...debris at a total cost of cleanup of $750 million”. The impact caused polluted air throughout the city. Thousands of hard working people died. Thus, 9/11 became a terrible event in America that impacted memories and lives. The Twin Towers were known for its massive architecture in New York City. It was completed (April 4, 1973), the towers grabbed attention due to its beauty of architecture. The Towers were, “One and Two World Trade Center, rose at the heart of the complex”. Moreover, the Twin Towers took...
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...tutorial x 13 weeks) Level: Foundation/Matriculation Lecturers: Ms Fazidah Abdul Jamil., Mdm Goh Wan Chen, Ms Saratha Thevi Ramasamy, Ms Norzaireen Shamsul Kamar Synopsis: This course is designed for students who require the necessary skills for tertiary studies. Some basic grammatical concepts are taught and students are to apply them in their writing. Writing will focus on the development of coherent paragraphs. Reading skills will cover such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and inferences. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will be able to: 1. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in writing 3. answer questions based on academic texts 4. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011). Q: Skills for Success 4 : Reading and Writing Oxford University Press, UK 2. Paterson, K, and Wedge, R., (2013). Oxford Grammar for EAP. Oxford University Press, UK Recommended References: Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1997), Cambridge University Press, UK Mode of Assessment: [1] Class participation 5% [2] Quiz 1 15% [3] Quiz 2 10% [4] Oral Presentation 10% [5] Mid-Term Examination 20% [6] Final Examination 40% Syllabus – FDENG001 |Week |UNIT |Topics ...
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...9/11 Essay Terrorism has been a very influential problem in American history and has had an enormous effect on U.S. From Pearl Harbor, First World Trading Center, Truck Bombing of Federal Building, and last but not least September 11, 2001. September 11th was a very devastating event in the history of America. This was a huge problem and caused depression, mourning, and paranoid many people. Of course, this affected many people and to this day still does. What do you think caused 9/11?.... Let's find out. September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day in American history. It all started when 19 terrorists boarded multiple airplanes, hijacked them, and crashed them into different targets. The terrorists focus was at the Pentagon and World...
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...RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN GRADES 17 & 16 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 1971 ENGLISH ESSAY Maximum marks: 100 C SS .C O M .P Note: Write an essay in ENGLISH on ONE of the following: 1. Man as part of a design infinitely vaster than himself. 2. Knowledge demands love as its complement. 3. The amusement mania. 4. The art of feature films made in Pakistan. 5. Art and Religion. 6. Education of freedom. 7. Brain-washing. 8. The lessons of the past. 9. Requisites for social progress in Pakistan. 10. How words change our lives? 11. Man is condemned to be free. 12. Leaders and followers. K Time allowed: 3 hours ENGLISH ESSAY EXAMINATION 1972 Maximum marks: 100 C SS .C O M .P Write an essay in English on One of the following: 1. Relevance of Islam to Science. 2. The sanctity of law. 3. Competitive results of planned economy? 4. The sick soul. 5. The strategy of political warfare. 6. “If’ in History. 7. Psychology and its social meaning. 8. Reverence for life. 9. International morality. 10. The divided self and the process of its unification. 11. Statesmen and Diplomatists. 12. The foundations of the feature. K Time allowed: 3 hours ENGLISH ESSAY EXAMINATION 1973 Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100 1. (a) Make an outline for writing an Essay in English on One of the following subjects: (b) Write the Essay on the subject you have selected more or less on the basis of the Outline you have...
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...Acquisitions Editor: Joseph Opiela Senior Supplements Editor: Donna Campion Electronic Page Makeup: Big Color Systems, Inc. Instructor’s Manual to accompany The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook, 5e and The Longman Writer: Rhetoric and Reader, Brief Edition, 5e, by Nadell/McMeniman/Langan and Comodromos Copyright ©2003 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Instructors may reproduce portions of this book for classroom use only. All other reproductions are strictly prohibited without prior permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Please visit our website at: http://www.ablongman.com ISBN: 0-321-13157-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - D O H - 05 04 03 02 CONTENTS THEMATIC CONTENTS vi COLLABORATIVE AND/OR PROBLEM-SOLVING ACTIVITIES TEACHING COMPOSITION WITH THE LONGMAN WRITER A SUGGESTED SYLLABUS ANSWER KEY 19 PART 1: THE READING PROCESS Ellen Goodman, “Family Counterculture” PART 2: THE WRITING PROCESS Chapter 2: Getting Started Through Prewriting 20 Chapter 3: Identifying a Thesis 22 Chapter 4: Supporting the Thesis With Evidence 24 Chapter 5:...
