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Challenging Your Skills Research Paper

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Why do we get so comfortable with our skill? Why not challenge yourself to improve your skill? As a musician it is very important to challenge yourself. Challenging your skill helps you improve your skill. Settling with your skill and not challenging yourself will not help you as a musician. I actually settled, I never attempted to improve as a musician, that is why this project will help me improve as a musician. As a musician sticking with one style and one genre is not helping at all that is what I had to learn because all I really do is play modern songs, but I learned that in order to improve my skill as a musician I must challenge myself to play multiple genres. In this essay I will explain the steps I took to improve my skills as a musician. By challenging yourself to improve your skill, you can grow as a musician. …show more content…
After I choose the type of genre, I choose a song to learn and play. The genre that I decided to choose was classical. The reason I choose the genre classical is because classical is the most difficult genre to learn how to play. I never played a classical piano song before, so classical is the perfect genre for me to learn and challenge myself . When I play the keyboard or piano I normally play modern songs because modern songs are more easy to learn, but I do not feel like today songs really challenge me. When I learn how to play moderns songs it usually take me about thirty minutes. I believe learning a classical piece will help my piano skills tremendously. The classical song that I decided to learn how to play is fur elise. Fur Elise is one of the most popular classical piano pieces ever. This piece was the perfect song to learn for my first time playing a classical piano song. Choosing a genre that you are not used to playing can help challenge you as a

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