...learning organisation? Chapter 1: Introduction The aim of the study is to discover if the integrated service I work for demonstrates the principles, if any, of a learning organisation. I will begin this with a literature review and identify those key elements, which many key thinkers and contributors have written about, that distinguish a learning organisation. The literature review will also help me understand and develop my knowledge on what a learning organisation is, as at this point I have very little understanding of the concept of what a learning organisation is or consists of. I will seek to find out what the characteristics and principles are of a learning organisation and assess through my own thought process and reflection whether I feel the concept of a learning organisation is viable and can be implemented in my place of work. Furthermore, during this study I will collate my evidence in terms to inform my research by asking colleagues I work with to complete a questionnaire relevant to the principles and characteristics of a learning organisation. I will assess and critically analyse this feedback and provide valid evidence to identify whether individuals feel the work in learning culture based on the principles and characteristics discovered in the literature review. Finally, I will reflect and conclude my findings based on both the literature review and method of research and assess how this project may benefit both the team I lead and the organisation as a whole...
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...MODULE -2 Business Organisations Notes 5 FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANISATION ou have studied in the first lesson about the business, its significance and the classification of business activities. You are also aware that these activities are carried out by individuals in an organised form of a business house having different patterns of ownership and management. A single individual may own the business or a number of individuals may come together to own the business jointly. So, based on ownership, we have different forms of business organisation like a proprietary concern, a partnership firm or a company. In this lesson, you will learn about the various forms of business organisation (excluding a joint stock company), their characteristics, merits and limitations, suitability and the steps involved in their formation. Y OBJECTIVES After studying this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • • explain the concept of business organisation; state the meaning and characteristics of Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Hindu Family Business and Cooperative Societies. identify the merits and limitations of these forms of business organisation; describe the suitability of these forms of business organisation; and explain the steps in the formation of these business organisation. 5.1 BUSINESS ORGANISATION You have already learnt about the meaning of business and the various types of business activities like industry, trade, transport, banking, insurance etc. If you observe...
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...Sample Assignment Assignment front sheet Qualification | Unit number and title | Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business | Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour | Student name | Assessor name | | | Date issued | Completion date | Submitted on | 11th March 2013 | 4th April 2013 | | | | Assignment title | OB1: Culture and Management Style (1 of 3) | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Learning Outcome | Learning outcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence(Page no) | LO1 | Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture | 1.1 | Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture | 1 | | | | 1.2 | Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of a business | 1 | | LO2 | Understand different approaches to management and leadership | 2.1 | Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations | 2 | | | | 2.2 | Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management | 2 | | | | 2.3 | Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations | 2 | | Learner declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student...
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...that he or she must have the capacity to • understand the behavioural patterns of individuals, groups and organisations, • predict the behavioural responses that will most probably follow managerial actions, and • use this understanding and these predictions to achieve control. The models or implicit theories that managers develop from everyday life to achieve the above mentioned results, are often inadequate because it depends on personal experience that may be narrow or static, and they vary in quality, sophistication and validity Therefore, a roadmap or guide for analysis and action is necessary. Any model influences the kinds of data we collect and the kinds we ignore; models guide our approach to analysing and interpreting the data we have; models help us to choose our course of action. We aim to present a model here that is build on the premise that for an organisation to be effective it subparts must be consistently managed to approach a state of congruence. It is an open systems model. A system is a set of interrelated elements and an open system is one that relates to its environment. It takes inputs from its environment, transforms them and produces outputs. General characteristics of systems As systems organisations display the following characteristics. Internal interdependence: Changes in one component of the organisation have repercussions for other parts. Capacity for feedback: Information about the output can be used...
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...4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Introduction Models to Understand Human Behaviour Implications for the Organisation Personality Determinants of Personality Type and Trait Approaches to Personality Theories of Personality Importance of Personality Attitudes Attitudes and Organisation Values Socialisation's Influence on Personality, Values and Attitudes Schein Socialisation Model Summary Self-Assessment Questions Further Readings 4.1 INTRODUCTION It is very essential to understand human behaviour in today's world as the existence of the organisation depends op the employees/individuals. Without understanding human behaviour it is very difficult to work in an organisation. In order to understand human behaviour let us see how the perception of human being has changed from time to time. All organisations are composed of individuals, with different personality, attitudes, values, perception, motives, aspirations and abilities. The main reason to understand behaviour is that individuals are different. No two individuals are similar. In the early studies, theories of organisation and management treated people as though they were the same; scientific management was based on the similarities among workers, not the differences. In contrast, modern theories of human behaviour are based upon the differences among people and how those differences can affect the organisation. Individual differences are many for example some employees are motivated to work and some are not. This can...
