...Causes and effect of childhood obesity Introduction: Nowadays the majority of children all around the world suffer from being overweight or obesity. In the United States of America in particular, there exists the highest proportion of childhood obesity in the world. These figures are continuing to grow in this country as well as in other developed and developing countries. In addition, almost 25% of children suffer from being clinically overweight while a staggering 11% of children are clinically obese in the States according to the latest statistics (Dehghan et al, 2005). Obesity in childhood is defined as an excess of fat in the child's body. Body mass index (BMI) can also be used to define obesity in childhood and adults. This sort of measurement can classify obesity into different categories, for example, normal weight, underweight, overweight, obesity, obesity class 1, obesity class 2 and obesity class 3 (Onyike et al, 2003). The major problem of childhood obesity is that is has become one of the most serious nutritional issues in the world.. The obesity epidemic has been spreading since 1971 in both developed and developing countries, especially in the United States of America (Dehghan et al, 2005). In recent years, the obesity epidemic has grown rapidly in these counties. There are several influences which are responsible for the increase in the rate of childhood obesity in the States. For instance, consumption of fast food which contains a large amount of calories...
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...Megan Lawson Professor Watson English 1301 4 December 2015 Obesity “Would you like to make that a larger!” the lady screamed through the intercom at the women in the drive through. Have you ever wondered why such a high percentage of people are obese? The answer might be simple but in the world today half of the population in the U.S struggle with obesity. Including there are 3 million U.S cases per year being recorded on obesity, why? You ask. Partially because the amount of fast food restaurants in the U.S is an over load. Every corner that you may turn there is a guaranteed to have a Sonic, Taco Bell, Jack in the box, and the most famous McDonalds. There are many cause and effects to obesity not just the fast food restaurants. There are many ways to prevent obesity being that it such an unhealthy world. Obesity is a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems. People may think there are many causes of obesity such as genetics, but at the most those are just risk factors. With having these risk factors it only increases a person’s chance of becoming obese, it doesn’t necessarily make you obese. The causes of obesity can vary, but the main cause is very simple. It is mostly when a person consumes more calories from food then he or she is able to burn or consume. For example if you are at McDonalds and you order a Big Mac, with you eating the whole burger getting extremely full, feeling like you are about to explode; you are eating...
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...Obesity When it comes to statistics, Oklahoma has the sixth highest obesity rate in the nation. In 2014, the current obesity rate was 33 percent. Each year 150 billion dollars is spent only on obesity conditions. Obesity has a lot of negative effects on a person’s health. One effect of obesity is high blood pressure. Blood vessels then have to circulate more blood to the fat tissue, making the heart work harder to pump more blood through additional blood vessels. The next effect of obesity is diabetes. Obesity blocks insulin, which is that hormone that regulates blood sugar. One last effect of obesity is sleep apnea. Obesity allows unneeded weight to make the chest wall squeeze the lungs, causing restricted breathing. Genetics, overeating,...
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...Aakash Shah 10/15/12 Effects of Obesity While I am not obese, and I do not ever plan on it, I have a personal connection to obesity and the nature of the epidemic. I am an EMT for the Middlesex Area and I see many different things while on the job. Something that really hit home to me was how obesity was so widespread yet no one cared to turn his or her cheeks toward the issue. I have personally seen many different cases of obese people that struggle with the simplest tasks, including going to the bathroom, driving, walking their dogs. Essentially this epidemic lets people eat themselves into oblivion and depression leads to overeating and pleasure eating. My personal connection to this subject drives me to exemplify to society that this is a pressing issue and everything should be done to cap it and stop its progression. The United States of America today follows many different trends and patterns within its society. Societal trends have been evident through the history of the nation. A pattern that has revolutionized society today is the health craze. The sport of being fit is a priority and people are getting in shape better than ever. Commercials from athletic conglomerate corporations such as Nike, Reebok, and Adidas are marketing being fit with new gear, sneakers, and apparel to attract people to such products. But, there is an issue at large. A rising issue in the United States is obesity, which is cited to be a major health issue in recent decades but had grown to...
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...Obesity has become an epidemic in American Society. Since the nineteen eighties childhood obesity rates have tripled and have started in earlier in age. In high school students obesity rates have risen by fifteen percent. In four states obesity rates for adults have exceeded thirty five percent. Obesity is being portrayed as being beautiful, which people should be comfortable in their own skin, but the health effects that obesity causes is far from beautiful. Nearly seventy eight million adults and almost thirteen million children are obese in the United States. In the 1950's the percentage of obese adults was only ten percent, and has now risen to thirty five percent. An adult is averaged to weigh twenty six more pounds more than...
