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Charles Manson Research Paper

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Charles manson was born November 12, 1931 in Cincinnati, Ohio (Manson). This man had a group or ‘family’ who killed seven people in California, in the 1980s (Charles). Manson was a very conniving person who used drugs and sex to get others to do what he wanted them to. Though he was very odd, he still had a real family. Manson’s mother was Kathleen Maddox and his father wasn’t really a part of the picture. Eventually, Manson got married to Rosalie Jean and had two children (Manson). Charles Manson Jr., one of the two children committed suicide in the 1990s (Nesvig). At a young age Manson wasn’t the nicest kid to hang-out with. “His schoolmates and cousins didn’t like him because he lied, cheated, and blamed others for his wrongdoings”

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