...CHALLENGES OF THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL AND PROPOSE TACTICAL MEASURES TO OVERCOME THESE CRISES Introduction i) The United Nations The United Nations is an international organization instituted with a visionary goal and objective of promoting world peace, security, and cooperation under the terms of the Charter, signed by member countries. Established in 1945 by 51 founding states, the institution has its headquarters at New York City. The focal point of the organization is focus on affairs of the government, politics, and diplomacy worldwide, and encompasses economic and social development programs. Implementation of these development schemes works to improve human rights and reduce conflicts among its member counties. ii) The UN Security Council The United Nations is composed of the General Assembly (for legislation), a Security Council (for the promotion of peace), a Secretariat (administration and information) as well as the International Court of Justice (for judicial matters). Under the Charter, the Security Council has a primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The Security Council takes the lead in determining the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression. While the UN has had its fair share of success, it has also encountered several obstacles in its path of executing peacekeeping missions. This paper investigates the challenges that the Council has stumbled upon in its mandate to maintain world...
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...Is UN Peacekeeping seriously flawed? Hello fellow students, I am one of the debate leaders this week. I hope we can all bring some valid points to this debate, enjoy… Firstly I believe to fully understand what peacekeeping is, we should explore the meaning “peacekeeping” and how that is relevant to this debate. The Collins World English Dictionary defines peacekeeping as the maintenance of peace, esp. the prevention of further fighting between hostile forces in an area. The broad consensus on the term “peacekeeping” is a little different however - non-violent intervention, being the voice of reason and bearing witness to (and in the way of) violent and oppressive acts; tend to be what the average person would recognise as peacekeeping. How does this align with the current operational expectations of the United Nations in regards to peacekeeping? The UN commenced peacekeeping duties during the Cold War as a way to resolve conflict (aid the resolution) by observing the peace process as a neutral party. Since that time the United Nations Security Council has approved and engaged peacekeeping troops all over the world into many civil and international situations. However is this visual form of peacekeeping effective? Does having a military force on the ground that is committed to the protection of the civilian population in a war zone or facing inevitable oppression really work? In theory the answer is yes, frankly I think you would have to be inhumane to say otherwise. However...
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...undoubtedly there is an intention on the part of Beijing to make good on its increase in relative power and the opportunities that a more centralized leadership under President Xi Jinping provides for articulating a clearer foreign policy message and more forward foreign policy behaviour. This article provides evidence in support of the argument that China has decided to adopt a more activist foreign policy. It focuses predominantly on China’s policy towards the United Nations as a way of demonstrating a new willingness to take decisions previously left in abeyance, and as an example of a policy area where the Chinese leadership believes it is showing a desire and an ability to contribute to global public goods. In particular, I explain here why the UN is favoured by China as a venue for displaying a more globalist stance, focusing on the UN’s institutional design and on China’s longstanding involvement in peace operations as the primary sources of the country’s increased activism in a multilateral venue of high importance to it. *...
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...HISTORICAL BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW OF UNICEF. UNICEF is one of the biggest names in international aid and humanitarian work in the world today. It has won the noble prize as an award to first organisation and not an individual. Despite UNICEF’s awareness, fundraising, relief work and research, very few people know much about its origin. UNICEF was founded in 1946 commencing with a mission of proving emergency food and health care to the children in the countries that had been destroyed in world war II. Its original name was United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. It was later changed to United Nations Children’s Fund in 1954 after being officially adopted as a permanent branch in UN. In 1959, UNICEF being a permanent member of the UN, the UN General Assembly adopts the declaration of the Rights of the Child, which defines children’s rights to protection, education, health care, shelter and good nutrition. In 1961, UNICEF decides to not only focus on the health issues of the child but also focus on the needs of the child as whole beginning with education by providing teacher training and classroom equipment in newly independent countries. In 1982, UNICEF came up with Child Survival and Development Revolution where it takes responsibility to save millions of children each year. The revolution includes four aspects; growth monitoring, oral rehydration therapy, breast feeding and immunisation. In 1989, there’s a convention on the rights of the child and comes into...
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...standards of integrity and conduct that need to be maintained and performed by the UN peacekeepers as required by the United Nations Organization. The world’s largest “club” embodies the aspirations of all the people of the world for maintaining peace and security of all its member states. It also at a glance demonstrates the main role or aims that have been made the responsibility of UN peacekeepers in relieving a conflict-torn country, although it relies on their dignity and restraint. Despite the many motivations behind UN peacekeepers (soldiers) joining the UN peace operations, such as compulsory military service, the opportunity for travel or adventure, to pursue a career, adding some skills that can be useful after retiring from service, or simply for better pay; many express their interest to bring peace to people and stability to an area wrecked by conflict.[2] My experience as a former UN peacekeeper in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from 2004 until 2005 encouraged my intention to analyze what was going on there. UN peace operation has played its role twice in this country, with much of the “traditional peacekeeping” function being placed in the first UN “military operation” in the DRC. My question is whether the latter “giant” UN peace operation in the DRC (the largest ever) will end up being similar to the previous operation, especially regarding the problems and challenges faced by its...