Words: 7370 - Pages: 30
...Assignment front sheet Qualification | Unit number and title | Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business | Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour | Student name | Assessor name | Date issued | Completion date | Submitted on | 11th March 2013 | 4th April 2013 | | Assignment title | OB1: Culture and Management Style (1 of 3) | Learning Outcome | Learning outcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence (Page no) | LO1 | Understand the relationship between organisational structure and culture | 1.1 | Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture | 1 | | 1.2 | Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of a business | 1 | | LO2 | Understand different approaches to management and leadership | 2.1 | Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations | 2 | | 2.2 | Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management | 2 | | 2.3 | Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations | 2 | | Learner declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are...
Words: 1747 - Pages: 7
...4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 Introduction Models to Understand Human Behaviour Implications for the Organisation Personality Determinants of Personality Type and Trait Approaches to Personality Theories of Personality Importance of Personality Attitudes Attitudes and Organisation Values Socialisation's Influence on Personality, Values and Attitudes Schein Socialisation Model Summary Self-Assessment Questions Further Readings 4.1 INTRODUCTION It is very essential to understand human behaviour in today's world as the existence of the organisation depends op the employees/individuals. Without understanding human behaviour it is very difficult to work in an organisation. In order to understand human behaviour let us see how the perception of human being has changed from time to time. All organisations are composed of individuals, with different personality, attitudes, values, perception, motives, aspirations and abilities. The main reason to understand behaviour is that individuals are different. No two individuals are similar. In the early studies, theories of organisation and management treated people as though they were the same; scientific management was based on the similarities among workers, not the differences. In contrast, modern theories of human behaviour are based upon the differences among people and how those differences can affect the organisation. Individual differences are many for example some employees are motivated to work and some are not. This can...
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...Environment SBUS4004 Summer June 2014 – Term 1 October 2014 – Term 2 SBUS4004 The Global Business Environment MODULE CODE: TITLE: LEVEL: CREDITS: TEACHING METHODS: SBUS4004 The Global Business Environment 4 20 Lectures Seminars Independent Study N100 16% 8% 76% JACS CODE: AIM(S) • To introduce the importance of the global business environment within which organisations operate. To enable students to identify and recommend business decisions considering the changing components of the global business environment. • LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this module students should be able to: • • • outline and discuss the characteristics of an organisation’s environment; identify and discuss how organisations interact with the global business environment; interpret and produce supply and demand (price) predictions based on global business environment scenarios; distinguish how different organisations compete domestically and internationally; understand and identify cultural differences between countries and the importance of the different aspects of culture in doing business in a global context. • • CONTENT • Determining the difference between needs and wants and their significance to economics and business. Three economic systems, planned, free and mixed economies and the implications of each system on business/ organisations and society. Market classifications and characteristics: consider competitive (perfect/ non perfect) and non competitive (Monopoly...
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...To evaluate this statement we first need to define what the mechanistic and learning approach is. Then define exactly what organisational learning is and what impact the characteristics of the mechanistic approach will have on it. The two approaches involve theories and models about the adaptability and the learning skills of organizations. Bureaucracies clearly lack these characteristics in comparison to other approaches. The mechanistic approach operates the organisation in the same way a machine operates - efficient, specialised, reliable, predictable, logical and with no opinions (has no heart). The model which refers to this approach would be the Taylor model (Taylorism - 21st century scientific management). Frederick Winslow Taylor was a mechanical engineer who strived to improve industrial efficiency. He was a pioneer in the field of scientific management. The Taylor model consists of 4 components. 'Division of labour' where responsibility is shifted from worker to manager. 'One best way' where the scientific methods determine the most efficient way to operate. 'Scientific selection and training' which means the best person is selected depending on experience and qualifications. They are trained to work as efficiently as possible. Finally, 'monitor performance' where operations and performance is observed and monitored through an organisational hierarchy and through supervision. This basic concept further developed into Fordism and finally into TQM. The...
Words: 1956 - Pages: 8
...situations. This assignment will thus seek to explore through the use of models and theories brought forth by scholars; means by which people in organisations should be managed and ways by which those in managerial position could adopt in order to resolve issues in the work place efficiently. Also by using 2 main organisations (provided as case studies), the assignment further seek to bring to clarity certain similar practices shared and also expose certain contrasting means of operation between both organisation in term of: *Organisational design and structure & *Organisational Culture Brook (2003) in his findings has acknowledge the complexity that most organisations finds themselves in and rightly identifies that there are forces which not just influences an organisation but also frames it. So through the PEST model (Political, Economic, Social and Technology), it can be argued on the other side of the coin, that organisations are not only affected by their environment and its forces, however their means of operation (which is classified in other terms as organisational design and culture) can also in return influence the environment in which they operate. With that notion covered, it is thus possible to have certain aspects of the business environment viewed differently by organisations operating within the same sector; where one may see it has an opportunity for growth while the other may see it has a threat. Every working...
