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Cbs China Studies


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章節3:----------------------------------中國宏觀經濟分析---------------------------------P.8-10 3.1政治方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.8 3.2經濟方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.9 3.3社會方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.10 3.4科技方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.10

章節4:-----------------------------中國聯想營銷策略分析------------------------------P.11-12 4.1產品方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.11 4.2價格方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.11 4.3渠道方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.12 4.4促銷方面------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.12

章節5:---------------------------------聯想集團SWOT分析-------------------------P.13-15 5.1優勢------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.13 5.2劣勢------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.13 5.3機會------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.14 5.4威脅------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.15



自2004年,中國加入世貿,並在承諾參加資訊科技協議(ITA)的影響下,中國取消了在資訊科技產品上的關稅徵收,使我國資訊科技市場競爭更趨激烈,吸引各跨國科技巨頭進駐中國發展,以求分一杯羹。已致電子商貿日漸普及,我國機構對電子科技產品的商業習慣構成一定的影響,一些積極進取的業者已在網上進行企業對企業交易,大大提高營運效率。 加上,我國收入水平上升,現代人對數碼產品片刻不離手,原因產品功能日新月異,價格愈來愈低。然而市場競爭日趨激烈,紅海行銷思維四處湧現。 而聯想集團成立了26年,由國內進軍至國際市場,成為全球第三大電腦廠商。根據IDC報告顯示,聯想集團的市場佔有率33.90%,進一歲確立了聯想集團在內地的『龍頭老大』地位。因此,我們選取聯想集團作為本次專題的研究對象。以下報告循四方面,分別在宏觀經濟,競爭優勢,營銷策略,及發展策略進行分析。
聯想集團有限公司成立於1984年,現任董事長為柳傳志,總部地點在美國北卡羅萊納州羅利市三角研究園。銷售地點遍佈全,員工超過20,000人,全球約3,200名銷售代表和覆蓋全球的渠道夥伴網絡,全球電話呼叫中心在世界各地以超過25種語言提供產品支援服務;助力全球服務供應鏈,在18個服務交付中心共有超過2,500名技術支持人員,及約25,000個授權現場技術員每月同步提供上百萬次的實時服務;並同時專注在提升客戶服務體驗和降低成本, 聯想的成功源自於協助顧客達成目標。 聯想計算機出貨量僅次於美商惠普與戴爾計算機,是全球第三大,但在宏碁計算機完成收購美商IBM後,第三名落入宏碁手中,聯想成為老四。聯想集團併購美國IBM公司個人電腦部門,並獲得在5年內使用IBM品牌權,成為全球第三大PC廠商。2007年4月2日,聯想集團的英文名字由 '' Legend '' 改為現在的 '' Lenovo '' 。新聯想 是一間創新國際性的科技公司。 聯想公司主要生產筆記本電腦、一體機、台式電腦、服務器、打印機、投影機、移動互聯、數碼產品、電腦周邊等商品。聯想電腦銷量位居中國國內市場首位。 現時,與聯想集團的競爭的國際電腦廠商,包括惠普、戴爾電腦、宏碁、東芝、及華碩、索尼等。國內競爭對手主要包括崢正、海爾、TCL、神舟電腦、清華同方等。
2.1 引入直銷方法,以對抗主要競爭對手“戴爾” 自中國加入世貿後,內地電腦市場競爭愈趨激烈。因此,聯想集團決定不再固守分銷模式上,直接引入直銷方法,以吸引更多客戶與戴爾抗衡。當中,對大客戶實行電話營銷和客戶營銷模式。另外,對於零售客戶和中小企業客戶,則加強渠道營銷模式。 而集團總裁更表示將過往渠道分銷模式作為主力銷售渠道,並作出相應調整。 另一方面,聯想使公司組織管理架構傾向以市場及銷售為主,從而加深銷售戰線拓展。 另在2004年7月,以股權置換形式銷售IT服務予亞信科技,以助日後發展智能手機等重點業務的基礎。以望借助拓展國際市場,以擺脫利潤下降的環境。