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...EMMERGING ROLE OF UN IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FUTURE CONFLICTS INTRODUCTION Since the end of cold war, the world has been in a constant flux of changes, resulting into serious security risks. These risks range from border disputes to ethno-religious conflicts, most of which are likely to cause regional and global destabilization. In today’s unipolar world no single or group of states has the capacity to counter balance by themselves and therefore, the world is looking more towards United Nations (UN) for establishing World peace. The Collective power to shape the future is greater now than ever before. The world needs a new vision that can mobilize people everywhere to achieve higher levels of cooperation in areas of mutual interest. The foundation of UN some fifty five years ago was an expression by world leaders towards a new world wherein the international behavior and governance was about to begin. The domination of power blocks and less respect for use of UN forum for vested interest has curved the UN role. The potentialities of international organization led by UN are immense in this regard though not utilized to its full potential. At this new millenium every ones expectations are of more peaceful world order. But the natures of conflicts in future days are likely to be more diverse and complicated to be handled by UN. The causes of these conflicts will be mainly of race for nuclear power, global militarization, prolong economic sanction on...
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...Keatinge, Patrick & Tonra, Ben, European Security and Defence Policy and the Lisbon Treaty, Institute of International and European Affairs, Dublin, Ireland, July 2009. As an independent forum, the Institute does not express opinions of its own. The views expressed in its publications are solely the responsibility of the authors. ISBN: 978-1-907079-04-7 EAN: 9781907079047 About the authors Patrick Keatinge is Emeritus Associate Professor of Political Science at Trinity College Dublin and Chairperson of the IIEA working group on ESDP. Ben Tonra is Jean Monnet Professor of European Foreign, Security and Defence Policy at the UCD College of Human Sciences and Project Leader of the IIEA working group on ESDP. Cover photograph © Aidan Crawley, Defence Forces, May 2008 Graphic design, type and layout by Brian Martin European Security and Defence Policy and The Lisbon Treaty © Institute of International and European Affairs 2009 Foreword This briefing paper is another brilliant contribution to the Institute’s background work on issues arising out of the Lisbon Treaty by Professors Ben Tonra and Patrick Keatinge. It describes the reality of European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP), as it has developed over the past six years and explains each of the relevant provisions in the Lisbon Treaty. It puts Ireland’s particular position in ESDP in the context of the recently published guarantees secured by the Irish government at the European Council on 19 June 2009, which will form part...
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...Security Stability in Somalia Since their indirect elections on September 12, 2012, and despite the fragile regional security situation of the Horn of Africa, Somalia has continued to experience significant and sustained progress towards security stability in their country. In order for Somalia to succeed as viable and trusted state, the United States (US) as well as the International Community should not allow another security stability failure in Somalia. The US and the International Community must focus on helping to sustain Somalia’s efforts against the fight of the Al-Shabaab terrorist organization, help to counter piracy, and to help build capacity and capability in the Somali government and its institutions. While at the same time provide the support to attend Somali basic humanitarian aid needs and financial assistance. First, one of the reasons why the general security conditions in Somalia keep on improving is principally thanks to the sustained operations carried out against the Jihadist organization Al-Shabaab by the Somali national security forces in conjunction with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and with other associates and allied militias of the government. These operations are currently successful in managing to achieve the retreat of the Islamist radicals from some of the main cities of the south and center of the country. The sustainment of these operations will deteriorate Al-Shabaab operations capacity as a military force, promote the desertion...
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...THE RELEVANCE OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA: IRAQI INVASION AS A CASE STUDY BY ALADENIYI, EMMANUEL ABIODUN APRIL 2005 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND 1. The basic concepts and assumptions that led to the formation of the United Nations (UN) dates back to the beginning of statecraft and humanity’s first efforts to foster international cooperation. The treaty of the peace of Westphalia of 1648 is regarded at humanity’s first effort in statehood and fostering international cooperation. The formation of the UN is predicated on the evolution of diplomacy, alliances, conferences, rules of warfare, means of peaceful settlement of conflicts and the development of international law. The overriding purpose of the UN is war prevention. This purpose was earlier pursued by ancient Greek Philosophers, Plato and Aristotle, who wrote on the conditions necessary for peace.1 The church in the Middle Ages also enunciated a doctrine of “Just War” to limit violence and destruction by sanctioning only wars fought for justifiable courses. The pacifists and internationalists, like Desiderius Erasmus, condemned war in its entirety as “immoral and wasteful”. 2. The need to institute mechanics for peaceful settlement of disputes and prevent war encouraged the formation of various international organizations over time. These include the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe in 1815. The Hague System worked towards the codification...
