...NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION PROJECT REPORT SUBMITTED BY: Rashik Gupta Apoorv Agarwal Nikhita Gulati Anurag Akshay Vyas Neolithic Revolution Evolution of Human Human evolution had been a very lengthy process and it took a huge lot of time to evolve from apelike ancestors to two legged human beings. Over approximately 4 million years ago, humans got the ability to walk on two legs (bipedalism). Along with this evolved other characteristics like large brain, ability to make and use tools, and the more advances i.e. cultural competency evolved around 100,000 years back. The various stages of Human Development along with the various changes across the time could be seen through the below mentioned stages of Human Evolution Prosimians Monkeys Prehistoric apes Modern Apes Ramapithecus Australopithecus Ramidus Australopithecus Afarensis Australopithecus africanus Australopithecus robustus Australopithecus boisei Homo habilis:(homo = human; habilis =able) Homo erectus Homo sapiens Homo sapiens sapiens 65 Million years ago(MYA) 40 MYA 30-20 MYA 17-4 MYA 14-8 MYA 4.4 MYA 4-2.8 MYA 2-1 MYA 2-1.5 MYA 1.8 MYA 2-1.5 MYA 1.6 million to 200 000 years ago 400 000 years to 40 000 years ago 40 000 to present Introduction to Pre – Neolithic Age 1. Paleolithic Age Paleolithic period or Old Stone Age, the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind's history. It began 2 million years ago and ended between 40,000...
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...was reasoned by scholars in the 1800’s, that it be broken up chronologically, starting with the Paleolithic era and continuing with the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. The Paleolithic era, meaning “old stone”, is the earliest division of the Stone Age and covers the greatest portion of humanity’s time. Separated into three stages, Lower, Middle and Upper, the Paleolithic period is still very much unaccounted for. Archaeological digs have been going on for centuries across Europe and other important parts of the world, supporting the knowledge and theories archaeologists now know to create an understanding of our prehistoric world. The Upper Paleolithic is the last subdivision of the Paleolithic era and is known for its sudden progression of intricate stone artifacts, artistic expression and personal ornamentation. Nine major cultures have been associated with the Upper Paleolithic time period and the modern human. These cultures were some of the first to see humans using art and tools as a way of expression. They engraved animals onto their tools and used ornamentation as a way of status and heritage. Early Upper Paleolithic art originated in the Aurignacian culture of Europe around 40,000 years ago, and continued onto the Mesolithic period. The Aurignacian culture derives its name from the type site Aurignac, found in France and has the oldest known examples of figure art. These modern homo sapiens were known to have developed the Venus figures, stone statues that...
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...Paper “The Neolithic Revolution” Contents: 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..3 2. Literature review……………………………………………………………………..4 3. Neolithic revolution…………………………………………………………………..6 4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………….9 5. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………10 Introduction The most important technological development ever to occur in human history was the domestication of plants (agriculture) and animals (pastoralism). Together these developments are called the Neolithic Revolution. To understand how the Neolithic Revolution occurred it is necessary to understand the economic system it replaced. Until the Neolithic, and in most areas for a long time after, all humans engaged in an economic activity called "hunting and gathering". This system is called "food extraction" as opposed to "food production" by agriculture and pastoralism. This period, which occurred between 12,000 and 8,000 years ago, brought along many profound changes to human society and culture, including the creation of cities and permanent dwellings, labor specialization, the baking of bread, personal property, more complex hierarchical social structures, non-agricultural crafts, slavery, the state, official marriage, personal inheritance, and more. I’ve chosen this topic because we can’t imagine our life, if there were not such a revolution. What would we be without the Neolithic Revolution? I think without the Neolithic Revolution...
