...All Modules 1- 8 Assignment (2014) BUS 340 Module 1 Assignment Problems: Chapters 1, 2, and 4 Details: Using the Module 1 readings, course website links, the GCU Library, the Internet, and/or other sources of literature as needed, complete the following problems: Chapter 1 – Online Research: Common Law Chapter 2 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problem 6 Chapter 4 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problems 4 and 7 Responses should not typically exceed 200 words for each problem and should contain citations from relevant sources if applicable. Complete the problems for each chapter first by stating the question(s) you are addressing, then by stating your responses. All problems and answers should be turned in on the same page/document. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. BUS 340 Module 2 Assignment Problems: Chapters 5 and 6 Details: Using the Module 2 readings, course website links, the GCU Library, the Internet, and/or other sources of literature as needed, complete the following problems: Chapter 5 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problem 13 Chapter 6 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problem 11 Responses should not typically exceed 200 words for each problem and should contain citations from relevant sources if applicable. Complete the problems for each chapter first by stating the question(s) you are addressing, then by stating your...
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...All Modules 1- 8 Assignment (2014) BUS 340 Module 1 Assignment Problems: Chapters 1, 2, and 4 Details: Using the Module 1 readings, course website links, the GCU Library, the Internet, and/or other sources of literature as needed, complete the following problems: Chapter 1 – Online Research: Common Law Chapter 2 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problem 6 Chapter 4 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problems 4 and 7 Responses should not typically exceed 200 words for each problem and should contain citations from relevant sources if applicable. Complete the problems for each chapter first by stating the question(s) you are addressing, then by stating your responses. All problems and answers should be turned in on the same page/document. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. BUS 340 Module 2 Assignment Problems: Chapters 5 and 6 Details: Using the Module 2 readings, course website links, the GCU Library, the Internet, and/or other sources of literature as needed, complete the following problems: Chapter 5 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problem 13 Chapter 6 – Problems and Problem Cases: Problem 11 Responses should not typically exceed 200 words for each problem and should contain citations from relevant sources if applicable. Complete the problems for each chapter first by stating the question(s) you are addressing, then by stating your...
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... Development and Functions of C-Low-Threshold Mechanoreceptors Put the abstract in this area. Remember the abstract should be less than 350 words. Table of Contents Development and Functions of C-Low-Threshold Mechanoreceptors ii Table of Contents iii List of figures iv Acknowledgments v Abbreviation vi Chapter I. Introduction vii Introduction 1 1 Introduction 2 2 Chapter II. The history of chocolate began in Mesoamerica 3 Chapter II. Abstract 4 Introduction 5 Results 6 A 6 B 6 b 6 Discussion 7 Methods 8 A. 8 Acknowledgement 9 Chapter III. 10 Chapter III. Abstract 11 Introduction 12 A 12 B 12 Results 13 Method 14 Chapter IV Discussion 15 Index 16 References 17 List of figures Number Page 1. 12 2. 13 3. 14 4. 16 5. 17 6. 18 7. 21 8. 24 9. 28 10. 36 Acknowledgments The author wish to thank the person who firstly made this template ( Abbreviation DRG. Dorsal Root Ganglia VGLUT3. Vesicular glutatemate 3 C-LTMR. C- tactile Low Threshold Mechanoreceptors E. e. F. f. G. g. H h. Chapter I. Introduction Introduction 1 Page number ‘1’ should start where the content text starts. Blah blah blah. Introduction 2 Blah blah blah. Chapter II. The history of chocolate began in Mesoamerica Chapter II. Abstract Introduction Results A a. B B. b Discussion abcdefg ...
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...version when it is submitted.The copyright is no longer than a one-page document. In the event that the research study uses a published survey, a questionnaire, figures, or charts from published materials, the copyright notices of approval must accompany these materials. | To ensure the ABSTRACT title does NOT appear in the Table of Contents, use the “Normal Indent” formatting (BOLD Formatting toolbar or heading 5a on the headings toolbar) – note: it is already preformatted.The abstract is to be completed after chapters 4 and 5 are complete. The abstract provides a clear summary of the paper, indicating both content and tone of the paper. Abstracts include the statement of the problem, the research methods used to analyze the problem, a brief description of the research design, a listing of the key results, a brief description of the significance of the results, selected key conclusions, and selected key recommendations. First-person narrative should not be used in the abstract. If learners want to publish the abstract of their research project to Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI), a clearinghouse of abstracts, the abstract should be no longer than 350 words. APA-publishable abstracts, however, must...