2.2. 差異化戰略 在歐美市場上,由於當地企業技術較為先進,競爭對手實力都是比較強的,聯想並不能以技術和產品取得勝利。此時一個好的市場戰略就顯得無比的重要。聯想在歐美等一些比較成熟的市場,針對大客戶這一方面建立起差異化的市場營銷策略,採取適合大客戶的市場營銷策略和產品設計。聯想的差異化戰略也是對IBM公司大客戶戰略的一種延續。聯想的差異化戰略還針對特定人群,例如,迷你筆記本是目前筆記本市場最受歡迎的一類產品,聯想採用迷你筆記本創新營銷模式,其IdeaPadS9/S10主要定位於大學生和年輕白領,提供了有線、 WiFi、“藍牙”和移動上網等4種網絡連接方式,可輕鬆實現“永遠在線”。通過穩固特殊消費群體,聯想佔領了海外的部分市場。聯想通過在海外市場上選擇差異化戰略使自身走向國際化。
企業要走向國際化必須實現其人力資源的國際化。 2004年11月9日,聯想集團主席表示在聯想的國家化進程中是比較缺乏國際化人才的。首先,聯想尋找具有國際管理能力的國際管理者,2005年12月,聯想聘用前戴爾高級副總裁出任CEO一職;2006年請微軟前高管肯尼思.迪佩特羅擔任公司人力資源部門高級副總裁。聯想改變啟用內部人才的市場營銷策略,實現人才本土化、國際化。這更有利於把握國際的市場信息、節省開發人力資源的成本。 其次,聯想加強對內部員工的培訓。為了適應國際化,聯想集團的董事長楊元慶宣布聯想的官方語言為英語,也對員工的英語水平做了培訓,這就方便不同國家員工之間的溝通,節省溝通管理的成本。

2.4利用中國的國際化進程,進一步邁出國際市場營銷策略步伐 08年北京奧運會期間,奧運TOP贊助商聯想集團的夢想是:讓世界關注聯想。聯想成為北京2008年奧運會火炬官方合作夥伴,其創新設計中心主創的“祥雲”火炬走遍全球,聯想奧運戰略由此啟動。聯想的奧運計劃幫助聯想擊敗了很多對手。同時聯想還把參與“世博”作為其規劃許久的市場戰略。其管理者透露,早在北京奧運會舉辦前,聯想便開始了“世博”項目的“攻關”,一是這是作為民族企業的責任,二是決不能錯過這個展示聯想技術與方案實力的機會。可見聯想長久以來都極其的重視抓緊機會,以完成其建立跨國大企業的目標。

2.5品牌標識國際化 2003年集團全球品牌新標識切換項目正式啟動,LENOVO從此取代LEGEND成為品牌走向國際化的新標識。切換品牌標識的直接原因是國際化的需要。要國際化,首先需要一個可以在世界上暢通無阻的、受人喜愛的英文品牌,但LEGEND這個英文名稱在國外很多國家已經被註冊,品牌新標識切換為未來公司業務拓展做好先行部署。

