...2. From Thomas Springer’s inventory, multiple things can be deduced about his life and daily activities. For one thing, it is evident that Thomas Springer did work outside, most likely agricultural and lumber work. He has both a large amount of supplies intended for work outside, including crowbars, axes, and plows, as well as a large portion of agricultural and lumber goods, such as potatoes, cider, and wood. Not only this, but it is noticeable that he has more boots than he has drawers. The fact that he would have more boots than underwear shws that he certainly has a great need for boots, a need which would be justified by daily outdoor agricultural work. Although it is obvious that a good portion of this man’s day and his income is determined by outdoor work, it is also evident that his time is not entirely dominated by such work. It is listed that he has “a lot of books”. It can be assumed that if Springer had no time remaining outside of his agricultural work, then he would be unable to have time to read and thus be unlikely to accumulate many books. Therefore Springer most likely has spare time outside of working, which he is able to use for leisure. This, along with the fact that Springer is able to afford not only a lot of books for pure leisure, but also 2 slaves shows that, although perhaps not extremely wealthy, Springer is certainly well off and providing for himself beyond sustenance. Springer is evidently, thorugh agricultural and lumber work, making a healthy...
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...Running head: NOT KILLED ONLY STRONGER Not Killed Only Stronger Ilderina Kajtezovic Davenport University Disappointment, disbelief and fear filled my mind as I lie on my side, sandwiched between the cold metal bar of the seat and hot slick plastic dashboard of the car. The warm sun was beaming on my left cheekbone. All I felt was a wriggle from my seatbelt, the force of the impact pulling me into the air bag and suddenly jerking me back into the seat. Motility from the seatbelt pressed down on my left shoulder with monster force. Not being able to move even an inch was a feeling, in which filled my body with fear, discourage and terror. In that same moment the right side of my body began to feel numb as if I had been holding it in a bucket of ice for hours. My lungs feeling shut not allowing air to neither enter nor escape my body. Lying there, watching cars pass by me, I cried for help, but my voice was unheard. Now all I felt I could do is just lie there and wait for help to come or slowly die. “Buzz,” I hear the alarm clock trying to wake me up. I leaned over and hit the snooze button. Thinking to myself all I need is five more minutes. Knowing in reality those five minutes were not going to make a difference, either way I still needed to be at work in an hour. After the second buzz I finally woke up. Groggily sliding out of my warm comfortable bed, and slipping into the warm shower. I dragged myself into the shower slowly like a turtle. About fifteen minutes later...
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...Jasmine Zamora Professor Kristen Hassett EPSY 3360 December 1, 2014 Happy Feet Happy Feet is a movie that takes place in Antarctica amongst Empire penguins. The main character Mumble was just an egg when he is introduced. As his mother leaves the community to find food, Mumble father drops him; it is known that an egg must never be dropped because of the frigid temperature. Although it was unlikely for Mumble to hatch after the drop, he hatches and is livid with his feet. Mumble, in good spirits displays his unconventional talent. Not only was Mumble born with “happy feet” he was also born with the inability to sing. In order for penguins to mate, they must be able to serenade a female penguin. Without this important trait Mumble’s parents as well as the community are left in confusion. Possible causes of disabilities in children similar to Mumble would involve teratogens. “Teratogens are drugs, chemicals, or even infections that can cause abnormal fetal development. There are billions of potential teratogens but only a few agents are proven to have teratogenic effects,” (Pregnancy and Teratogens). Anything caused by an external force would be similar to the cause Mumble’s development. Teratogens can cause learning disabilities such as dyslexia and ADHD. Although it is not too obvious Mumble’s appearance is also different, he has a fluffy outer coat unlike his peers, and has blue eyes, and is smaller in size than the rest of his peers. Mumble’s development is similar...
