...Women/ Sex “She wouldn't move any of her kings. What she’d do, when she’d get a king, she wouldn’t move it. She’d just leave it in the back row. She’d get them all lined up in the back row. Then she’d never use them. She just liked the way they looked when they were all in the back row (Salinger, 36).” “I was getting sort of nervous all of a sudden. I’m quite a nervous guy (Salinger, 39).” Jane represents innocence, purity, and Holden’s idealistic and unrealistic view of her. His perspective of her femininity is shattered when Stradlater reveals they are going out together which would explain why he is suddenly nervous. Holden is not just nervous because he’s “a nervous guy” but because Jane is not the same innocent child she used to be. He wants to keep her protected from corruption which would explain why he later attacks Stradlater. This relates to the theme of women/ sex because it reveals how sex play a part in the novel. To some, such as Stradlater, women and sex are trivial matters. However, to Holden, he seems to cherish women more. Childhood/ Growing Up “We all started horsing around all over the place. It was very childish, but everyone was really enjoying themselves (Salinger, 40).” “I felt like getting off the washbowl and getting old Stradlater in a half nelson. That’s a wrestling hold, in case you didn’t know, where you get the other guy around the neck and choke him to death, if you feel like it. So I did it. I landed him like a goddam panther (Salinger...
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...The Protection of innocence in The Catcher in The Rye Holden Caulfield, the protagonist in The Catcher in The Rye is a sixteen year old boy who is distressed between the corruptness of growing up, and the beauty of staying innocent. Holden can not withstand the thought of adulthood, he constantly emphasizes and intends to protect innocence in children. He fears that once a child loses their innocence they will become a “phony” like everyone else (Salinger 84). Holden tries to protect Jane Gallagher an old crush, Phoebe Caulfield his virtuous little sister, and all children who still have their innocence. Jane Gallagher is a not so beautiful girl that also happens to be Holden Caulfield's former crush. Jane Gallagher is...
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...This symbolizes his desire to grasp onto his innocence, his youthfulness. When reading the quote above, how he washed his face with the snow underneath him depicts this immensely. He wanted to wash the impurity within him. Therefore, the quote above demonstrates how Holden yearns to keep the innocence he once had as a child, like the pure white snow he is walking on. “Except for a few pimpy-looking guys, and a few whory looking blondes, the lobby was pretty empty.” (69) EXTRATEXTUAL: Holden decides to go downstairs to the Lavender Room, a night club, hosted in the hotel he is staying in at the moment. While changing into a clean shirt, he gets the urge to call Phoebe, which leads to him explaining what she is like. After he finished putting his shirt on, he takes the elevator to the lobby, in which he meets a few “pimpy-looking guys, and a few whory blondes” (69) in the lobby. The way Holden depicts these...
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...books are those which capture life, as I know it down to every specific detail. These books are similar to watching an HD TV; every detail is just so pronounced and accurate. Books that resemble this beautiful real life portrayal could be like J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in The Rye. Every emotion that Salinger delineates through his characterization of Holden Caulfield is so potent that those details resonate even more for someone dealing with a similar internal struggle. When I read the book at 15, every sensory detail that Salinger described helped better illuminate part of my own internal struggle. The over exaggeration of the resentment of society as being in genuine really captured my own internal resentment for molds that people contrive themselves to fit. The one scene with Caulfield sitting in the bathtub depressed after refusing sex from a hooker will always be infused into my constant sub consciousness. When I just feel worn out and pushed to my emotional limit, I see that image burned bright into my memory because that scene is the ultimate depiction of frustration and stress. Although, this style of writing may be beautiful, sometimes it is nice to escape the hyperrealism captured in a book like Catcher in The Rye, and instead read something that expands the mind’s imagination. The contrary to the book that affirms one’s emotions and ideas is the book that challenges one’s conception of reality. A book such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula has the unique ability to really push...