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...Childhood Obesity In today's society childhood obesity is considered to be an epidemic. The increase in obesity is not caused by the change in the gene pool, but rather by the change in the environment. This causes vulnerable populations to express the obesity phenotype (Stune, 1999). One in seven children ages 6-17 are considered to be obese. Most nutritionists will say that this is do to the lack of parental guidance. A child's parents should teach their child proper eating habits so that they won't run across problems in the future (Tomlin, 1999). According to the article Facts about childhood Obesity and Overweightness, obese children are statistically not active, and their diets are high in fats and low in energy foods, like carbohydrates . Most doctors will calculate a child's body mass index (BMI), to figure out just how overweight a child is. If a child's BMI is over 30, they are considered obese. In order to calculate one's BMI, you would divide the your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters (Mokdad, 1999). What causes obesity? Weight gain among children is likely due to a combination of factors including: poor dietary habits, genetic makeup, family lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and a child's ethnicity. Obesity is more prevalent among Hispanic, African-American and American Indian children, particularly girls (Mayohealth.org 1997). Overweight children are not necessarily overeaters. Unfortunately, much of the food they...
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...Aminuddin (2010601584) Effects of fast foods among youths Introduction Food is one of the main necessitates we need to survive. Food mains goal is to provide our body with vitamins, minerals, and sustenance. Food ,which is supposed to be something safe and good for us, is now a high risk necessitates because of new technology and the way food is being made is so harmful that it is causing many people to become unhealthy to the point that some are dying from food such as fast foods. Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly and any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food (Jennifer, 2003). Fast food consumption has grown dramatically in recent years. The fast food restaurant has permeated every part of our country so much that, in some areas, it seems as though every small city one of the fast food restaurants will be there. Thesis Statement There are many effects of fast foods among youths such as fast foods can cause obesity, can lead to many diseases, and can cause depression. Development of the first main point One of the effects of fast foods is obesity. A condition in which the body has dangerous quantity of body fat is called obesity. The people who weight more than 20% than their usual weights are classified as obese persons (Alte, Schiff, 1998). Alte and Schiff (1998) also stated that a condition when the body has a lot of fat is called obesity. The persons who are obesity weight from 10% to 19% than...
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...The American Obesity Epidemic Obesity, a condition in which the body has an excessive accumulation of stored fat, is an epidemic plaguing the United States. A person is obese if their body mass index (BMI) is thirty percent or higher. According to recent statistics, more than 91.3 million Americans are obese. While not exclusive factors, diet, lifestyle, and education are causes that contribute greatly to the obesity epidemic, and can have severe consequences for not only the individual, but also for the United States. One of the main causes of obesity is improper diet. More than fifty-one percent of Americans eat processed foods that are high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and calories. These processed foods are typically packaged foods purchased at the grocery store, and foods purchased at fast food restaurants. Along with eating unhealthy foods, people in the United States tend to eat large portions. Numerous studies have proven that a combination of eating the aforementioned foods and eating large portions, contributes greatly to obesity. So why is it that more than half of the American population chooses to eat large amounts of food that contain such unhealthy ingredients? A majority of Americans turn to packaged foods and fast food restaurants due to their fast-paced lifestyles. Due to the decrease in unskilled labor, more Americans are in skilled professions that generally require more hours worked in a sedentary job with little to no exercise. If you combine...
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...Childhood Obesity in the United States of America Tolulope Adedokun Introduction to psychology Dr. Michael Gawrysiak November 28, 2014 Table of contents Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Causes of Obesity ………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Heredity …………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Social Environment ……………………………………………………………………… 5 Social Status …………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Birth Weight …………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Effects of Obesity ………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Health Effects ……………………………………………………………………………. 7 Mental Effects …………………………………………………………………………… 7 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Solutions to Childhood Obesity in The United States of America ………………………………. 8 References ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Abstract Childhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in developing countries especially in the United States of America. Twenty five percent of children in the US are overweight and 11% are obese. Overweight and obesity in childhood are known to have significant impact on both physical and psychological health. This paper describes the causes, effects, and solutions to childhood obesity in the...
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...Childhood Obesity Diminishment Attaining a school based obesity prevention program can be one of the most gratifying things when applied. The promises of it’s success seem well worth the subject of having to raise a program that would be feasible for students, as well as teachers, parents and staff in a school setting. Considering the prevalence of pediatric obesity, it is imperative that adults involved in the education system in any way discover new ways to promote healthy attitudes and behavior from children. Schools are a strategic organizational setting for obesity prevention, but school-based interventions adopting lifestyle behaviors to prevent obesity have had mixed success. It was clear that having a team effort towards implementing...