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...Genevoise Expatriate – open to all nationalities but 93% is westerners (1992) Changing expatriate composition – expatriates number increasing – Africa, Asia & Latin America HR Policy – recruitment from Geneva – sent to field with ‘learning by doing’, operate under sense of danger, meeting immediate challenges, focus on short term, quickly develops and reinforces team and team loyalties, rotation every 12 months, no formal training, no continuity for developing people, Career - little career planning, career developed through interpersonal networks & driven by opportunities, most recruits stayed for 2 to 3 years, no management development, those remain and reach top of HQ –mostly Swiss male (old school boys club) CURRENT CHALLENGES – greater diversity in mgmt ranks – more professionals, foreigners and women. NEW STRATEGIC PLAN (2007 -2010) – challenges to HRM. 3 mgmt priorities – 1. Multidisciplinary; 2. Greater accountability & 3. Increased efficiency thru’ results based management. Role of HQ? – Centralised or Decentralised? Policies & Procedures needed to be Standardised to achieve efficiency & operation coherence but ensure flexibility; CHALLENGES FOR HR – Clarify roles and responsibilities; performance based...
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...the power to represent the EU internationally? The president of the European Commission, the high Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the head of delegation of the EU to third countries (e.g. the US),and the president of the European Council. 2. Of which of the following international organisations is the EU a (full) member? The FAO and WTO, two conditions need to be fulfilled: 1) The EU must have the power (as conferred by the Member States in the Treaties) to become a member, 2) the international organization must allow the EU (which is not a state) to become a member. Consult, for instance, Art. 4 of the UN Charter 3. What is the EU in international law? Rights and obligations. It is not a state or is a regional integration organization with a very extensive measeur of international legal personality (at 47 TEU) 4. Who represents Europe in the world, in external affairs and treaty negotiations with 3rd countries or international organizations, High representative of EU for foreign affairs and policy: created by the Lisbon treaty , it is also the vicepresident to the European Comissions. Head of state, Europe is represented by 2 persons: permanent president of European Council and President of the European Commission (more for classical competences of the EUUU). And Rotatic council. World wide diplomatic network of the European Union: EU ambassadors, EU delegations of the European Action Service (EEAS, it has more than 141 embassies...
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...Yugoslavia, with the intent to stop the Milosevic regime from committing human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing of the Kosovo Albanians in Kosovo. This was a significant event with regards to humanitarian intervention in recent history as it was seen as a new international phenomenon. It was the first time that a group of states intervened without the authorization of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and it was also the first time that NATO used military force to prevent a humanitarian disaster. This event divided the world in their support for or against NATO’s humanitarian intervention in Kosovo. Critics of the intervention felt that NATO was breaking international law in acting without the authority of the UNSC and this could have jeopardized international order should any state or group of states decide to act on their own accord in intervening in a foreign territory in the future. Supporters of the intervention argue that the war gave human rights precedence over the rights of states. According to then Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel, even though NATO acted without a direct UN mandate for intervention, they have not acted out of license, aggressiveness or disrespect for international law. NATO has acted out of respect for the rights of humanity as they are articulated by our conscience as well as by other instruments of international law (Moore, 2007). Furthermore, apparent lapses in the operation resulted in undesirable effects such as collateral damage caused...
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...1. INTRODUCTION The horrors of Somalia, Angola and the Congo (present day Democratic Republic of Congo) made the new challenges that the present day United Nations faces easier to confront, as they highlighted the glaring weaknesses that riddled the early days of peacekeeping. The UN was portrayed as a vulnerable institution without a spine which could not enact strong and effective policies to deal with interventions, and it was this view which led me to look at the three most decisive UN interventions conducted on the African continent since its inception. The interventions in Angola , Somalia and Congo , were all conducted at different stages of the UN’s reign , and as such they help paint a clearer image on how far the organisation has come from post-World War II , through the Cold War to the present day. A major tool of the UN in its unprecedented efforts has been its UN Charter , within which it manifests its principles and goals clearly and concisely, and it is through this framework that it has conducted itself in every UN peacekeeping mission. The Charter is the working document of the UN as it follows its guidelines in a diligent and stringent manner. However, this stance has led to it being exploited by more cunning leaders, or even finding itself in the complex situation of being tempted to disobey the Charter, due to its limiting and constraining nature. In this essay, I will focus primarily on a combination of all the approaches used in writing essays .As such...
Words: 16435 - Pages: 66
...As the spread of philosophy for public benefit, when public watch the people who is experiencing war and disaster, a particularly strong shared feeling of empathy arose for those affected by the conflict, which in turn led to a sincere desire to reach out to the many distressed people. People begin to think seriously about how they could make a difference to this terrible humanitarian disaster. Microsoft is going to fulfill its corporate social responsibility, it organizes a group of professional technicians to provide technology software and hardware with which a refugees' registration system could be created and through collaboration with NGOs, with UNHCR and organizations that were taking care of the many displaced victims. Microsoft employees initiated a project that would become wide cross-sector collaboration. Loyal to its field of competence, Microsoft donated cash, software, technology assistance, and volunteers' working hours. As things stabilized, Microsoft began to partner with other companies assisted UNHCR in the overall project management pro-bono and provided pro bono time from employees to help roll out the technology in various refugee camps. In the same period, the counter-examples of CSR also alert public to pay attention to the fact that time and space were shrinking rapidly for international business and citizens: globalization had started to leave its marks, financial and business had globalized as well as risks. At the same time, the progressive development...
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