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...GET IELTS BAND 9 In Academic Writing 15 MODEL ESSAYS SHOWING YOU HOW TO GET BAND 9 IN ACADEMIC WRITING TASK 2 Published by Cambridge IELTS Consultants Cambridge, United Kingdom Copyright © Cambridge IELTS Consultants and Jessica Alperne, Peter Swires 2014. All rights are reserved, including resale rights. This e-book is sold subject to the condition that it will not be copied, stored or redistributed in any form. Also on Kindle from the same publisher: . Packed with advice, examples, models to follow and real Band 9 essays to help you get the best possible result. Get IELTS Band 9 In Academic Writing Contents Introduction from the authors Explanation of the different types of Academic Task 2 essay OPINION type tasks: Model essays IDEAS type tasks: Model essays Summary of the model essays Tasks for you to practice Key to practice tasks The 10 most common mistakes in IELTS academic writing Help from the experts Introduction from the authors For many people, the most difficult part of the IELTS Academic exam is the Task 2 essay in the writing test. This is because few people understand the different types of Task 2 essay, and few people take the time to read examples of high quality Task 2 essays before they take the exam. We are here to help! In this book we show you how to analyze the Task 2 question, and we explain the different types of essay you may be asked to write. Most importantly, this book provides you with fifteen examples...
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...how the events of 911 have fueled the increased acceptance of ethnic and religious profiling against Arab and Muslim immigrants. The author strongly articulates her point and uses several sources as arguments, but her use of circular reasoning fails to persuade her reader. The authors evidence and reasoning is much stronger when pervasive pattern is summarized, well informed evidence bringing to light the issues we face towards profiling is not going away. Reading Lee’s essay there was flow that was evident from the introduction and throughout the body to the conclusion because the author keeps to the same idea in the introduction as in the conclusion that immigrants faced injustice and were profiled for terrorism because they were Arab or Muslim. The author executed clear topic sentences that goes hand in hand with the overall flow of the article. The topic sentences were clear but the paragraphs could have been in a different order; such as the pervasive pattern be a topic towards the beginning of the essay. Overall the paragraphs were organized well with evidence and the organization of evidence was okay. The main thing that seemed to get lost in the organization was the thesis because the thesis was not in a useful...
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...2011 Student/Teacher Memo 1. What was your purpose? What effect were you trying to achieve? My purpose was to write about tanning as a cause of the skin cancer, and about skin cancer as a consequence of tanning. 2. What was interesting about the process you went through in writing this paper, and what did you learn from it? It was very interesting to research about skin cancer, as I am particularly interested on the subject. I also did not know tanning or any ultraviolet radiation exposure can have such serious consequences. 3. What was the most difficult aspect about this paper, and what did you learn from the attempt? It was difficult to give it a clear structure on cause/effect, although the subject clearly illustrates this structure. 4. What do you see as the strengths of the paper, and what would you try to do if you were to revise it some more? The strength of the paper is the very reliable sources. 5. What’s not a part of your paper that you think might help a reader understand or appreciate it more? What didn’t you put in? I did not further develop on skin cancer, how it presents and develops. 6. What kind of grammar or formatting feedback would you like from your instructor? I would appreciate full feedback on both. 7. When using the APUS Online Library article databases, did you evaluate the credibility of the sources you chose? Yes. 8. Are your memo and essay in correct MLA format? Yes. 9. Did you save your file using your last name and the name of...
