrama de vista de interacción (UML 2.0) DIAGRAMA DE CLASES Un diagrama de clases es un tipo de diagrama estático que describe la estructura de un sistema mostrando sus clases, atributos y las relaciones entre ellos. Los diagramas de clases son utilizados durante el proceso de análisis y diseño de los sistemas, donde se crea el diseño conceptual...
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...han aprueban que las mujeres de este siglo están exigiendo mayor posición de la gerencia y la sensación de que están calificados para esas posiciones. Oficial de Wal-Mart no ha dado su mujer una oportunidad de solicitar o competir por un puesto de gestión en la empresa. 3. Wal-Mart está continuamente criticado por su política de atención de salud. ¿Es esto realmente una controversia en el ámbito de la ética empresarial? ¿Por qué o por qué no? Sí, esto realmente una controversia en el ámbito de la ética empresarial. Después de leer este estudio de caso veo una visión diferente de Wal-Mart. Los empleadores deberían tener el mejor interés en la salud de sus empleados. Una evitar y no ofrecer el mejor beneficio para los empleados pone de manifiesto que esta empresa carece de las responsabilidades sociales de las empresas. Creo que su único interés es operativo, y efectuar sus cotizaciones mensuales o anuales. 4. 4. En caso de Wal-Mart estar preocupado por la sindicalización de las tiendas ya que permite la sindicalización de los trabajadores en China? Sí, Wal-Mart debe estar preocupado por la sindicalización de las tiendas ya que permite la sindicalización de los trabajadores en China. Una...
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...in the numerous activities and the services provided by the club. Fitness first center will provide fitness and health services which are high in quality and pocket friendly in cost. SERVICES- The Fitness first Center has the following activities and services: * volleyball * Table Tennis * Fitness center with protein supplement * badminton * Massage * cafe * spa Market Analysis Summary Dublin is the capital and most famous city. The population of Dublin is grown by 1.6% each year for the past five years. The actual population of Dublin is approximately 5,456,123.In general, the city population is increasing employment in the city's high-tech companies. This has attracted a type of professional that is the target customer for the Mountain Brook Fitness Center. 4.1 Market Segmentation The Mountain Brook Fitness Center will focus on the young urban professionals as its primary customer base. Market Analysis | | | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | | Potential Customers | Growth | | | | | | CAGR | Young Professionals | 10% | 100,000 | 110,000 | 121,000 | 133,100 | 146,410 | 10.00% | Other | 0% | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00% | Total | 10.00% | 100,000 | 110,000 | 121,000 | 133,100 | 146,410 | 10.00% |...
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...know, Top of the Rock Toys want the children of our world to enjoy playing, yet at the same time continue to learn and develop the fundamentals needed to become the top minds in our country. The reason for this memo is to inform you that I will be leading the team that will develop this new product line, since this will be a joint effort from all the management team I am cordially asking that all teams that have data that pertains to demographics of our markets as well as psychographics please contact me as soon as possible so that I may begin to understand our target market, thus building our toy company into the leader of educational toys. The following will be a list of what I may or hope to obtain from the management team. The data that is provided will negate our goals so it is vital that you only pass along key information to the specific age group of 7-10 years of age. Our newest products have aimed their targets at younger children then normal, with this said we will want to understand the psychographics of these children’s behaviors. What we as a team must look at in particular is how the children in this age group make the decision to want to play with our toys. The main areas I would like to cover will be the personality of the children. It is not as simple as the personality of these children makes them...
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...to be taken. The concept of the study is to prepare a small business in Potrero Malabon City. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Figure 1. Conceptual Diagram of Proposed System Statement of the Problem This research entitled “Place Marketing Mix Strategies for Selected Local Brand Cupcake Product: Effectiveness Barangay Potrero Malabon City” aims to build a business which determines to know where in Barangay Potrero Malabon City. Furthermore this business take attract residence to buy a cupcake. Specifically, this study wants to answer the following question: 1. From which place in Potrero Malabon city would you choose to sell this product? a. Near school b. Near church c. At the market 2. Who will be your target costumer? a. Students/Children b....
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...Danny McInnis Meredith Murphy Melanie McKoin Calder Miller Elliot Beatty Red Stick Music Venue 11/15/13 FEASIBILITY STUDY WORKSHEET QUESTIONS 1. Cover Page This may seem obvious, but entrepreneurs sometimes forget this. 1.a. What is the venture name? 1.b What is (are) your name(s) and how can you be contacted? Address, phone, fax, e-mail. 2. Table of Contents This helps the reader find information quickly and easily. Include page numbers. (Again, it may seem obvious, but be sure that the page numbers on the table of contents actually match the page numbers in the text!). 3. Executive Summary This section is always the first to be read. In less than two pages, you must get the reader excited about your business concept. If you fail to interest your reader, this may be all that is read. In two pages or less, describe your organization, demonstrate that customers want your product or service, and describe your founding team. (The Executive Summary should be completed last. It should stand on its own.) 3.a. What problem do you address? 3.b. What is your proposed solution and organization? What business is it, or will it be, in? 3.c. What makes your product/service unique? What is your competitive advantage? 3.d. Who are your customers? How do you know that customers want your product or service? 3.e. What are the projected financials for the project? How much money is needed to start the venture? Where will you obtain funding? 3.f. Who is on the...