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...Question 2 Introduction The concept learning organisation has gained much prominence in the last few decades. It seems organizations are recognizing the importance of organisational learning as a whole rather than few individuals within the organisation that have expertise. Organisational learning not only improves the knowledge of employees, but skills and behaviours as well. Although it takes time; effort by management; and financial means the benefits and opportunities created by a learning organisation far outweighs its limitations. In order to assess the progress of Standard Bank in becoming learning organisation, the following will be covered in my essay. Firstly I will define the concept learning organisation; secondly I will address the characteristics of a learning organisation; thirdly I will identify the progress of Standard Bank in becoming a learning organisation with regards to the characteristics; furthermore I will identify barriers to organisational learning at Standard Bank; and lastly I will provide recommendations of Standard Bank’s efforts in becoming a learning organisation. 2.1 Learning organisation defined According to Senge (1990:3) learning organisations are “organisations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together.” According...
Words: 3515 - Pages: 15
...coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from| |another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt | |with according to the procedures set down by the College. Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t plagiarism.| Coursework Regulations 1. Submission of coursework must be undertaken according to the relevant procedure – whether online or paper-based. Lecturers will give information as to which procedure must be followed, and details of submission procedures and penalty fees can be obtained from Academic Administration or the general student handbook. 2. All coursework must be submitted to the Academic Admin Office and a receipt must be obtained. Under no circumstances can other College staff accept them. Please check the Academic Admin Office opening hours. 3. Late coursework will be accepted by Academic Admin Office and marked according to the guidelines given in your...
Words: 2134 - Pages: 9
...Published: 18 July 2012 How to cite this article: Van Dyk, J., & Coetzee, M. (2012). Retention factors in relation to organisational commitment in medical and information technology services. SA Journal of Human Resource Management/SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur, 10(2), Art. #433, 11 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ sajhrm.v10i2.433 Orientation: Retaining staff with scarce and critical skills in the medical and information technology (IT) industry has become a top priority because of skills shortages. Research purpose: The objectives of the study were to investigate empirically: (1) the relationship between employees’ satisfaction with organisational retention factors (measured by the Retention Factors Scale) and their organisational commitment (measured by the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire) and (2) whether gender, age, race and tenure groups differ significantly in terms of these variables. Motivation for the study: Medical and information technology professionals have specialised and hard to replace skills. They also have strong tendencies to leave their organisations and countries. Understanding the retention factors that will increase their organisational commitment may benefit the organisations who want to retain their valuable talent. Research design, approach and method: The researchers used a cross-sectional survey design to collect data from a purposive...
Words: 9269 - Pages: 38
...Table of Contents Introduction 2 External Environment: laying the foundations 2 Task Environment 3 General Environment 4 Non-Profit vs. For-Profit: perspectives on competition 5 Environment Characteristics 6 Opportunity or Threat? 8 Conclusion 8 References 10 Introduction “No organization can exist in a vacuum” (“Key forces in the external environment, Chapter 3”, n.d.). To a certain extent all types of organisations; whether private or public services, governmental bodies or charitable groups, are subject to and influenced by specific environmental factors. In this day and age with many existing classes of organisations utilising different approaches to management, there is a feasible assumption that a common change in the organisational environment may likely affect two separate organisations diversely. This response will identify how the environment directly impacts organisations, in relation to leadership roles and organisational performance. For the purpose of comparison, the point of focus will revolve around two major classes of organisations namely; ‘profitable’ verses ‘not-for-profit’ groups. The primary aim of this paper is to construct a foundational view of the external environment from a manager’s perspective. Theoretical key principles discussed will attempt to identify with the following statement - “In comparison to profitable groups; not-for-profit groups possess a different...
Words: 2830 - Pages: 12
...commercialisation of sports is developing gradually in a way that not only is importance given to manage sportsmen, but the preferences of consumers are being closely looked into before any decisions are made as well. Organisations, as a whole, face implications when it comes to fulfilling both of their needs evenly in order to be certain that the respective sports industry will continue to be stable and sustainable. Therefore, it is crucial for these organisations to explore the characteristics of their target market and acquire a deeper knowledge of their interests and preferences. As such, this report will explore and highlight the unique characteristics of sports fans as consumers, discuss the implications of sports marketing that may be faced by organisations and lastly be finished off with a personal reflection. 2. Sports fans as consumers People are known to be fans when they are seen to develop a diehard interest in a particular subject. It could involve sports, authors, musicians, celebrities and so on. According to Reysen and Branscombe (2010), a person can be considered a fan when they become passionate and enthusiastic about their particular interest and show loyalty to it. Both sports fans and normal spectators may share similar characteristics however, there are various factors which would clearly differentiate fans from spectators. For example, their degree of loyalty, commitment, emotional significance and value to the supporting clubs as well as their devotion...
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