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...practiced religion, and had domesticated plants and animals. (2) This is just another example of how even though these people lived nine thousand years ago people today are still living in the same ways. I think that has been the most interesting part of the beginning of chapter one; our society still has many of the same values and practices of our ancient ancestors. The next section of chapter one focuses on the Old Stone Age or Paleolithic era. (3) The people of this era lived before written history existed, around 3000 B.C.E. However, they were tool-makers and artists. The cave paintings at Lascaux act as a type of history as do the finely made tools and jewelry that historians have discovered. (3) The Paleolithic people were known to be hunters and gatherers, they did not have domesticated animals, they had few material possessions, and disparities in wealth were unlikely. (3) They lived in a very egalitarian society which leads me to believe perhaps simple is better. Today’s people do not live equally and have many possessions; did the Paleolithic era people know something we don’t? After climate changes occurred the people of the Old Stone Age transitioned to the New Stone Age, or...
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...organize, govern, and create meaning 2. , biological/physical - seek to understand how humans adapt to diverse environments, how biological and cultural processes work together to shape growth, development and behavior, and what causes disease and early death 3. archaeology - study past peoples and cultures, from the deepest prehistory to the recent past, through the analysis of material remains, ranging from artifacts and evidence of past environments to architecture and landscapes 4. linguistics- is the comparative study of ways in which language reflects and influences social life Unit 1 – Book Anthropology – the study of humankind in all times and places Colonialism – when one nation dominates another through occupation, admin (military) and control of resource’s. Cultural imperialism – refers to the promotion of one nation’s values, beliefs, and behavior above those of all others. Most famous empiricist – Franz Boas (1858-1942) he rejected racism and saw everyone as equal Radcliffe Brown – focused on how culture worked as a whole to maintain itself Malinowski – paid attention to his key informants’ point of view (groundbreaking methodology) Influences on Canadian Anthro – museums, academic department, applied research Diamond Jenness – page 7 epic winter story, survived on island (Karluk) Davidson Black –, Zhoukoudian cave, fossils, fossils sunk by the Chinese Marious Barbeau – considered a pioneer, founder of Canadian folklore studies, Regna Darnell - linguistics...
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...HUMANITIES 1 (RESEARCH PAPER) HISTORY OF PAINTINGS AND ARTISTS IN THE WORLD ADRIAN M SITCHON PROF. PEREZ 4TH YEAR/BS.HRM/NS (SUBMITTED BY) TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORY BODY * EASTERN PAINTING * WESTERN PAINTING * 20th-CENTURY MODERN * AND CONTEMPORARY DEFINITION OF TERMS * FAMOUS PAINTERS * AND BIOGRAPHY * Paintings of famous painters CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION: Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and Tempera. Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or inorganic materials. (This is different than a colorant, which dyes or stains a color.) All paints use the same basic pigments, but the binder changes. The binder for acrylics dries quickly and the paint is more like a plastic than oils which have an oil based binder and dry slowly. Oil Paints are often built up in layers or glazes. The other paints---Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache, and Tempera---are water-based, meaning the paint can be diluted with water and clean-up can be done with soap and water. Oil paints, on the other hand, require paint thinner to clean brushes. The number and variety of painting techniques is endless. Besides quality of paint, factors affecting color quality include: paint opacity, glossiness of painting surface...
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...Foundations: c. 8000 B.C.E.–600 C.E. Major Developments 1. Locating world history in the environment and time 1. Environment 1. Geography and climate: Interaction of geography and climate with the development of human society a. Five Themes of Geography – consider these 1. Relative location – location compared to others 2. Physical characteristics – climate, vegetation and human characteristics 3. Human/environment interaction – how do humans interact/alter environ a. Leads to change 4. Movement – peoples, goods, ideas among/between groups 5. Regions – cultural/physical characteristics in common with surrounding areas b. E. Africa first people – 750,000 years ago started to move 1. moving in search of food c. Role of Climate – End of Ice Age 12000 BCE – large areas of N. America, Europe, Asia became habitable – big game hunters already migrated 1. Geographical changes - 3000 BCE Green Sahara began to dry up, seeds to forests – N. America 2. Effect on humans – nomadic hunters didn’t move so much a. Settle near abundant plant life – beginning of civilization b. Sedentary life w/ dependable food supply 3. milder conditions, warmer temperatures, higher ocean...