2.6把內地市場作為堅實的後盾 目前聯想在中國市場區的銷量佔整個集團的40%以上,收入佔30%多,而利潤則超過50%,中國區是整個集團的利潤支柱。一切企業要進行國際營銷,必然要有支撐其跨國發展的堅實後盾。聯想穩固中國市場就是中國市場區是全球增長的發動機。中國市場區以兩倍於全球PC市場的增長速度,拉動了新聯想的增長。本土市場的穩固使得聯想能夠將其“雙業務模式”複製到全球,特別是一些新興市場。
3.1背景 在2004年,中國加入世貿後,經濟高速發展,市場潛力廣闊,中國已成為國際各大公司亮相爭奪的目標。中國企業面對入世,既存在危機,又是難得機遇。如何突圍而出,拓展海外市場的基礎,是聯想集團的重大考驗。而2004年,亦是聯想集團關鍵的一年,為此, 聯想重新組織架構,重新制定發展戰略。
1.政治方面: 自改革開放後,中國政局持續穩定,為經濟的發展提供非常有利的條件。全國各地區基本已形成了各具特點的區域市場。同時,隨著第三次科技革命的衝擊,;中國政府對高科技企業采取了積極扶持的策略,實施信息化發展政策促進IT行業的發展。中國以信息化帶動工業化的發展戰略,是IT市場持續發展的重要動力,培育了行業用戶對包括電腦在內的IT產品的持續需求。希望藉此發展我國的高科技,加快國家現代化過程。同時,不同地區、城市也相應的制定了各自的網絡、高科技發展規劃。 但是,中國政府在鼓勵IT行業發展方面相繼制定了有關的政策法規。2003年的《政府采購法》及2004年的《電子簽名法》,為電子政務的進展提供了強有力的保障,也必將帶動政府信息化建設的快速推進。 此外,在2005間,中國政府對與信息技術相關的251稅目全部實施零關稅政策,信息產品全面實現零關稅將進一步降低依賴進口的部分核心元件的成本,從而使計算機產品具有新的降價空間,並可能獲得因降價而擴大的市場空間 而在2007年開始,中國政府推出『家電下鄉』政策,採取多次補貼措施,更令手續不斷簡化,令補貼品種不斷增加及對電腦的需求日漸上升。

2.經濟方面: 在改革開放後,中國的國內生產總值平均每年增長8%,其中,在金融海嘯的影響下,其國內生產值總值亦保持為平均8%,是全球經濟增速最快最穩的國家,外匯儲備中国自1978年實行改革开放以来,,外匯儲備僅次於日本和歐盟,而我國居民的儲蓄額已達七萬億元,排列世界第一。 另一方面,中國被譽為世界工廠,其工業類型繁多,自然資源豐富。在過往20年間,東部沿海城市經濟發展迅速,重點城市分別有上海、廣州、堔圳、青島等。而在2000年期間,中國更發表中國西部大開發計劃,發展中國西部地區,以令內陸市場與沿海城市看齊,同時青藏鐵路及廣深高速鐵路動工興建。為中國經濟帶來更大潛力。 自2004年中國正式入世後,現已逐步與國際市場接軌,使國內不規範秩序,令國內各市場的競爭更趨激烈。另在金融海嘯後,中國政府進一步實行擴大內需,刺激居民消费,令國家持續發展,減少對入口貨品的需求。這為聯想的資訊產品提供極好的經濟條件。而且在「十二五」中更提及實施完善社會保障及提高城鄉居民生活水平。

3.社會方面: 雖然我國政府實施“壹孩政策”多年,但人口的城鎮化比例呈現持續上昇趨勢,帶動總體消費力的持續上昇。 隨著城市化進程穩中趨快,人們對電腦網絡知識的接受程度越來越高,進而帶動電腦消費需求的上升,令個人電腦的使用在城鎮市場開始進入普及階段。加上,在當今的信息時代,上網己經成為人們生活的重要內容,電腦也因此成為一個相當重要的工具。 對比上一個世代的中國的消費者,大都著重價錢選購買電腦產品。隨著中國經濟開放,我國人民已由轉移追求高質素產品,人們不只看重價錢質素亦是一個很重要的因素。同時,教育普及率的提高,掌握計算機基本技能的要求也不斷升高,這將促使越來越多的中國居民購買計算機。




另一方面,聯想集團前身為中國科學院計算機公司,匯集多名各方面領域的專才,技術實力雄厚。而在我國電腦研究上更是當前最高水平,可稱為我國電腦研究的“發源地"。 為聯想集團提供各類人士協助研究電腦及其銷售市場的發展。

















5.SWOT 微觀經濟環境分析



而由於聯想前身為中國科學院計算機公司,提供各類專業人士,擁有龐大的研發體系,有助發展新產品的款式及功能創新。 另外,聯想在中國擁有強大的銷售網路,分別在直銷及分銷渠道上都有一定的經驗,可令聯想在銷售控制上進一步加強。