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...personality. His lies are always nonsensical and never correlate with what he’s really trying to mean. 4) “I’m quite illiterate, but I read a lot.” (24) In the beginning, Holden could be seen as a non-studious student who flunked every single subject he took except English. However, it doesn’t show that he doesn’t have an interest in those things. Although he is illiterate, Holden still reads quite a of book which can show what his interests and hobbies are. 5) “Sensitive. That killed me. That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a goddamn toilet seat.” (72) I appreciate all the comparisons that Holden makes regarding to things that he mentions because it has a remarkable sense of humour and also helps us understand each character. In this quote Holden accurately describes Ernest using a simile. He has great observation and inference skills indeed. 6) “I’d only been in about two fights in my life, and I lost both of them. I’m not too tough. I’m a pacifist, if you want to know the truth.” (59) This was after Stradlater punched Holden in the nose in the dorm after getting into a quarrel with each other. It’s quite unusual for a pacifist to get into a fight unless it is really something that ticks them off. This really shows how much Holden cares about Jane Gallagher, considering that he tried to start a fight with Stradlater. 7) “But I’m crazy. I swear to God I am. About halfway to the bathroom, I sort of started pretending I had a bullet in my guts” (135) The general idea about death...
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...In the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Mr. Antolini (an English teacher) tells the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, "I have a feeling that you're riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall" (pg. 168). This quote is terribly reflective of and true to Holden's experiences that he accounts in the novel. The entire novel is essentially Holden's account of the time between leaving Pencey Preparatory School and his institutionalization (which is revealed at the end of the novel). We can only assume that Holden has been sent to see "this one psychoanalyst guy" (pg. 192) because of his gradual mental breakdown or "fall" that is apparent throughout his narrative. This essay will recognize and trace the multiple signs, explanations and testaments of Holden's declining mental state. It is important to include Holden's past in this account and analysis of Holden's mental decline because Holden's past affects everything he does and contributes to his feelings of loneliness, depression and confusion. A supporting argument for this can be found by looking at causes for "mental breakdowns." Some common causes* of mental breakdowns that apply to Holden's particular case are: unresolved grief (as far as we know, Holden never received closure about his brother Allie's death or the suicide of a fellow student, James Castle.), academic problems (Holden failed out of three separate private schools), social stress (Holden tries and fails to connect to several characters such as...
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...The Catcher In t he Rye Dialogue Journal By Mary Katongole What the Book Says | Character Analysis / Holden | Chapter 1“If you really to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know…and what a lousy childhood was like, ………but I don’t feel like going into it, if you’ll want to know the truth.” (Salinger 1.) | I can tell this novel is going to be in first person. From what I can tell, the narrator or main character, Holden, isn’t very optimistic about his life. When I first read a couple lines of this paragraph, I thought to myself “this book is going to be terrible” because Holden didn’t really grab my attention like I thought. | Chapter 2 “ Have you yourself communicated with them? ….. And how do you think they’ll take the news? Well …. They’ll be pretty irritated about it; … This is about the fourth school I’ve gone to… “Boy?” I said. I also say “Boy? Quite a lot. Partly because I have a lousy vocabulary and partly because I act quite young for my age sometimes” (Salinger 9.) | At the beginning of this quote, Holden is talking to Mr. Old Spencer. Mr. old Spencer is asking Holden if he told his parents that he got expelled from school. Holden seems to know what his problems in school are, but he doesn’t want to do anything. He likes to make himself seem like a bad boy, but it just makes him look stupid. | Chapter 3“The whole time he roomed next...
Words: 1974 - Pages: 8
...iaJasper Jones Reading Guide S.A. Jones v2 April 2010 http://www.sajones.com.au Synopsis .................................................................................................................................................. 3 About the Author .................................................................................................................................... 3 Edition Used ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Morality and Ethics ................................................................................................................................. 3 Moral Duality ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Scapegoats .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Morality versus Ethics ......................................................................................................................... 5 Responsibility and Culpability ............................................................................................................. 6 Atonement .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Law and Legality .............................
