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Parking Lot Research Paper

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If you just had a new parking lot poured for your business, you probably want your investment to last. Here are some things that you need to pay attention to over the years in order to make sure that you get as many years as possible out of your new parking lot.

#1 Always Clean Up Debris

One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your new parking lot is by keeping it clean. Don't let dirt, weeds, leaves and trash build up and accumulate in your parking lot. This type of debris can get into cracks in your pavement and cause them to expand. Leaving debris sitting for an extended period of time can also damage the surface of your parking lot.

Assign an employee to sweep and clean your parking lot at least once a week. Keeping your parking lot clean will prolong its life. …show more content…
When they do, try to clean them up right away. There are many easy ways to clean up spills. Sometimes, all you need to do to prevent a spill from setting is to wash the area with a little soap and water as soon as you see the stain. You can also put kitty litter on any oil or grease stains in your parking lot; the litter will absorb the oil right up.

#3 Clean Around Your Manholes & Storm Drains

Take the time to clean debris away from manholes and storm drains in your parking lot. You need both of these things to be clear so that water can properly drain away from your parking lot. When water builds up and sits on your parking lot, it can do damage to it. Prevent this from happening by being proactive.

If water does ever build up in your parking lot, and you know that your manhole and storm drains are clear, you have a different drainage issues. Call a paving company and have them come out and inspect your parking lot and identify the drainage issue for you.

#4 Address Potholes & Bucking Right

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