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...ECE THESIS WRITING GUIDELINES I. Abstract All capitalized, bold font style, center page alignment, double line spacing (body) The abstract gives the reader an overview of the study, based on information from the other sections of the report. The information given in the abstract is usually the basis of many readers as to whether they will read the entire report or not. The abstract is one paragraph of about 100-200 words. The typical information elements included in an abstract are as follows: 1. Some background or general information on the study and the main topic (or purpose of the study and its scope) 2. Some information on how the study was conducted (or the methodology used in the study) 3. The most important findings of the study. 4. A statement of conclusion (justified based on the data presented). I. Body of the Manuscript Chapter 1 (Capitalize the first letter only, bold font style, center page) TITLE (FIRST LEVEL HEADING, bold face, center page) Example: Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING Line spacing: double space Spacing before: 0 pt Spacing after: 0 pt Paragraph indention: 1.50 cm Alignment: justified. Line spacing in the body: double space; 0 pt before and after No extra space will be given after the last sentence and another paragraph Content of The Problem and its Setting This chapter gives an overview of the thesis/practicum of research report, giving the reader background or basis of the problem to be...
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...of Magister Scientiae In the Facul ty of Natural and Agricultural Science University of Pretoria Pretoria Date October 2007 PROMOTOR: Prof. A. Viljoen CO-PROMOTOR: Dr. C. Steinberg I © University of Pretoria [pic] Declaration I, the undersigned, declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own and original work and that it has not previously in its entirety or part submitted for a degree to any other university. _________________________________ II [pic] TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements XII Preface XIII Chapter 1: Biological control of Fusarium wilt diseases ABSTRACT 2 INTRODUCTION 3 THE FUSARIUM WILT PATHOGEN 4 THE DISEASE 6 CONTROL OF FUSARIUM WILT 7 Chemical control 7 Cultural control 9 Disease resistance 10 Biological control 12 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF FUSARIUM WILT 12 Suppressive soils 12 Mechanisms of biological control 13 Antibiosis 13 Competition 14 Induced resistance 15 Biological control agents 16 Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp. 16 Non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum 17 Other microorganisms reducing...
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...Polymorphism OBJECTIVES In this chapter you will learn: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ General propositions do not decide concrete cases. —Oliver Wendell Holmes A philosopher of imposing stature doesn’t think in a vacuum. Even his most abstract ideas are, to some extent, conditioned by what is or is not known in the time when he lives. —Alfred North Whitehead The concept of polymorphism. To use overridden methods to effect polymorphism. To distinguish between abstract and concrete classes. To declare abstract methods to create abstract classes. How polymorphism makes systems extensible and maintainable. To determine an object’s type at execution time. To declare and implement interfaces. Why art thou cast down, O my soul? —Psalms 42:5 ■ ■ © Copyright 1992-2007 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. Chapter 10 Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism 307 Assignment Checklist Name: Section: Date: Exercises Assigned: Circle assignments Date Due Prelab Activities Matching Fill in the Blank Short Answer Programming Output Correct the Code YES YES YES YES YES YES 1 NO NO 1 YES NO NO NO NO NO NO Lab Exercises Exercise 1 — Payroll System Modification Follow-Up Question and Activity Follow-Up Question and Activity Debugging Exercise 2 — Accounts Payable System Modification YES Labs Provided by Instructor 1. 2. 3. Postlab Activities Coding Exercises Programming Challenges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1, 2 © Copyright...
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...analysis and synthesis of a broad literature base. A well-defined research design. Clarity in composition and careful documentation. Students should consult the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for complete style information (reference format, table and figure layout, special language, numbers, abbreviations, etc.). PRINT REQUIREMENTS 1. Text must be set in 12-point Times New Roman. 2. All Dissertations must be clean and carefully produced; pages that are crooked or that have grey edges, streaks, or spots are not acceptable. 3. All type must be sharp, clear, and unbroken. Visible differences in quality or contrast of print resulting from a faulty or worn out printer are unacceptable. 4. The Dissertation report needs to be submitted in hard cover binding. They may follow the Guidelines given in respect of font size, colour scheme, sequence in the report, declaration certificates duly signed by the faculty guide, acknowledgement, contents and preparation of references etc. Page 3 of 18 5. Students will prepare 2 hard copies and 2 soft copies of the Dissertation report as per the colour code given below: 6. Students will submit...