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...TERM PAPER THE SIGNIFICANCE AND DEPTH OF THE MEDIA ON THE TEXTUAL INTERROGATION OF LITERATURE IN ‘MY FATHER’S BLOOD’ NAME: OJEBODE, AYOKUNMI OLADELE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH POSTGRADUATE STUDIES IN LITERATURE REDEEMER’S UNIVERSITY, EDE COURSE CODE/TITLE: ENG 871/ LITERATURE AND MEDIA LECTURER: DR. OFURE AITO THE STILL PHOTOGRAPHY AS LITERATURE IN THE 21ST CENTURY USING TY BELLO’S WORKS Introduction “Art is about collecting experiences and expressing them. For me music and photography are similar art forms. I collect experiences, stir them in myself and express it in my own language. Just like my photography, music is my language.” Ty Bello Today people live in a visually intensive society and a world of spectacular and exciting images. They are bombarded with an orderly and continuously stream of visual stimulation from all manner of media every day. They see mediated images more often than they read words. Images sell everything. This paper offers an analytical framework for understanding how still photography is Literature in the 21st Century, using TY Bello’s still pictures. According to Aristotle, “There can be no words without images”. The world is surrounded with mediated images in such a way that has never been witnessed in the history of mass communication. Every era has expressed itself in its own way since the beginning. Antiquity was the time of legends, epics and mythical narratives. During the sovereignty of this era, meaning was constructed...
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...CHAP TER Separating Ideas and Shaping Content Writing Paragraphs 1. PURPOSE, AUDIENCE, TONE, AND CONTENT L E A R N I N G 1. 2. 3. 4. 6 O B J E C T I V E S Identify the differences between summary, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation paragraphs Identify the content in writing paragraphs Demonstrate how audience and tone influence content Apply purpose, audience, tone, and content to a specific assignment Imagine reading a poorly written review of a movie that you would like to see this weekend. You cannot follow the characters, action, or conflict because the author of the review rambles on and on. Without clear paragraphs, this review will likely lose your interest, and you may skip the movie altogether! When you are the writer, it is helpful to position yourself as a reader. Ask yourself whether you can focus easily on each point you make. Effective writers use a single paragraph for each new idea they introduce. Paragraphs separate ideas into logical, manageable, and distinct units. Each paragraph focuses on only one main idea and presents coherent sentences to support that single point. Because all the sentences in one paragraph support the same point, a paragraph may stand on its own. Each paragraph is shaped by Purpose: the reason why the writer composes the paragraph. < Tone: the attitude the writer conveys about the paragraph’s subject. < Audience: the individual or group whom the writer intends to address. < Content: the written material in the paragraph...
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...CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS ETHICS?* Stories about “unethical” behavior in business abound. The recent scandals permeating the financial services, savings and loan, and other industries have caused a growing concern about ethics in the workplace. Success often appears to be measured in only dollars. The claim that “greed is good” seems to reflect the behavior of many people in our society. Indeed, the desire to possess more and more seems pervasive—and business, like other institutions, reflects the values, beliefs, and personal goals of our society. Time, Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and countless other magazines and newspapers have called attention to unethical practices, bemoaning the “sleaze, scandals, and hypocrisy”1 undermining our moral bearings. In short, there is a great deal of concern about ethics in general, and business ethics in particular. This reading will examine what ethics is and how people decide what is “right” and “wrong.” The word ethics has a number of meanings. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary gives several definitions of ethics, including: ● the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation ● a set of moral principles or values ● a theory or system of moral values 2 ● the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group. Ethics, in all of these definitions, is concerned with right or wrong behavior. This reading focuses on the discipline or study of ethics. 1. THE DISCIPLINE OF ETHICS This discipline...
