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Character Analysis: Monday Night Raw

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This past episode of Monday Night Raw was a feel good moment when three of the most popular women on NXT arrived on the main roster. Becky Lynch, Charlotte, and the current NXT Women's Champion Sasha Banks were welcomed with open arms by the fans and truly deserve to be on the main stage for their hard work and dedication. Since Stephanie McMahon declared that there will be a "revolution" and real competition in the Divas Division, there should be some excitement and positivity for the WWE Universe and the division as a whole. But to me, based on the history and the current problems in the company involving the women, I'll start truly believing it when I see it.

Many fans like myself were "marking out" when those three appeared on Raw. I've …show more content…
Let's be really honest. Do you really think The Bellas are gonna take a backseat and let the NXT women or anyone else in that division shine? Whether people like myself don't like it or to some that actually like the Bellas, they are on the top of the Divas Division. Their personal relationships with two of the top performers in the company and the reliance of Total Divas has got them to where they are now. The creative team and mostly the company have put a lot of effort, time, and faith into the Bella brand. Not to say that the NXT Women can't replace them as far as merchandise movers and top quality stars (hopefully they will). There are times that people have credited Nikki Bella for improving in the ring, while Brie Bella on the other hand has regressed. The point is that right now The Bellas are not going anywhere and will not be anything less than they already are.

However, that doesn't mean that division needs to be involved around The Bellas and Paige. Like I said before about the current state of the Divas Division, there has to be variety of characters in that division. The call ups of the three NXT women was the first step. The WWE has to find those that can produce real competition to the division: Divas like Natalya, Naomi, Emma, or Alicia Fox (when she's not jobbing to anyone and not constantly turning heel or

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