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American Imperialism In Algeria

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This tactic was again something heavily used by many European nations because the country would be protected in a well-rounded manner. French forces would not be exposed to the elements that they were not accustomed to or thrown in with the “savage” people they were trying to control. Moreover, the French would receive information and an understanding of their colony that they would not have without someone from the other side. It was to their advantage that there is a vast amount of ways politically to have Algerians working with them and against their own people. It can be an attribute to how the balance between the colonized and colonizer took a dramatic shift. However, this tactic of using Algerians against other Algerians could only work …show more content…
The lives of Algerians were disregarded and put to the side in order to better adhere to the desires of the French. By Europeanizing the continent, “centralization would accelerate cultural modernization, industrialization, urbanization, commercialization while the populations increase more rapidly.” These aspects of a society were unknown to the undeveloped continent. The French had to invest in revitalizing the colony from agricultural wastelands into a good producing machine. Those goods would be sold for profit and also used in the mother country, because the resources that Algeria had was not necessarily available. France made the attempt to turn Algeria into a colony that was run only economically similar to the mother country. Colonization was about profit and power, and in those times the more money you had the more powerful you were. They aimed to “keep the Algerians in the condition of a sub-proletariat, to exploit the economy of the country within the framework of the colonial system”. A sub-proletariat is defined as the poorest of the working class of a society. By doing this, the economic policy put in place by the French could come across as a necessity for the Algerians and they would not object to the conditions they were subjected to. The economic policy that was implemented by the French was a success and expanded the French economy far …show more content…
With Algeria fueling the French economy, “French trade with the west coast of Africa may be estimated at an annual value of forty-million Francs, namely twenty-four million francs of imports into France and fifteen-million, six-hundred thousand francs of exports.” The profit that the French gained from their colonial holdings was able to elevate the nation to a level of superiority that opened doors with new partners that needed what the French had. The success was also seen as what every colonizer wanted to get out of their colony. Money and profit were hidden agendas to imperialism. The economic success that the French were having in their colony would help better their image to other nations around the globe. Other colonizing nations could envy what success the French were having. They could also envy the fact that they did not have the particular holdings that the French had with Algeria. It can be inferred that the economic opportunities that were happening because of Algeria would only continue to increase. A successful economy can mean that more nations are willing to create partnerships for buying and selling goods. It also means it put the country in a better position to provide for their citizens. “The truth is that France found North Africa very profitable. Besides being an important source of raw materials, it provided a market for French goods. The

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