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... 3. Although it may seem like you are looking at nothing, you are really looking at the absence of what used to be. 4. To a tourist, the site simply looks like a construction site. 5. Looking at the site even gives off the vibe that construction gives, of hope and curiosity. 6. Then your eyes adjust to the most striking part about the scene: the light. 7. Berne compares ground zero to a bowl of light, empty yet vast. What is missing becomes clearer as a watery glow from the light reflecting off the Hudson River covers everything. 8. Suddenly, she starts to see the tragedy, including the firefighters and the boarded windows. 9. Suddenly, the cemetery is visible, along with all of the personal belongings and headstones. 10. It takes time to see the tragedy and make sense of it all. 11. An old man near her is trying to explain to her son how he saw the site before the towers were even built. 12. It is clear many people are dissatisfied with being able to express only vague expressions. 13. Most of the people were picturing what they saw in the media, with the towers with black smoke around them. 14. Berne decided to get tickets for the viewing platform to get a better idea of the scene and had to ask dozens of people and cops for directions. 15. Berne watched a bad juggler as she waited at the ticket kiosk for the next available viewing in four hours. 16. She left and went to a deli and waited by a glass window with her...
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...into two parts which are (1) Group Essay and (2) Group Presentation. TASK 1- Synthesis Essay Writing - (20%) In your LECTURE class: 1. Get into groups of 4-5 students. 2. Each group is to choose a theme (e.g. Petroleum). This theme has to be agreed by all group members before given to the lecturer. Lecturer is required to approve your theme before you can finalize it. 3. If your group could not decide on a theme, the lecturer will provide a list of themes for your choosing. 4. Themes are chosen on first-come-first-serve basis. 5. NO two groups in one lecture may choose a common theme. 6. Then, decide the genre/angle/aspect of the theme which you are going to use to compose your essay and discuss with your lecturer and seek approval. - E.g. Let’s say that the theme of your group is ‘Petroleum’. You are then required to choose either to write a problem-solution essay or a cause-effect essay based on the theme chosen i.e. - Problem of petroleum on economy. - Solution to implement subsidy. - Solution to reduce vehicle usage. 7. Seek external references for your essay (magazine articles, newspaper articles, journals, and credible websites) as sources for your essay. 8. Collect a MINIMUM OF 5 sources for your essay and these sources MUST be quoted in your essay. (APA format) 9. Plan and compose a synthesis essay from 500 - 750 words. Updated: Semester201601 1 10. Submit the final copy of essay to TURNITIN in Week 10 (refer to deadline...
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...AP USA Essay Writing Seven Steps of Essay Writing 1. Read and Analyze the question. • What is the question asking? • What is the question asking you to do? • What type of question is it? 2. Collect and sort the data needed to answer the question. • Brainstorm a list of factual information. • Create categories for this information. 3. Create your thesis statement. • The thesis is your answer to the question. It is the guiding argument of the essay. • The thesis must fully address the question, take a position with regard to the question, and provide organizational categories for analysis. 4. Write the introduction to your essay. • Begin with a broad statement on the topic. • Narrow the paragraph with 2-3 sentences that bring the question into focus. • Conclude with the thesis statement. 5. Write the body of the essay. • Each paragraph must have a topic sentence. • Each paragraph must have evidence, or historical fact. • Each paragraph must have analysis, which may be presented as interpretation or commentary. • Each paragraph must contain a “clincher” sentence. • Each paragraph must contain a transition sentence that directs the reader to the next paragraph. 6. Write the conclusion. • The conclusion must reinforce the thesis, not restate it. • The conclusion must summarize the main...
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...Assignment 4: “Reagan Revolution through President Obama” In this essay I will identify and analyze the impact of two major historical points in the period under discussion. I will explain ways in which the AIDS epidemic shook Americans general confidence beginning in the 1980s. I will give two examples of how deregulation movement of the Reagan era affects us today. I will discuss the factual rationale behind this nations decision to go to war with Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attacks as well as the response from the international community. Will the Obama Revolution advance America’s interest Washington, March 1, 2012-Thomas Jefferson once observed, “Every generation disserves a new revolution.” Depleted in war and facing economic collapse, America embraced Barrack Obama as a vanguard of the revolutionary hope in 2008. Where candidate Obama had a thin substantive record to assert the claim for highest elective office in 2008, Obama has laid down numerous markers since January 2009 that deserve and should get close scrutiny through Election Day. Turning points in history can mean that changes in the ways things are done in the past, sometimes for the better and other times for the worse. Two notable turning points in history were the Industrial Revolution and also World War I. These both had some political and social impacts. The Industrial Revolution was a time of great change and increased efficiency. No more would goods be produced by individual means of...
