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Misuse Of The Emergency Department

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Three of the problem areas related to health records for emergency departments is the misuse of the emergency room, unknown allergies or medical histories, and unidentifiable unconscious patients. Misuse of the emergency department is a problem that is occurring increasingly more often. It is a frequent problem area for most emergency department facilities. Many of the persons that utilize the emergency room on a recurrent basis do not have a primary physician that they regularly see. Most times that this type of patient presents, it is a non-emergent condition in which makes it more difficult for the patients who are truly experiencing an emergency to be seen in a timely manner. In my experience with working in pediatrics, we …show more content…
Another reason was inability or avoidance of paying the copay, coinsurance, or deductible up front and since the emergency department would not turn away the patient, they could still be seen there. This type of medical behavior makes continuity of care harder on the primary care physician as records may not always be sent to inform them of the emergency department visits and the parent may not tell the physician also. If the emergency department was truly utilized for its intended purpose, then the facilities might not be so backed up when true emergency situations arise (Gartee, 2011). One way of helping to eliminate the need for patients with the inability to pay could be what a facility in southern California did. The St. James/St. Leo’s medical and dental clinic offered help for the working poor and helped refer outpatients with insurance to help alleviate some of the crowds at the emergency departments …show more content…
This would hinder the physician and medical staff from knowing any past medical history, current medications, and drug allergies. If it is a life-threatening situation, any type of procedure performed, medications that are given, or test performed could also be life-threatening to the patient. The physician must use their discretion in these instances and sadly, hope that they are making the right medical decision and that no real harm will be done (Gartee, 2011). In a study conducted at medical science and teaching hospitals in Kathmandu, Nepal, the consensus was that toxicology laboratory test would generally need to be performed to identify and properly treat the patients. This causes more time and funds to be utilized as the patient cannot communicate to the staff what their issue may be. It also sources more work to the administrative staff (Singh, 2010). Once a positive identification is made, the temporary chart will then have to be merged into the patient’s chart which in turn takes more time for the staff making the waiting time longer for the patients waiting to be seen as the administrative staff is then given again more work (Gartee,

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