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...Africa 10 frica lies south of Europe and southwest of Asia. Geographically it is about three times the size of the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii. At its northeast corner is Egypt, which is connected to the Sinai Peninsula—and hence to the Asian continent by a very narrow strip of land. This is the only spot where Africa touches another continent; otherwise, it is surrounded by water. The Mediterranean Sea separates it from Europe in the north; the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden lie between it and the Arabian Peninsula to the east. Two vast bodies of water—the Indian Ocean on the eastern side, and the even larger Atlantic on the west—surround the remainder of Africa. A Why Africa is important One of the greatest civilizations of all time, Egypt, was in Africa. Perhaps the only ancient civilizations that can be compared with it are those of Greece and Rome, which were influenced by it. Egypt, of course, has had its own chapter in this series; and Carthage, in North Africa, is also covered elsewhere. The focus of this chapter is entirely on Africa south of the Sahara 283 Map of Africa. XNR Productions. The Gale Group. Desert—that is, sub-Saharan Africa—as well as on the desert itself. That desert would have an impact on African history right up to the modern day; so, too, would the African civilizations of ancient times. There was the kingdom of Kush, which developed its own form of writing and briefly ruled Egypt; the kingdom of Aksum, an important trading...
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...Introduction Ever since I was born on April 15, 1980, I have been raised in a Greek environment, and being Greek-American has played a significant role in my life. In addition, I happen to have a friend named Mehmet, who is from Turkey. But I never knew any information about Turkey until I found this country on a world map. That’s when I learned the following facts: Turkey is located in both Europe and Asia, and it shares a border with Greece. So when I started taking the course Geography of the Middle East at Old Dominion University, I decided to select Turkey for my research paper. Perry Library and Larchmont Library were excellent places for literary materials. I also consulted Internet sources and my class textbook as additional resources. Turkistan, a region in central Asia, is a Persian term which means “Turks’ land” or “land of the Turks”. The Young Ottoman Turks considered this name for their country before they decided on “Turkiye, an adaptation of the European name” Turkey (Lewis 333). Although “[t]he name Turkey has been given to…Anatolia…since its first conquest by the Turks in the eleventh century,” the Turks officially referred to their country as Turkey when it won its independence in 1923. (Lewis 1). Turkey’s relative geographical position distinguished it from most of the other countries of the world. It is situated on two continents: (southeastern) Europe and (southwestern) Asia. European Turkey, or Eastern Thrace, constitutes only...
