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Catholic Church Research Paper

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There is a big Catholic church in front of my uncle’s house and I have seen it since when I was young. I sometimes followed my grandparents who believed in Catholics, so I had an opportunity to go inside with them and experience the atmosphere of services of the religion though I do not remember now. Therefore, I can say that Catholic is the most familiar religion besides Christianity which I have deep faith in. What I remember from my memory about Catholics is that Mary is highly respected and worshiped in the religion. Until I learned about Catholics in this class, I have thought that Mary is the superior one that people worship and they do not worship to God as much as they do to Mary. As I learn about this religion through the course, however, I was able to know the true side of the religion and find the new aspects of the religion. Therefore, I decided to visit a Catholics church. The main reason …show more content…
The name of the church was Kumgok Church and the address is “29, Gyeongchun-ro 1015, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.” I went there on Sunday, July 12th. The service took place at 6 o’clock in the evening. The service I attended was “youth mass.” It was not the main service but it was mainly for youth group including college students. However, I was able to find many adults in the service as well. There were many women wearing white clothes over their heads, but I was not able to see any special clothes for men. The building itself was not abnormal. It was a brisk building that looked pretty new. The auditorium had a high ceiling and it had stained glass windows in every window, which I thought that it looked very nice and antique. Because it had high ceiling, it gave me more stable mood when I first went it. Since I arrived at the church right on time, I was not able to see any person greeting in front of the church. However, I assume that there is not a person particularly to greet people in front of

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