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PHR Barriers

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Benefits and Barriers to Personal Health Records Personal Health Records
Personal health records (PHRs) are some of the most crucial tools that are used in the health care system to enhance the quality of healthcare offered to patients. The PHRs are defined as electronic applications that enable patients to manage and keep their health information in a secure, private, and confidential setting (Health IT, 2017). The PHRs are different from the portals that are developed to enable patients to view information and communicate with providers. In this paper, the benefits and barriers of PHRs will be discussed.
Benefits of Personal Health Records
Empowerment to Patients
One of the primary benefits of the PHRs is the empowerment of patients. These records empower patients in two ways. First, they increase the capacity of patients to assume the ownership of their own health. The records help patients to become more involved in the treatment process (Cleveland …show more content…
The PHR architecture can be boosted by data that is obtained from the electronic health records (such as health monitoring, radiology clinics, and pharmacies), which provides a complete view of the health information that is needed by providers and patients (Kim & Nahm, 2012). This augmentation supports the communication between providers and patients, irrespective of their geographical distance. The platforms or the architecture on which the PHRs are maintained eases the process of communication, which satisfies consumers. According to Kim & Nahm (2012) the PHRs system increases the capacity of patients to track data and enhance their understanding, which facilitates their communication with providers. The systems facilitate communication through secure messages, email, and online scheduling. Effective communication makes it possible for patients to receive customized

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