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Challenges Implementing Erp


Submitted By subhashfgh
Words 1630
Pages 7
10 reasons for ERP Implementation failures
Written by:adminWritten on:April 24, 2013 Comments
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It is a common saying that technology should work for human and not the other way round. In similar way a company’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is like its central nervous system of the body. If it is healthy, it provides the sensory input to management so they can understand what is happening with customers, suppliers, and employees. It helps management respond, by coordinating the company’s resources to win customers, battle competitors, and reduce cost, just like muscles in a body. Implementing an ERP system for your organization is the best investment a company can think of.

ERP systems are the basic sales-to-cash, accounting, reporting, compliance, human resources, supply chain, customer, and sales IT systems that companies rely on every day. Yet, despite this critical role ERP systems play, most companies fail when in it comes to implementing or upgrading their ERP system.

Negative’s attracts eye balls

The horror stories of failed ERP projects are now the stuff of legend. According to one recent report, more than 29% of ERP implementations fail to achieve even half the planned business benefits. Some well known examples include Waste Management suing SAP for $500 million for a failed ERP implementation, Hershey Foods’ 19% drop in profits from a failed SAP implementation at Halloween time a few years ago, the complete bankruptcy of FoxMeyer Drug, a $5 billion pharmaceutical distributor over a failed $100 million ERP implementation, and, perhaps most troubling, the over $1 billion spent by the US Navy on four different ERP systems, all of which have failed. There are many lessons to be learned from these failed ERP implementations. (You can find these case studies flooded on internet)

The implementation problems these large ERP

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