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...Preface C++ 3e.fm Page iii Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM PREFACE Welcome to the third edition of Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors. Since the publication of the second edition, we all have gained experience with teaching data abstraction in an objectoriented way using C++. This edition reflects that experience and the evolution that C++ has taken. This book is based on the original Intermediate Problem Solving and Data Structures: Walls and Mirrors by Paul Helman and Robert Veroff (© 1986 by The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.). This work builds on their organizational framework and overall perspective and includes technical and textual content, examples, figures, and exercises derived from the original work. Professors Helman and Veroff introduced two powerful analogies, walls and mirrors, that have made it easier for us to teach—and to learn—computer science. With its focus on data abstraction and other problem-solving tools, this book is designed for a second course in computer science. In recognition of the dynamic nature of the discipline and the great diversity in undergraduate computer science curricula, this book includes comprehensive coverage of enough topics to make it appropriate for other courses as well. For example, you can use this book in courses such as introductory data structures or advanced programming and problem solving. The goal remains to give students a superior foundation in data abstraction...
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...THESIS MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING THE PREPARATION OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Research and Graduate Studies Texas A&M University-Kingsville Kingsville, Texas 78363 (361) 593-2808 SPRING 2011 COPYRIGHT PRIVILEGES BELONG TO RESEARCH AND GRADUATE STUDIES Reproduction of this THESIS MANUAL requires the written permission of the Graduate Dean. FOREWORD The nature of a research study should be one in which the investigation leads to new knowledge or enhancement of existing knowledge in the student's field of study, either through acquisition of new data or re-examination and interpretation of existing data. At the graduate level, all students should learn how new knowledge is created, how experimentation and discovery are carried out, and how to think, act and perform independently in their discipline. Depending upon the degree to which the discipline has an applied orientation, the student can demonstrate mastery of the discipline through means such as research papers, literature reviews, artistic performances, oral/written presentations or case studies. The doctoral dissertation is viewed in academia as the ultimate model of documentation of the student's research. The characteristics of dissertation research include the theoretical background, description of the problem, the method which was used to solve the problem, interpretation of results and explanation of their significance. The student is expected to produce a product of excellent quality which reflects...
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...labels for these parts of your thesis.) You can see from the diagram that the parts get progressively bigger. The prelims are just a few pages. There is a lot of built-in repetition in the way a thesis or report is set out, particularly in the prelims. They provide an outline or road-map of the thesis, and explain to the reader how it is structured. The Prelims include: Title page Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures Glossary (if needed) List of Abbreviations (if needed) The main body of the thesis is made up of the thesis chapters. For theses based on primary research, the chapter titles are as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 4: Results and Discussion Chapter 5: Conclusions (and Recommendations if required) Theses based on desk research will include: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Suitable title to reflect its contents Chapter 3: Suitable title to reflect its contents Chapter 4: Suitable title to reflect its contents Additional chapters as required Chapter ? Conclusions The end matter of the thesis includes: List of Works Cited Appendices (if required) Numbering the Pages The title page gets no number....
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...Step-by-Step Guide to Capstone Design and Writing By Douglas L. Blakemore, Ph.D. Full Professor Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems Department Ferris State University CAPSTONE GUIDEBOOK 2 Copyright: 2012, Douglas L. Blakemore, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved CAPSTONE GUIDEBOOK Table of Contents Note, page numbers are right aligned 3 Page Chapter 1: Getting Started ............................................................................................…4 Chapter 2: The Five-Chapter Approach to the Capstone................................................10 Chapter 3: Organizing the Presentation of Your Study/Project......................................17 Chapter 4: A Few Basics for Writing the Capstone.........................................................24 Reference.........….……………………………………………………………………....29 Appendices……………………………………………………………………………...30 CAPSTONE GUIDEBOOK Note, running head Chapter 1: Getting Started For this class you will be conducting a research study or completing a project which demonstrates the skills and knowledge you have obtained in your field. The 4 See Ch 3 for required format for headings. APA has a required format to follow. Do not accept Word formatting without reviewing even if it says it is APA. completed study/project will not only demonstrate depth of knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge, but it may also allow opportunities to show prospective employers how your acquired skills might...