雖然聯想一直雄居中國電腦市場一哥地位,但與像蘋果這樣的大企業相比,聯想競爭力仍顯不足。主要原因是第一,對比外資企業,聯想集團的資金實力不足及創新技術能力有限。例如,HP及DELL等外國知名廠商平均擁有8個以上的全球研發中心。另外在市場競爭上,對比外資企業,它們不論在競爭手法及經驗上,都是聯想無法短期相比的,隨著中國 “入世”後,外商進駐中國的手續更加方便,其投資資本亦將擴大,這都令國外品牌原先高昂的成本下降。因而令追求品牌心態的消費者轉移支持國外品牌。 另外,金融海嘯後,全球經濟下滑,唯中國一枝獨秀,影響最低,因此令不少跨國企業進駐中國市場發展,從而令中國電腦市場上的競爭更趨激烈。由於外資企業不斷的進駐,在華建立生產基地。國內廠商為保持現有地位,將不斷展開價格戰以獲取消費者的支持,但亦令市場價格體系混亂,從而進一步降低聯想的利潤。
雖然聯想集團自2004年後經歷多次改革,令公司位居中國電腦市場“龍頭老大”的地位。然而,由於聯想集團過往發展主要專注於重點發展業務上,因而在多元化業務拓展及管理能力上,聯想與其他國際品牌比較還顯得相當的稚嫩。因此,當多個業務同時拓展時,將會令聯想的資源分配出現問題,使領導人的精力分散,從而影響公司發展。 加上,我國人民對產品質素及要求日漸提升,收入及知識水平的上升,使人民對電腦產品的需求逐步提升。但是,中國自加入世貿後,外商投資中國的條件更為寬鬆,使不少跨國電腦企業紛紛進駐中國,令其電腦市場競爭日趨激烈。使降低了聯想集團在中國發展的營商優勢,進一步影響它在中國電腦市場的佔有比率。 因此,聯想集團欲保持其在營商優勢及市場地位,必需持續作出改革,了解消費者的需求,並改變其銷售手段迎合市場需要。

建議: 首先,由於聯想集團已於全球設立設計團隊,匯集全球不同領域的專家,技術亦逐步貼近世界一流水平。因此,在宣傳上,聯想集團應強調其產品的質量及高質素形象,樹立國際品牌的形象。 此外,聯想集團可考慮與軟件發展商及其零件商更深入建立互信合作的密切關係,如微軟,LINUX等介面系統及AMD晶片製造商等建立密切良好的伙伴合作關係,從而可第一時間緊貼國際電腦科技的發展趨勢,使生產的產品相容相對的新技術。 最後,聯想集團雖已在多間中小學舉辦合作計劃,以令更多下一代了解聯想,從而喜歡聯想的電腦。但是,在公益上,聯想的發展力度仍然不足。因此,為了建立更好的企業影象,建議聯想集團應和教育部合作興辦希望學校,使更多貧困兒童獲得知識,而且可送出電腦予一些資源缺乏的學校,以作幫助。從而建立更好的企業影象,令更多人民喜歡聯想這品牌。
1. 邁克爾波特,《競爭戰略》《競爭優勢》華夏出版社,1997
2. 安德魯;坎貝爾等,《核心能力戰略:以核心競爭力為基礎的戰略》,東北財經大學出版社,1999
3. 聯想發展的營銷戰略
4. 聯想集團官方網頁
5. 聯想集團
6. 聯想集團分析前景
7 . 聯想產品營銷戰略
8. 聯想研究院
9. 聯想年報2010