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...文勇的新托福精选阅读(原黄金29篇)真题[2010年4月3日 5.8版本] 俺常常收到同学们的邮件,要我推荐各种各样阅读材料,问我iBT的复习资料中 Barron, Longman, Delta等等哪个更好。我其实很无奈---因为尽管这些机构很大牌,但大牌丝毫都不意味着文章“质量高”(比如你可以想想三鹿奶粉)---说这些机构的文章质量不高,并不是说文字写得不好,而是说这些文章的句子结构, 论述方式, 出题思路与ETS的并不一致(有时候甚至大相径庭):用这样的材料训练,实在是 事倍功半。 于是,我们实在应该去找找由ETS出的iBT文章来做:(我们能够找到的|由ETS编纂的标准iBT文章有) 1. OG[1]之中的13篇文章[2];(其中3篇为第三版OG之中的文章) 2. 13次(套)TPO[3]之中的3*13=39篇文章[4]; 3. 早期[5]报名之时ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题 4. ETS官方给出的模考软件之中抽出的1篇文章; 于是这个文档在我的一时兴起之下,出现了: OG拿在手上,可以一个个字的敲成电子版;TPO的所有考试都是在自己的计算机进行,于是可以一边花钱参加考试,一边截图与录像---再利用截下来的图片,逐个的敲下来;早期的ETS赠送的3篇在线测试题,我也恰好有电子版本;官方的模考软件稍微用点功夫,就能将文章提取并复制出来。虽然工作有些繁杂,但总算完成了所有文章的敲打工作。再花了些时间,把这53篇文章都做了答案,附在文章的后面。(由于TPO之中有3篇文章与OG中完全重复,于是减去3篇,只剩下53篇。)同时我还更正了OG上几个明显的错误(详见文后附录)当然,我还做出了方便大家理解文章的参考译文,附在文章的后面。 在这53篇由ETS出的文章没有做完之前,我们实在不应该花时间在任何其他的题目之上。我有时候甚至会对着我的弟兄们高呼:“没有把这53篇做3遍,你好意思上考场么?你好意思花钱在任何一本垃圾书上面么?[6]” 另外,如果你正在准备iBT-SAT-GRE的作文部分或者写留学文书,也应该仔细的琢磨一下这些文章:经过ETS打磨的文章,无一不是精妙绝伦,极具模仿价值。常常有同学拜托我帮她(他)写PS,也说起自己的句子怎么看都像是小学生写的(尽管用上了GRE里面的单词),于是会随口问我“勇哥,您的写作能力是怎么训练出来的。”我说,“看呗,看呗:托福文章看多了,写作能力自然就提高了。” “这ETS的这些文章真的那么好?”。每当听到这个问题,我都会装做赵本山的样子来一句“谁用谁知道~~” 文勇 欢迎进行未删节的转载|且不必告诉我你转载到哪里去|都是一个战壕里面的弟兄啊… 告诉大家一个好消息,本文档中的TPO1-TPO9,以及在线测试题和官方模考题目的解析已经在市面上可以买到了!(好吧,我承认以下显然是广告部分): 这本《托福真题详解-阅读分卷-第一册》是给弟兄们现在市面上可以获得的TPO1-TPO9阅读部分的文章解析,题目解析,中文翻译和每篇文章的必备词汇:文章解析是为了让大家养成从整体抓文章结构的感觉,题目解析是为了使大家能够在做完题之后知道正确选项为什么对,错误选项为什么错——并且因此来培养良好的做题思路,中文翻译是为了帮助大家扫除那些自以为理解对但实际理解有误的句子,在每篇文章后面配上必备词汇无非是为了节省大家的一些查单词而已。 另外,这本书还包含了一张CD(我想你可能第一次听说阅读书...
Words: 138860 - Pages: 556
...ARTS TEACHERS’ GUIDE Grade 9 ARTS Teacher’s Guide Unit I WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS GRADE 9 Unit 1 ARTS TEACHERS’ GUIDE GRADE 9 Unit 1 WESTERN CLASSICAL ART TRADITIONS LEARNING AREA STANDARD The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in music and art through appreciation, analysis and performance for his/her self-development, celebration of his/her Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and expansion of his/her world vision. key - stage STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and arts of the Philippines and the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. grade level STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of Western music and the arts from different historical periods, through appreciation, analysis, and performance for self-development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s world vision. CONTENT STANDARDs The Learner: demonstrates understanding of art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills demonstrates understanding that the arts are integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/ occurrences and other external phenomenon ...
Words: 32535 - Pages: 131
...northeastern regions along the border with Somalia and Ethiopia are arid and semi-arid areas with near-desert landscapes. Lake Victoria, the world's second largest fresh-water lake and the world's largest tropical lake, is situated to the southwest and is shared with Uganda and Tanzania. Kenya is famous for its safaris and diverse wildlife reserves and national parks such as the East and West Tsavo National Park, the Maasai Mara, Lake Nakuru National Park, and Aberdares National Park. There are several world heritage sites such as Lamu, and world renowned beaches such as Kilifi where international yachting competitions are held each year. The African Great Lakes region, of which Kenya is a part, has been inhabited by humans since the Lower Paleolithic period. The Bantu expansion reached the area from West-Central Africa by the first millennium AD, and the borders of the modern state comprise the crossroads of the Niger-Congo, Nilo-Saharan and Afro-Asiatic ethno-linguistic...