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...If you just had a new parking lot poured for your business, you probably want your investment to last. Here are some things that you need to pay attention to over the years in order to make sure that you get as many years as possible out of your new parking lot. #1 Always Clean Up Debris One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your new parking lot is by keeping it clean. Don't let dirt, weeds, leaves and trash build up and accumulate in your parking lot. This type of debris can get into cracks in your pavement and cause them to expand. Leaving debris sitting for an extended period of time can also damage the surface of your parking lot. Assign an employee to sweep and clean your parking lot at least once a week. Keeping your parking lot clean will prolong its life. #2 Address Spills Right Away It is almost inevitable that at some point, oil or other vehicle fluids will get onto your parking lot. When they do, try to clean them up right away. There are many easy ways to clean up spills. Sometimes, all you need to do to prevent a spill from setting is to wash the area with a little soap and water as soon as you see the stain. You can also put kitty litter on any oil or grease stains in your parking lot; the litter will absorb the oil right up. #3 Clean Around Your Manholes & Storm Drains Take the time to clean debris away from manholes and storm drains in your parking lot. You need both of these things to be clear so that water can properly drain away from your parking...
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...“Six Feet Under” The HBO drama Six Feet Under follows the lives of the fisher family. They run their family owned funeral home. Six Feet Under is a family oriented drama. The fisher family has just lost their father in a car accident. The pilot introduces the members of the family and shows the viewer how they grieve individually and as a family. Six feet under is a tragedy drama, because it deals with death, coping with it, and what comes after. Tragedy dramas force viewers to sympathize the family and relate to what they are feeling and dealing with. The Character architecture of Six Feet Under’s pilot episode is that of an ensemble cast. An ensemble includes a group of main characters as opposed to just one main character. Ensembles can follow one character more than the others, or change focus frequently like this episode of Six Feet Under did. Each character is different, they have different personalities, struggles, and aspirations. The episode changes focus from each of the two sons, to the mother, and to the daughter, who are all struggling to cope with their recent loss. Each member is struggling internally with decisions they have made and outside factors that are only made worse by the loss of their father. The pilot of Six Feet Under is a premise pilot. Premise pilots are first episodes in which a life changing event takes place which sets the tone for each of the characters’ lives and how the viewer will see them progress. The major event in Six Feet Under...
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...The New Jerusalem William Blake And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon England's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God On England's pleasant pastures seen? And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here Among these dark Satanic Mills? Bring me my bow of burning gold! Bring me my arrows of desire! Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold! Bring me my charriot of fire! I will not cease from mental fight, Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand Till we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land. William Blake’s poem, The New Jerusalem, is the one chose because I found it truly amazing. It includes biblical and historical ideas. In my opinion, the poem should be taken literally keeping in mind the hidden messages it portrays. The poem describes that Jesus did not walk on England’s hills; instead, it were the druids who controlled England while Jesus was in Jerusalem, thus England was a place of "Satanic mills." Since Jerusalem was not originally created in England, English must make their own Jerusalem. Personally, I liked Blake’s way of make connections with the words. This makes the poem more interesting and adds more meaning to the story being told. The idea of the poem is to show the transformation of England when it was involved in war and corruption and now, the times of piece. I believe that Blake is trying to express that Earth has the potential to be at complete peace, not...
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...INTRODUCTION In Religious terms if we define Divinity, so it is the state of things which come from a deity or supernatural power, such as God and therefore are regarded as holy or sacred. These things are divine due to their transcendental origin. Divine things are eternal and also they are based in truth. These Divine things are visions, prophecies, grace, miracles, salvation, and apparitions. The word “Divine” literally means “Godlike”. Divine force or power are the forces that are universal. Divinity always carries the connotations of beauty, goodness, justice, beneficence, positive and pro-social attributes. In monotheistic faiths there is an equivalent group of malefic supernormal beings and powers, like the demons, afreet and devils etc. They are not conventionally referred to as divine, for them what used is demonic. Demons, devils, afreet, etc., which are not conventionally referred to as divine; demonic is often used instead. Polytheistic and pantheistic faiths never make such distinctions. About the power of divine many writers have talked about in English literature, one among them is William Blake who was a 19th century poet, writer and artist. Blake is regarded as a very influential figure of the romantic age because of his writings which have influenced the artists and writers through ages. He was a major poet and considered as an original thinker. William Blake was a visionary poet, and a greatest contributor to art and English literature. Blake was born...
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