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Causes Of Ebola, Zika, And The Black Death

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Pages 8
Disease can cause a devastating effect on both the human body but also the human population. Throughout several time periods of the present and past, disease have caused a humongous impact of several society's in different countries around the world. Several large pandemics and epidemics have killed off the population of many species including humans and primates. Wether the time period be in the present or as far back as the Middle Ages. Three known diseases have all created a huge conflict on different civilizations, causing different, unanswered question to arise. Much research has gone into each individual disease, to solve the problem of each's symptoms and possible, treatments or prevention so.Ebola, Zika, and the Black Death have threatening …show more content…
One of the largest problems facing countries is the mystery behind Zika. The disease was first discovered in 1947, named after the area in which it was found, the Zika forest in Uganda. Very little information is known of the disease, except of what mosquito originally cause the disease. The mosquito is known as the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, it is the leading spread of Zika. The mosquito itself feels harmless when feeding, primarily on humans, making it less of a chance someone will try to kill it, when being bitten. This mosquito is know to biting four to five humans in one of its meals. There is no known treatment or vaccine for the disease, although Mosquito population control and the avoiding of mosquito bites are the only known prevention of the disease. Although, there are two other known causes of spreads, from a pregnant woman to her baby, or through sexual contact or through blood transmission. The low amount of information of the disease, is primarily what makes this disease so threatening. Pregnant women and their babies are the only people harmed when infected, in which much research is being done to solve what effects the disease has on their bodies,"Now, for the first time, Zika is suspected of being the culprit behind a constellation of devastating birth defects, most notably microcephaly, a rare condition in which babies are born with head and brain abnormalities. In adults, the virus has been associated with another rare condition, called Guillain-Barré syndrome, that can result in paralysis and even death. But, even at this point, scientists are not able to say definitively that Zika is the cause of the problems" ("Why Zika is much more Insidious, Cunning and Evil"). Once infected symptoms last for days, but rarely leads to death or hospital attention because of a persons illness due to symptoms. Symptoms may include fever, rash, joint

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