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...you can finalize it. 3. If your group could not decide on a theme, the lecturer will provide a list of themes for your choosing. 4. Themes are chosen on first-come-first-serve basis. 5. NO two groups in one lecture may choose a common theme. 6. Then, decide the genre/angle/aspect of the theme which you are going to use to compose your essay and discuss with your lecturer and seek approval. - E.g. Let’s say that the theme of your group is ‘Petroleum’. You are then required to choose either to write a problem-solution essay or a cause-effect essay based on the theme chosen i.e. - Problem of petroleum on economy. - Solution to implement subsidy. - Solution to reduce vehicle usage. 7. Seek external references for your essay (magazine articles, newspaper articles, journals, and credible websites) as sources for your essay. 8. Collect a MINIMUM OF 5 sources for your essay and these sources MUST be quoted in your essay. (APA format) 9. Plan and compose a synthesis essay from 500 - 750 words. 10. Submit the final copy of essay to TURNITIN in Week 9 (refer to deadline given by lecturer) 11. Compile and submit the hardcopy of the assignment to your lecturer in Week 10. REMINDER: • This will be a group task and marks will be awarded on a group basis. •...
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...Model essay questions Use the model essay emailed to you to answer the questions below. 1) Write the thesis statement from the introduction below. Tourism impacts can be arranged into environment, socio-cultural and economic. 2) Our essay thesis is: Research shows that over consumption of junk food is detrimental to health. To what extent can education be the answer to this problem? What do you think the essay thesis is for this essay? The essay thesis is clear, easy to understand all words and show how we need to divide into essay. Do you think the essay thesis is clear from the thesis statement in the introduction? The essay thesis is very clear from the thesis statement in the introduction because is summary all the main idea which will be on essay. 3) What are the subtopics for this essay? Subtopic 1: Facts of junk food Subtopic2: Effect of junk food Subtopic3: What is a solution to avoiding the harmful effects of eating too much junk food? 4) Looking at the subtopic list – how many body paragraphs would you assume there are. There are three paragraphs in my essay 5) Write the topic sentence for paragraph 1 here. Today, fast food is one of the essential needs of human which gives them quick energy and save time. Besides, each of us needs to know about facts of fast food. There are a lot of the truth about junk food such as high sugar, quick service, high in fat . . . but especially junk food is cheaper and low nutrient....
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...presented here.) The Written Exam will start at 9:00 AM and will finish at 12:00 AM You will be allowed to bring in the classroom only a pen and a pencil / rubber and nothing else (no phone, NO pc Nor any other electronic device) the oral exam will start at 12:30 Up to 3 points will be given at the oral exam where we will review the answer given at the written exam and if needed we will choose other questions taken from the pool in order to probe the knowledge gained. The oral exam usually last 15 minutes per candidate. up to 2 points will be assigned by the teacher based on the presence and participation during the entire course. Slides and PDF Books (for your personal reference and interest only) are available on iCorsi. Lean Six Sigma Paolo Rossetti – 2014 – Page 1 of 12 POOLs of QUESTIONS 01 - Six Sigma in a Nutshell 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is quality? How Gavin defines quality using different “dimensions”? State and comment the 8 dimensions of quality. Which is the Six Sigma definition of quality? What does CTQ stands for? What types of CTQ exists? Which are the sources of variability in a product? How can variability be expressed in statistical terms? How Edward Deming contributed to the Quality discipline? What are the lesson learned from Deming? [Essay] What does PDCA stands for in Deming’s approach? What is ISO9000? Which is the focus of Six Sigma? 10. Which is the difference between DMAIC and DfSS / DMADV? 11. What are the principles of Six Sigma? 12....
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