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...health. C. Thesis: Obesity in America has a lot of history, causes, and effects. II. Transition, Main Point 1: To begin with, the history of obesity wasn’t as bad as it is now. A. Obesity – condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. (Definition, Merriam-webster.com) B. Being fat was a mark of wealth and health before the 1900’s because it indicated you had the resources to get lots of food. (Example, livestrong.com) C. More than one billion adults across the globe are overweight. (Statistic, www.voxeu.org) D. 34% of Americans are obese compared to 24% of Canadians. (Comparison, huffingtonpost.com) III. Transition, Main Point 2: Secondly, there are a variety of causes of obesity in the U.S. A. Certain aspects of society and food production are known to play a role in the increase in obesity over the past decades. (fact, livestrong.com) B. According to the national Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. (Statistic, wvdhhr.org) C. We are enormously addicted to an enormous array of garbage foods, known as legal poisons and industrial additives. (Opinion, hesh Goldstein from Obesity Epidemic article – naturalnews.com) D. “The global epidemic of obesity is completely out of control.” (Quote, BBC International Obesity Conference) IV. Transition, Main Point 3: Lastly, the effects of obesity haven’t been good for...
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...Are sugary drinks really bad for children and adolescents health? Sugar-sweetened beverages portion sizes have risen dramatically over the past 40 years and children are consuming more sugary drinks than ever. This issue has been a result of the obesity widespread as well as one of the leading causes of tooth decay in children. While some sugar-sweetened beverages contain vitamins and minerals to indicate that they are healthier, parents should encourage children to consume healthier drinks rather than sugary drinks because they can cause dental problems, increases the chances of health related issues as well as cause weight gain which leads to childhood obesity. What is a sugary drink? A sugary drink is defined as any beverage that is sweetened with naturally-derived caloric...
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...Nowadays, people are emphasizing too much on pursuit of wealth in their life yet overlooked the importance of health. Recently, the issues related to obesity around the world are increasing as well as in our country. Obesity in Malaysia is growing in an alarming rate and it has associated with multiple problems. Ismail (2002) claimed that 20.7% of Malaysia’s adults are overweight with a BMI between 25.0 and 29.9. According to Asia Pacific Family Medicine, obesity is a condition in which the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissue of humans and other mammals, is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health conditions or increased mortality (2009). Not only adults, childhood obesity also become one of the serious problems. It grown considerably in the past two decades and most of the children are more likely become overweight adults. Obesity will lead to suffering from the disease, for example heart attack and diabetes. According to Price, Danielle and Nicholas (2000), there are around 300,000 people die each year because infect the disease that causes by obesity (as cited by Sidik and Rampal, 2009). Generally, I strongly agree that obesity is a kind of disease among Malaysian because obesity can cause physical, mental and social problem. First and foremost, obesity can cause negative effects to our bodily systems, which will further affect our physical health. People who excesses weight will more care about their body health, compare to normal...
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...Obesity in the UK Obesity has been existing in the UK for a long time, but recently it has become a main healthy concern taken seriously by the whole society. The reason for this is that the number of obese people in the UK is significantly increasing which shows a prevalence of obesity in the population. According to Foresight modelling, there could be over a half of the adults and about 25% of all children under 16 being overweight by 2050. The cause of obesity can be various. Personal responsibility has a strong effect on weight gain. Nowadays due to the hectic work, many people develop an unhealthy eating habit such as skipping breakfast, eating processed or fast food without fruits and vegetables and disordered diets. For example, in most offices, staffs have 2 hours of break time so the fast food can be the best choice for lunch. Besides, currently under the enormous social pressure, some people release themselves by gluttony and drinking alcohol which all contain a lot of calories. Lack of sleep is another factor contributed to overweight. The experts claim that getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night can directly lead to changes in harmonies that increase ones appetite. As a consequent, people are tending to eat more in the days. On the other hand, today’s ‘obesogenic’ environment with its sufficiency of high caloric diet, mechanized transportation and sedentary lifestyles play a crucial part in put on weight. Recent years, fast food rapidly extends to the world...
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...obese; likewise, one out of three children are considered overweight or obese.1 The obesity epidemic is a cause of great concern for the nation’s overall health because it is the foundation for secondary diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, type two diabetes, and osteoarthritis. As obesity continues throughout a patient’s life, the secondary diseases are expected to increase in prevalence and severity. Many of the secondary diseases can be reversed with weight loss. It is important to distinguish the difference between patients who are obese and those who are overweight. Overweight...
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