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...John Green The Fault in Our Stars BACKGROUND INFO BACKGROUND AUTHOR BIO Full Name: John Michael Green Date of Birth: August 24th, 1977 Place of Birth: Indianapolis, Indiana Brief Life Story: John Green was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Immediately after his birth, Green’s parents moved to Orlando, Florida. During his youth, he attended Lake Highland Preparatory School, a boarding school near Birmingham, Alabama. Later, he attended Kenyon College where he graduated in 2000 with a double major in English and Religious Studies. After graduating from Kenyon, Green worked in a children’s hospital while he enrolled in divinity school with the intention of becoming an Episcopal Priest. He never attended divinity school, however, because his experience working in the hospital with children suffering from life-threatening illnesses inspired him to become a writer. He lived in Chicago for several years, writing book reviews, writing for radio, and working in publishing. During this time he wrote his first novel, Looking for Alaska (2005) to immediate, and increasing, success. He followed that first novel with An Abundance of Katherines (2006), Paper Towns (2008), and The Fault in Our Stars (2012), which reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for children. Green currently lives in Indianapolis with his wife and two kids, where he continues to write, produce videos, and speak publicly about an array of topics. chronicle his artistic journey in making the film adaption of his novel...
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...Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER by STEPHEN chbosky Published by: POCKET BOOKS, Simon and Schuster Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright 1999 by Stephen Chbosky BOOK JACKET INFORMATION standing on the fringes of life ... offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor. This haunting novel about the dilemma of passivity vs. passion marks the stunning debut of a provocative new voice in contemporary fiction: The Perks Of Being A WALLFLOWER This is the story of what it's like to grow up in high school. More intimate than a diary, Charlie's letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating. We may not know where he lives. We may not know to whom he is writing. All we know is the world he shares. Caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it puts him on a strange course through uncharted territory. The world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends. The world of sex, drugs, andThe Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. Through Charlie, Stephen Chbosky has created a deeply affecting coming-of-age story, powerful novel that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller coaster days known asgrowingup. visit us on the world wide web _inghttpwhststwwwlessimonsayscom_wh _inghttpwhststwwwmtvcom_wh stephenchboskygrew...
Words: 66427 - Pages: 266
...This text was adapted by The Saylor Foundation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License without attribution as requested by the work’s original creator or licensee. Saylor URL: http://www.saylor.org/books Saylor.org 1 Preface Writing is often a challenge. If you were ever challenged to express yourself via the written word, this book is for you. Writing for Success is a text that provides instruction in steps, builds writing, reading, and critical thinking, and combines comprehensive grammar review with an introduction to paragraph writing and composition. Beginning with the sentence and its essential elements, this book addresses each concept with clear, concise, and effective examples that are immediately reinforced with exercises and opportunities to demonstrate learning. Each chapter allows students to demonstrate mastery of the principles of quality writing. With its incremental approach, this book can address a range of writing levels and abilities, helping each student prepare for the next writing or university course. Constant reinforcement is provided through examples and exercises, and the text involves students in the learning process through reading, problem solving, practicing, listening, and experiencing the writing process. Each chapter also has integrated examples that unify the discussion and form a common, easy-tounderstand basis for discussion and exploration. This will put students at ease and allow for greater...
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...21 23 32 SECOND DRAFT 4.1.4 Drama 4.1.5 Films 4.1.6 Literary Appreciation 4.1.7 Schools of Literary Criticism 4.2 Catering for Learner Diversity 4.3 Meaningful Homework 4.4 Role of Learners Chapter 5 41 45 52 69 71 72 73 74 Assessment 5.1 Guiding Principles 5.2 Internal Assessment 5.2.1 Formative Assessment 5.2.2 Summative Assessment 5.3 Public Assessment 5.3.1 Standards-referenced Assessment 5.3.2 Modes of Public Assessment 74 74 74 75 77 77 77 Quality Learning and Teaching Resources 104 6.1 Use of Set Texts 6.2 Use of Other Learning and Teaching Resources 104 108 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 109 Supporting Measures 7.1 Learning and Teaching Resource Materials 7.2 Professional Development 109 109 Appendix 1 Examples of Poetry Analysis 110 Appendix 2 Examples of...
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