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...45 2014 January International Business Studies and the Imperative of Context. Exploring the ‘Black Whole’ in Institutional Theory Michael Jakobsen ©Copyright is held by the author or authors of each Discussion Paper. Copenhagen Discussion Papers cannot be republished, reprinted, or reproduced in any format without the permission of the paper's author or authors. Note: The views expressed in each paper are those of the author or authors of the paper. They do not represent the views of the Asia Research Centre or Copenhagen Business School. Editor of the Copenhagen Discussion Papers: Associate Professor Michael Jacobsen Asia Research Centre Copenhagen Business School Porcelænshaven 24 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark Tel.: (+45) 3815 3396 Email: International Business Studies and the Imperative of Context. Exploring the ‘Black Whole’ in Institutional Theory Michael Jakobsen Associate Professor Asia Research Centre Copenhagen Business School Abstract The aim of this article is to take a critical look at how to perceive informal institutions within institutional theory. Douglas North in his early works on institutional theory divided the national institutional framework into two main categories, formal and informal institution or constraints as he called them. The formal constraints consisted of political rules, judicial decisions and economic contracts, whereas informal constraints consisted of socially sanctioned norms...

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Conflict and Cooperation Research Paper

...well as other war potential, will never be maintained." (Article 9) This policy and constitutional structure would make Japanese military mainly defensive in nature. This was to ensure that democracy would take hold and imperialism and military rule would not surface again in Japanese society (Dolan and Worden, 1992). Today this constitutional directive is an active feature in the Japanese society. The majority of Japanese people do not believe in the proliferation of military strength especially that of nuclear capability. Military Force Structure As a result of the new Japanese government policies towards war, the Japanese military would become a defensive structure relying on US protection. After World War II rising tensions with China, Korea, and Russia would push the Japanese to establish Self Defense Forces (SDF) (Dolan and Worden, 1992). The SDF would have limited capability and would have the purpose of defense only measures. While some argue that the Japanese...

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“Bricks-and-Mortar” vs. “Clicks-and-Mortar”: an Equilibrium Analysis

...“Bricks-and-Mortar” vs. “Clicks-and-Mortar”: an Equilibrium Analysis Fernando Bernstein Jing-Sheng Song Xiaona Zheng The Fuqua School of Business The Fuqua School of Business Guanghua School of Management Duke University Duke University Peking University Durham, NC 27708 Durham, NC 27708 Beijing, China 100871 Forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research The Internet has provided traditional retailers a new means with which to serve customers. Consequently, many “bricks-and-mortar” retailers have transformed to “clicks-and-mortar” by incorporating Internet sales. Examples of companies making such a transition include Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble, etc. Despite the increasing prevalence of this practice, several fundamental questions remain: (1) Does it pay off to go online? (2) Which is the equilibrium industry structure? (3) What is the implication of this business model for consumers? We study these issues in an oligopoly setting and show that clicks-and-mortar arises as the equilibrium channel structure. However, we find that this equilibrium does not necessarily imply higher profits for the firms: in some cases, rather, it emerges as a strategic necessity. Consumers are generally better off with clicks-and-mortar retailers. If firms align with pure e-tailers to reach the online market, we show that a prisoner’s dilemma-type equilibrium may arise. Keywords: Supply chain management, Game theory, E-commerce, MNL model...

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Research Propalsal Futons

...Research proposal | Dormi, futon bed | | The Futura Dormis ‘’A Dormi in a Dorm.’’ Contents The Product 2 Central Research question 3 Sub-Questions 3 Research Objective 3 Sub-Objectives 3 Distribution planning 4 Research design 5 Data Collection 6 Time plan 7 Sources 8 The Product Many industries are currently extremely saturated due to increasing global awareness of products and a converging global market. On the other hand, sleeping is one of the most important things in a person’s life and preferences may vary. The product we will be bringing to the Dutch market is Dormi. Essentially, it is a simple product that gives all the comfort of a luxurious futon that can be rolled up, extended or inflated in order to give each customer the ability to adapt it to their own preference according to space and sleeping habits. The Dormi is not only a perfect substitute for an average bed but is also sold cheaply to match the needs of the target market and making it highly affordable while still offering the ability of customization. The Dormi itself is a stylish new way of bringing unique look into any home or dormitory while offering all the comfort of the conventional oriental futons. The core product we offer is a cheap and comfortable bed. However Dormi is augmented to also ensure that it is highly customizable and easily inflated/deflated, attached and detached. Thanks to various Velcro strips, placed along the sides of Dormi, customers...

