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Change Over Time Analysis

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Unit 9 Change Over Time Essay
Changes and Continuities of Women’s and Industrial Workers’ Roles during the Industrial Revolution

With time, changes are made. With the changes that are made, society makes the attempt to build upon them so that the continuity of that society will flourish. There were many changes that were results from the Industrial Revolution. Some of these effects were very substantial, such as the change if women’s roles, and the change of industrial workers’ roles. The amount of continuity does not compare to the amount of change in any shape, form, or fashion. The Industrial Revolution had remarkable effects on the people of society that were contemplated as a part of the “lower class”. Due to the occurrence of this event, …show more content…
There were many people that relocated from outside the society to inside the society. These relocations were very substantial in the lives of those specific citizens. The earlier half of the century was the most injurious on the customs of the workers of the industrial. Prior to this time period, there were many accomplished, productive laborers that were very crucial segments of the middle classes. The lifestyles of these people prior to this time period were very sumptuous. Prior this interval, weavers’ lifestyles were very exceptional. However, following the initiation of the Industrial Revolution, the lives that these people were used to were no more. After the Industrial Revolution started, a weaver’s life changed dramatically. These people were required to live in places that they did not to live in. The new relocations required them to stop production, and they weren’t able to receive any more affluence from what the specialized in …show more content…
The men of the society that had families basically worked to make money for their families. As opposed to men, the women were relied heavily on the men. The role of a woman during this time period was to care for the children and prepare to food within the household. Women cleaned their houses. From an economic standpoint, the position of women deteriorated. Due to these household responsibilities that the women possessed, their roles technically had no effect on the economic structure of society. However, this would not last very

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