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Blood In The Sand Analysis

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Is bringing back an extinct species a moral or immoral idea for our environment? Many species that were once populous and thriving in our world are now gone and extinct because of poachers and hunters. Now, because of poachers, an increased number of different species remain on the brink of becoming extinct. The question is how can society help stop the extermination of various species? De-extinction could give us a chance to revive animals that have been gone for a long time and could benefit our ecosystem. Therefore, while numerous people recognize that when a species is almost extinct, they should assist in every way possible to save that specific species, few people understand that de-extinction could help better the environment and the species itself as occasionally extinction is inevitable. …show more content…
The poachers are using the turtle’s eggs as an aphrodisiac for them to make a profit. However, because of this, many turtles are being slaughtered. The poachers, however, are not being stopped by the police as Power states “Mora collected 19 nests in three nights, completely replacing the eggs that had been stolen. But a few weeks later Calderon once again suspended escorts, and no arrests were made” (Power 219). Because police officers are not arresting the poachers, many of them are getting away with stealing eggs and killing more of the leatherback turtles. Not only are leatherback turtles are being killed because of society, such as poachers and hunters, even the right whale population are suffering. Sarah Schweitzer’s article “Chasing Bayla” discusses how the right whale population is being affected because of

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