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Chapter 12 Cis 345


Submitted By cesarpp7
Words 1193
Pages 5
Chapter 12 – Network Management Lab
In this Lab you will use the Event Viewer application to explore the event log on a computer running the Windows operating system. You can find the Event Viewer as follows: Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click System and Security; under Administrative Tools click the Event Viewer.
For this exercise, you need a computer running Windows. Ideally, it should be a computer that has been used for a while, so that the event log contains several entries. It need not be connected to a network. However, you must be logged on to the computer as a user with administrator-equivalent privileges.

1. Click Start, then click Control Panel. The Control Panel window appears.

2. In the Control Panel window, click System and Security. The System and Security window appears.

3. If the entire list of options doesn’t appear, scroll to the bottom of the window and click
View event logs under the Administrative Tools heading.

4. A User Account Control window appears, requesting your permission to continue. Click

1. The Event Viewer window appears, with three columns of panes. The center pane lists a summary of administrative events. Notice that events are classified into the following types: Critical, Error, Warning, Information, Audit Success, and Audit Failure. The number of events that have been logged in each category are listed to the right of the classification entry. How many Error events has your Windows workstation logged in the last 24 hours? 410 errors In the last 7 days? 440 errors

2. If your workstation has logged any errors in the past 7 days, click the plus sign next to the event type Error. A list of error events appears. (If you do not have any entries in the Error category, click the plus sign next to the event type “Warning”

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