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Case Study - Nike Sweat Shop

...“sweatshops” where workers, many of them children, slaved away in hazardous conditions for below-subsistence wages. Nike’s wealth, its detractors claimed, was built upon the backs of the world’s poor. For many, Nike had become a symbol of the evils of globalization—a rich Western corporation exploiting the world’s poor to provide expensive shoes and apparel to the pampered consumers of the developed world. Niketown stores became standard targets for antiglobalization protesters. Several nongovernmental organizations, such as San Francisco-based Global Exchange, a human rights organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world, targeted Nike for repeated criticism and protests.2 News shows such as CBS-TV’s 48 Hours ran exposés on working conditions in foreign factories that supply Nike. Students on the campuses of several...

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International Buiness

...evolutionary. 4.0 CONCLUSION 5.0 REFENERCES 1.0 INTRUDUTION Sony was founded in 1946. One of Sony’s founders Akio Morita deems that “made in Japan” from contemptuous sentence become a compliment one, Sony contributed a lot. The purpose of my report is to analyse Sony’s resources, competencies and capabilities to explain its success, and evaluate Sony’s strategies including internationalization and diversification from 1987 to 2003. 2.0 PROCEDURE Material was collected from of Sony case study, media websites, economy magazines and books. 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Sony’s resources, competencies and capabilities. Sony’s resources have different sections. The first of all, Sony’s leader is excellence who founded this corporation. Masura Ibuka and Akil Morita are outstanding founders of Sony. They make a great contribution to Sony including solve the problems of Sony’s growth in the future and development. In addition, Sony was also hired non-Japanese manager such as Michael Schulhof who from CBS records in 1974. In 2000, Sony was a company employing 170,000 workers who come around the world. They have many factories, and these factories distributed all around the world. From 1985 to 1995 Sony opened about 15 factories in some Asian countries, for...

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...& Analysis 3 2.4. Recommendations of product 7 2.5. Promotion 8 2.6. Recommendations of Promotion 10 3.0 Reference Group in Game Culture: take Korea as an example. 11 4.0 Conclusion 13 5.0 Reference List 14 1.0 Introduction Riot games, a game company established in 2006 in the USA. “Players experience first” is the core value of Riot Games (Riot Games, 2013.) This core value makes them succeed within only 5 years by running its most well-known online game -League of Legends. The team is trying to make games not only games, but a part of every player’s life. Other than that, their great success in international market also brought great funding opportunity to them; for example, Tencent, the biggest network company in China, has now acquired the majority stake of Riot Games. (Riot Games, 2011.) It also helps them penetrate the Chinese market. 1.1. League of Legends League of Legends, the only game which is run by Riot Games, is one kind of massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), the feature of this kind of game is team cooperation. It is session-based and including multiplayer. In each session, players need to destroy nexus which protected by numbers of turrets. The team destroys the nexus first wins the game (leagueoflegends, 2014). The main competitors of League of Legends are DOTA2 and World of Warcraft. The latter was the most popular game in this category before; however, the first place is taken by League of Legends now (Seitz, 2014). Riot games...

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A Brief Chronology of Arthur Miller