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...Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Figure Abstract TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background 1 1.1 Problem Statement 2 1.2 Research Question 3 1.3 Research Objectives 3 1.4 Research Scope 3 1.5 Target Audience 4 1.6 Definition of the term 4 1.6.1 Wayfinding 4 1.6.2 Visual 4 1.6.3 Library 5 1.6.4 Public Library 5 1.6.5 Academic Library 5 1.6.6 School Library 5 1.6.7 Special Library 6 1.7 Conclusion 6 CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 7 2.1 Wayfinding 7 2.1.1 Wayfinding-focused library research 7 2.1.2 Indoor Wayfinding Problem 8 2.1.3 Library Wayfinding Problem 9 2.2 Process of Wayfinding 9 2.3 Factor Influence Wayfinding Performance 10 2.3.1 Visual Information 11 2.3.2 Verbal Information 11 2.3.3 Spatial Information 12 2.3.4 Differentiation 12 2.4 Conclusion 13 CHAPTER 3 : METHODOLGOY 3.0 Introduction 14 3.1 Research Design 14 3.2 Data Collection Technique 15 3.3 Data Analysis Method 17 3.4 Conclusion 17 CHAPTER 4 : FINDING AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction 19 4.2 Interviews 19 4.3 User Shadowing 21 4.4 User Journey-Mapping 24 4.5 Experience Prototyping 27 4.6 Summary 29 CHAPTER 5 : RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction ...
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...1 2 3 4 The total EXAMINATION timing PER TEAM will be approximately 20 Minutes including Presentation & Viva. Presentation has to be via PPT, preferably. Please ensure that the feedback form about the project is filled for every project separately by every external examiner. Each student has to prepare and submit at least 45-50 pages Spiral bound Report with CD-R (including CD case), consisting of .doc & .pdf format of report and .ppt format of presentation. All copies of the Report with CD-R (including CD case) must be submitted on the day of exam. Total Copies of Seminar Report = Student’s copy + Copy for College Guide + Department Copy + Copy for External guide(s) who had allocated the project definition Regarding the Industry Mentor as a Member of the Examination Committee: The Principal/ Director of every Degree Engineering College/ Institute may invite the industry mentor of a project to be the third member of the Examination Committee. Note: The University will pay the Travelling Allowance as per the University norms to the industry mentor, when he works as the examiner. SEMINAR/PROJECT REPORT FOR B.E. 7TH /8TH SEMESTER 1. ARRANGEMENT OF CONTENTS: The sequence in which the project report material should be arranged and bound should be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cover Page & Title Page Certificate Acknowledgement Abstract List of Tables List of Figures List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature Table of Contents Chapters Appendices...
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...APA Common Mistakes and Helpful Tips Here is an example of citing a PowerPoint from the web – do not cap all words in the title. Mor Barak, M. E. (2014). Chapter 1: Introduction and conceptual framework [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from California State University BeachBoard Website: https://bbcsulb.desire2learn.com/d2l/lms/content/manage/topicsmodules_li st.d2l?ou=239789 Morrison, E. E., & Furlong, F. (2013). Chapter 1: Theory of health care ethics. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from California State University BeachBoard Website: https://bbcsulb.desire2learn.com/d2l/lms/content/manage/topicsmodules_li st.d2l?ou=230333 Here is an example of Lecture notes: Martinez, L. K. (2014). Chapter 1: Key concepts. Retrieved from https://bbcsulb.desire2learn.com/d2l/lms/content/preview.d2l?tId=2088458 &ou=230335 Citing your text book: Mor Barak, M. E. (2014). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. O’Lawrence, H. (2013). The historical critique of career & technical education in California from 1900 – 2000 and the status of California community colleges. Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press. Morrison, E. E., & Furlong, B. (2013). Health care ethics: Critical issues for the 21st century. (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Citing a word from a dictionary: Feminism. (n.d.). In Encyclopædia Britannica online. Retrieved from http://www...
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