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Chain Of Command Case Study

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1. Safety is and will always be a top priority. Soldiers will ensure all missions and tasks are accomplished within the safest means possible. This includes making sure everyone is properly hydrated at all times, equipment is being properly PMCSed and always mission-ready. Everyone is a safety officer and can stop an unsafe act at any time.

2. Effective communication between all echelons is the basis for an effective and efficient organization. Through the use of the Chain of Command, not only communication but also the leadership role will be strengthened. It is vital to the success of an organization that the Chain of Command never be broken and followed at all times. Leadership cannot be an effective entity unless all echelons are linked and utilized appropriately. One break in the chain can lead to the breakdown of effective communication among these channels. Therefore any jump in the Chain of Command would compromise organizational communication and success and will not be tolerated. …show more content…
Given our training environment, an elevated level of teamwork and commardrie is essential to our success. In order for this to be achieved, each Soldier must treat each other with the highest level of professionalism and respect. Bullying or disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated. The key to fostering a positive environment relies on motivated participation and teamwork. You can expect me to be an active part of the team and to embrace the “Be, Know, Do” concept with my own twist: Be approachable. Do participate with high motivation. Know the tactful way of helping each other. The “Be, Know, Do” concept of leadership is just one avenue of approach to creating a collaborative environment in which we all can grow as leaders and as

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