...Public School #24 in Harlem. 1923 Sees first play--a melodrama at the Schubert Theater. 1928 Bar-mitzvah at the Avenue M temple. Father's business struggling and family move to Brooklyn. Attends James Madison HIgh School. 1930 Reassigned to the newly built Abraham Lincoln High School. Plays on football team. 1931 Delivery boy for local bakery before school, and works for father's business over summer vacation. 1933 Graduates from Abraham Lincoln High School. Registers for night school at City College, but quits after two weeks. 1933-34 Clerked in an auto-parts warehouse, where he was the only Jew employed and had his first real, personal experiences of American anti-semitism. 1934 Enters University of Michigan in the Fall to study journalism. Reporter and night editor on student paper, The Michigan Daily. 1936 Writes No Villain in six days and receives Hopwood Award in Drama. Transfers to an English major. 1937 Takes playwrighting class with Professor Kenneth T. Rowe. Rewrite of No Villain, titled, They Too Arise, receives a major award from the Bureau of New Plays and is produced in Ann Arbor and Detroit. Honors at Dawn receives Hopwood Award in Drama. Drives Ralph Neaphus East to join the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain during their Civil War, and decides not to go with him. 1938 The Great Disobedience receives second place in the Hopwood contest. They Too Arise is revised and titled The Grass...

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Group-Oriented Culture Analysis

...individualism and collectivism cultures. All cultures are more or less culturally involved this is why I like to think of cultural involvement as being on a spectrum/continuum. Individualistic cultures follow the principle of being independent and self-reliant. Some example of individualistic culture or individually oriented culture is here in the United States and also places like Australia and Canada. Our society is very egocentric and focused on the individual. Collectivistic cultures follow the principle of working together as a group to get things done. Many Asian cultures follow the collectivistic culture or group oriented culture, such as China, Korea, and Japan. Many of these cultures work as a team to get things accomplished and if one person does terrible they all do terrible collectively. One great example from the book was a study referring to the behavioral differences of African American and Caucasian students....

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Challenges Facing the Music Industry

...Challenges facing the Music Industry As Albert Moran puts it, “film is an economic commodity as well as a cultural good” (Albert Moran, 1996) and therefore, the struggle to dominate the market for films and music has continued for such a long time. These cultural products because of the industrial processes they follow of production, distribution and consumption fall into the category of an industry and are immensely affected by the forces of the market. Distribution is the key factor in determining who would rule the industry as it forms the link between the production of the media goods and their exposure to the target audience. Over the years the cultural industry has evolved imbibing newer technologies and making space for newer companies to make their mark. This process of evolution has been intercepted with changes in its economic and sociological structure owing to the external economic, social and political factors and also technological advancements. Ownership of the media forces to a great extent amounts to a huge control over the global economy and also means greater political and cultural power. Hesmondhalgh, in his book, The Cultural Industries, points out that there has been an "interweaving of change and continuity" in the cultural industry since the 1970s (Hesmondhalgh, 2007). However, this hasn’t ever been a smooth process for the older and established companies who had to face challenges from the new market players. The music industry had to grow from the...

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Regulatory Systems

...Conformity Assessment Elements for all IVDD The major elements of a conformity assessment system are: * A quality management system (QMS) * A postmarket surveillance system (PMS) * Summary technical documentation * A Declaration of Conformity * Registration of manufacturers and their IVD medical devices with the regulatory authority. **Conformity: A declaration by the IVDD manufacturer that the device is safe and performs as intended. Ref: Regulatory Affairs Professional Society; Fundamentals of International Regulatory Affairs, Second edition Conclusion: Every country has variations in the way IVDD is being regulated. With different classifications, regulatory body etc. I would recommend you to decide on a few specific countries which would be the potential market for your device (within Latin America) and then you will be able to narrow your research on its regulatory pathway. There are some common elements that comprise the approval process and required submission documentation for medical device approval in many Latin American countries. These include: * A Technical File or Report similar to a CE Technical File (technical description, device safety test results, biocompatibility data, labeling, etc). The required amount and type of information varies depending on the country. * A Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) issued by the public health authority in the country of origin, whichdemonstrates that the device is cleared for sale in the US...