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...the method above is that allocation of overhead is distributed as a result of percentage of direct labor, when in reality the distributions are varied greatly as shown in exhibit 5 indicating a much higher usage for Flow Regulators. The difference between the above and the revised methods is that overhead is allocated as a percentage of materials used. Pumps use a lot less material, but their usage of labor is ignored and as such, they appear much cheaper than they actually are. 3. Looking at the below chart, we see that the margins are, for the most part, vastly different than planned. In order to make the target margins, prices for Pumps could lower to $75.11 and Controllers would have to rise to $155.02. What could be done, is to make over a 35% margin on the pumps to counter the loss of margin in the Flow Controllers. Valves Pumps Flow Controllers Target Selling Price 57.78 97.1 186.96 Actual Price 57.78 81.26 86.96 Needed Selling Price...
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...Advertising and Communications – Final Assignment Table of Contents Define your product 2 What is its function? 3 What problem or opportunity does it solve? 4 What is its name? 7 Reaching your audience 8 Who is your target audience? 9 What drivers will they respond to? 10 Delivering the message 11 What Integrated Marketing Communications mix will you select? 11 What specific media will you use? 14 Regulatory issues 15 What regulatory or trade association issues or restrictions do you operate under? 15 Final Campaign 16 Present a completed example of an advertising/commercial/alternate media campaign. 16 As we saw with the pre-assignment, the desserts are very diversified and can be eaten in different way: eat-in or take away, drink or eat, fruity or nature, for adults or children… This is a large subject and many actors are already implanted. Thus, in such a competitive environment, it is important for a new brand to be different: to offer a new concept in order to position the brand as the new favorite dessert in the consumer’s mind. Define your product According to a study managed by MedecineNet.com, United States’ children and teenagers do not eat enough fruits[1]. Moreover the obesity rate in the United States grew up last decades: ““Over the last three decades, obesity rates among children and adolescents have nearly tripled,” said CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, MD. “Obese children...
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...SPSS dataset. Answers to Case Questions 1. Use each unique hybrid model demographic profile to determine whether or not statistically significant associations exist, and if they do, recommend the specific media vehicles for radio, newspaper, television, and magazines. This exercise requires students to revisit the demographic groups they found significantly different for each hybrid model style in Case 17.3. With Case 17.3, they have identified groups within the various demographic variables that characterize each hybrid model’s target market. Here, they must determine the media preferences of those groups. So, they must run crosstabs for the demographic variables and the media preferences for each vehicle. If they find a statistically significant association, they then must look at the percentages tables to determine the media vehicles that are preferred by the hybrid model target groups. Since each hybrid model has a different set of target demographic groups, we only report the significant crosstabulations. Also, the SPSS output is too large to include here, so we have created column percentage tables and used bold font to identify the preferences of each group. For radio, the significant (95% level of confidence) associations are for age, education, job category, and income. Column Percents 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 49 50 to 64 65 and older 12% 9% 48% Grand Total 7% 19% 23% Classic Pop & Rock Country Easy listening 1% 11% 3% 5% 19% 9% 5% 38% 9% 11% 13%...
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...online communities for major corporate clients. And it was born in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1999 as a technology startup that provided a software solution in which employees of a client company could more easily communicate and collaborate. With the gradual development of market economy, the performance of Company Communispace also increases. It is $5 million in 2014 to an expected $36 million in 2009, and its employee count had had grown to more than 200 people across its six offices in the United Stated and several offices in Europe and Australia. And straight question about the customer Simmons wants to get a new brand of snacks for weight conscious consumers, they question whether the decision to enter the network WOM market? The target customers are the women age around 35-45 and the little child. For this point they get the two way analysis the different results. Get into the WOM or not it is the case important question. Do not get into the WOM market, the case one international and the other is not international market. For get into the WOM, they get three ways to analysis, Community Platform, Portal Platform and Ads company platform. For those we can get different result. And the first of the step for Internationalization Strategy, they should get familiar with the international market, get the E-business, get office between the two or more countries and get coworker with the location great company. The first...
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...1. Virginia Beach offered segmented marketing initiatives to attract different types of tourists. This strategy is highly successful with the use of a user-friendly Web site. It places target advertisements through specific media channels in order to reach each traveler segment. Currently, the target traveler segment of Virginia Beach includes singles without children, families, sports enthusiast and mature consumers. Personally, I think there can be more potential tourist segments for Virginia Beach. First of all, Virginia Beach is advertised as a fun resort area with many entertainment and activities. From my point of view, Virginia Beach is very American and foreign tourists would definitely like to experience the atmosphere. Therefore, it can place advertisements in the airports or even in the airplanes. When foreign travelers come to America, they will definitely see the advertising. Secondly, Virginia Beach wants to attract sports enthusiasts with activities like Annual Sand Soccer Tournament and its Rock n' Roll 1/2 Marathon. I think young students will also like this kind of activities, because it would fun to come to the beach during spring break or summer holidays. Virginia Beach’s positive and athletic image will help to promote its life style. It can advertise on campus in order to attract students. Last but not least, Virginia Beach can hold concerts or music festival at its four oceanfront stages to attract Fans will come to see their idiots or they will just...
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