Words: 12708 - Pages: 51
...Study Guide to Accompany Meggs’ History of Graphic Design Fourth Edition Prepared by Susan Merritt Professor and Head of Graphic Design School of Art, Design, and Art History San Diego State University (SDSU) With assistance from Chris McCampbell and Jenny Yoshida John Wiley & Sons, Inc. i DISCLAIMER The information in this book has been derived and extracted from a multitude of sources including building codes, fire codes, industry codes and standards, manufacturer’s literature, engineering reference works, and personal professional experience. It is presented in good faith. Although the authors and the publisher have made every reasonable effort to make the information presented accurate and authoritative, they do not warrant, and assume no liability for, its accuracy or completeness or fitness for any specific purpose. The information is intended primarily as a learning and teaching aid, and not as a final source of information for the design of building systems by design professionals. It is the responsibility of users to apply their professional knowledge in the application of the information presented in this book, and to consult original sources for current and detailed information as needed, for actual design situations. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2006 by John Wiley and Sons. All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced...
Words: 54497 - Pages: 218
...Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC Publications Department of Anthropology 6-1-2004 An Integrated Analysis of Pre-Hispanic Mortuary Practices: A Middle Sicán Case Study Izumi Shimada Southern Illinois University Carbondale Ken-ichi Shinoda National Science Museum, Tokyo Julie Farnum Montclair State University Robert Corruccini Southern Illinois University Carbondale Hirokatsu Watanabe Terra Information Engineering Company Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/anthro_pubs © 2004 by The Wenner‐Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Published in Current Anthropology, Vol. 45, No. 3 ( June 2004) at 10.1086/382249 Recommended Citation Shimada, Izumi; Shinoda, Ken-ichi; Farnum, Julie; Corruccini, Robert; and Watanabe, Hirokatsu, "An Integrated Analysis of PreHispanic Mortuary Practices: A Middle Sicán Case Study" (2004). Publications. Paper 8. http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/anthro_pubs/8 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Anthropology at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Publications by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact jnabe@lib.siu.edu. C u r r e n t A n t h r o p o l o g y Volume 45, Number 3, June 2004 2004 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved 0011-3204/2004/4503-0004$3.00 An Integrated Analysis of PreHispanic Mortuary Practices A Middle Sican Case Study1...
Words: 32806 - Pages: 132
...Comments on FUTURE SHOCK C. P. Snow: "Remarkable ... No one ought to have the nerve to pontificate on our present worries without reading it." R. Buckminster Fuller: "Cogent ... brilliant ... I hope vast numbers will read Toffler's book." Betty Friedan: "Brilliant and true ... Should be read by anyone with the responsibility of leading or participating in movements for change in America today." Marshall McLuhan: "FUTURE SHOCK ... is 'where it's at.'" Robert Rimmer, author of The Harrad Experiment: "A magnificent job ... Must reading." John Diebold: "For those who want to understand the social and psychological implications of the technological revolution, this is an incomparable book." WALL STREET JOURNAL: "Explosive ... Brilliantly formulated." LONDON DAILY EXPRESS: "Alvin Toffler has sent something of a shock-wave through Western society." LE FIGARO: "The best study of our times that I know ... Of all the books that I have read in the last 20 years, it is by far the one that has taught me the most." THE TIMES OF INDIA: "To the elite ... who often get committed to age-old institutions or material goals alone, let Toffler's FUTURE SHOCK be a lesson and a warning." MANCHESTER GUARDIAN: "An American book that will ... reshape our thinking even more radically than Galbraith's did in the 1950s ... The book is more than a book, and it will do more than send reviewers raving ... It is a spectacular outcrop of a formidable, organized intellectual effort ... For the first time in history...
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