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P-90 Persuasive Essay

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Fully Automatic Airsoft Belgium P-90 Deluxe
A P-90 airsoft gun has proven time and again that it is accurate and durable, which is why it remains a weapon of choice by many airsoft enthusiasts. In fact, it is the epitome of quality and excellent marksmanship. But as you may know, something better always comes along. This time, in the form of a fully automatic airsoft Belgium P-90 deluxe rifle.
What makes it different than other P-90s?
This rifle is the best plastic gun you will ever own. Yes, it is made of plastic, but a very good one at that. You won't even realize it until you hold the rifle in your hands. Equipped with a metal inner barrel, the gun looks and feels like the real thing.
It is designed to accommodate several features and extras, such as sights, a silencer, and flashlight, but maintains a weight that is portable and easy to handle. Even with …show more content…
Most P-90 models feature a 300-round magazine capacity, but the Belgium P-90 boasts of 400 rounds high capacity magazine. It also shoots at an unbelievable 400 rounds per minute. So if you want to be packed and ready, in every sense of the word, carry a fully automatic Airsoft Belgium P-90 Deluxe rifle.
The gun shoots 400 BBs per minute with good accuracy at 20 to 25 feet. Although some would say that the accuracy could be better, precision over such distances is pretty impressive. The range of 150 to 200 fps would also make any target cry. Packed with 400 6mm BBs, The fully automatic Airsoft Belgium P-90 Deluxe rifle can definitely do some major damage.
The rifle is gravity fed, which means clips are totally unnecessary. All you need to do is pour the BBs into a designated hole in the firing mechanism and you’re good to go. The downside with gravity-fed guns is that it misfires sometimes, and can’t be used to shoot a target on a downward direction. But the fact that you can carry as many as 400 BBs will make up for its

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