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Dangerous Stereotypes for Women

...Dangerous Stereotypes for Women To understand stereotype, you should define what it is. As Cambridge Dictionaries says, stereotype is a fixed idea that people have about what someone or something is like. No one chooses to be stereotyped or categorized under a specific title, and no one wants to be the victim of an unfair judgment. Despite those opinions, people make judgments on people they barely know. Stereotypes usually lead to incorrect predictions about a person or group. The use of stereotypes to judge another human being can cause serious harm to others. According to traditional stereotypes, men are strong and dominant. Whereas females are weak and submissive. Gender stereotypes disadvantage and discriminate against women in many places. Thus, this paper focuses on three negative stereotypes about women in the workplace, at school, and in society that could cause serious harm to them. Negative gender stereotype, especially being dependent or no self-confidence, impact women in the workplaces. According to the article ‘Media Portrayal of Women and Social Change’, “women are often stereotypically portrayed as playing lesser beings, dependent roles or sexual objects.” This means it is more appropriate for women to stay at home doing housework and caring for children than getting a job. When women are offered employment jobs, they are not given good jobs because men believe that they could not handle traditionally masculine work. Men think that women are not...

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...------------------------------------------------- Parties involved in the conflict ------------------------------------------------- This international conflict involves the entire world as each country was interested in a peaceful resolution. Countries sharing a border with Russia are extremely anxious and fearful their security may be threatened as a result of this conflict. Therefore, the primary parties in this conflict is represented by the United Nations (UN) representing international law and security; Ukraine, the injured party; Russia, the supposedly aggressor; and Crimea. Additionally, the countries representing the UN Security Council become primary members of the conflict by nature of their position as permanent members of the organization. Therefore, France, China, Russia, the United States, and The United Kingdom are all primary parties of the conflict. Moreover, in late March CNN reported, President Barak Obama’s...

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Bin Laden Is Dead: America Still Unsafe

...master plotter of the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. The death of Osama bin Laden has raised many questions; what impact does his death have on U.S. counter-terrorism activities, Al-Qaeda and Islamic extremism, and U.S./NATO efforts in Afghanistan? More importantly, is the world any safer now than it was before? U.S. efforts to combat terrorism Without doubt, the death of the Al-Qaida leader is a great achievement in the global fight against terrorism. The spontaneous celebrations that broke out across the U.S. show how eagerly Americans were waiting to see this day. “History's most expansive, expensive and exasperating manhunt has finally ended, but the most expensive war against terrorism still has a long way to go.” (China Post, 2011) While we take comfort in his removal, we must not become complacent in our efforts to win the war on terror. Bin Laden’s death stands as a favorable victory to the world, but it is a symbolic victory more than a strategic changing victory. The New Zealand Herald (2011) writes that the killing of Osama bin Laden is unlikely to end the threat of the terrorism he inspired, but symbolically it is a victory. As American’s we must see it as a victory in our ongoing counter-terrorism campaign. In a 1998...

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Does Ipod Make You Happy?an Exploration of the Effects of Ipod Ownership on Life Satisfaction

...Journal of Consumer Behaviour, J. Consumer Behav. 11: 406–414 (2012) Published online 23 May 2012 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/cb.1385 Does an iPod make you happy? An exploration of the effects of iPod ownership on life satisfaction ANTJE COCKRILL* School of Business and Economics, Haldane Building, Singleton Park, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK ABSTRACT The Apple iPod is currently the undisputed leading product in the global MP3 player market. This competitive advantage is due to the design, high functionality, and perhaps most importantly, the ‘cool factor’ which Apple has managed to obtain with its products. This study explores if owning an iPod (as opposed to another brand of MP3 player) makes a difference in the perception of general life satisfaction. Using Diener et al.’s generic satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) to measure the dependent variable life satisfaction, a model with the key concepts usage, benefits, peer influence, design, iPod phenomenon, and iPod bubble has been developed and tested in a variety of ways, including regression analysis. The sample consisted of a multinational sample of 240+ young adults, aged 18–35 years. The demographic profiles of iPod and non-iPod owners were very similar, but for iPod owners, 23 per cent of the variance in overall life satisfaction is explained by the key concepts used in this research. Key influencing variables for iPod owners are peer influence and design. For non-iPod owners...

Words: 9427 - Pages: 38