...Write an essay on ONE of the topics listed below: Recommended length: 5,000 words Submission date: 12 noon, Thursday Week 4 of Term 3 You are recommended to consult the following three Department documents when writing this essay: • Undergraduate Studies Handbook • Assessed-essay-writing guidelines • Essay-marking criteria for Options and Core Modules 1. ‘Zeugnisse guten Willens, zugleich aber wieder Dokumente der Ratlosigkeit’ (Günther Mahal). Discuss with reference to a representative selection of texts from the material in the collection Die Berliner Moderne, 1885-1914. 2. ‘Tatsächlich ist es die Erfahrung der Großstadt Berlin, die Konfrontation eines in der Provinz herangebildeten kleinbürgerlichen Bewußtseins mit der Hektik, der Unübersichtlichkeit, den Massenmenschen, dem Elend der industrialisierten Metropole, aus denen die Entstehung der künstlerischen Moderne, ihr unklarer und widersprüchlicher Charakter verstanden werden können.’ (Jürgen Schutte and Peter Sprengel). Discuss with reference to a representative selection of texts or visual material produced before 1930 that you have studied on the module. 3. ‘Die psychologische Grundlage, auf der der Typus großstädtischer Individualitäten sich erhebt, ist die Steigerung des Nervenlebens, die aus dem raschen und ununterbrochenen Wechsel äußerer und innerer Eindrücke hervorgeht.’ (Georg Simmel). Analyse the significance of Simmel’s essay ‘Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben’ of 1903 for an understanding...
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...The President's Proposal Strengthen border security and infrastructure. - Strengthens and improves infrastructure at ports of entry, facilitates public-private partnerships aimed at increasing investment in foreign visitor processing, and continues supporting the use of technologies that help to secure the land and maritime borders of the United States. Combat transnational crime. - Creates new criminal penalties dedicated to combating transnational criminal organizations that traffic in drugs, weapons, and money, and that smuggle people across the borders. It also expands the scope of current law to allow for the forfeiture of these organizations’ criminal tools and proceeds. Through this approach, we will bolster our efforts to deprive criminal enterprises, including those operating along the Southwest border, of their infrastructure and profits. Improve partnerships with border communities and law enforcement. - Expands our ability to work with our cross-border law enforcement partners. Community trust and cooperation are key to effective law enforcement. To this end, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will establish border community liaisons along the Southern and Northern borders to improve communication and collaboration with border communities, boost funding to tribal government partners to reduce illegal activity on tribal lands, and strengthen training on civil rights and civil liberties for DHS immigration officers. Crack down on criminal networks...
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...Testing Right Form 1. I [pic](be) born in 1944 during the war. 2. My parents [pic]( go) to the cinema yesterday and they hated the film. 3. Did you [pic](find) your course book? 4. What did you [pic](do) during your holidays in the Bahamas? 5. Van Gogh [pic]( draw) beautiful sketches before he painted them 6. The Berlin wall [pic]( fall) in 1989. 7. Why did you [pic]( break) this vase? 8. The Police [pic]( catch) the thieves in Paris near the Louvre. 9. At the restaurant Ben [pic](drink) white wine and ate sushis. 10. What did you [pic]( have) for breakfast? 11. Behind the door , he [pic]( hear) all the conversation. 12. When my father was twenty years old he [pic]( drive) a Lexus. 13. The boy felt angry because he [pic]( be) punished. 14. Two months ago he [pic]( fly) to Los Angeles. 15. Sorry Miss, I [pic]( forget) my book. 16. What did you [pic]( get) for Christmas? 17. Did you [pic](begin) the test at half past nine? 18. He didn't [pic]( hurt) the little boy. 19. The Police didn't [pic]( catch) the thieves. 20. The students never [pic](forget) their homework last week. Ans: I WAS(be) born in 1944 during the war. 2. My parents WENT( go) to the cinema yesterday and they hated the film. 3. Did you FIND(find) your course book? 4. What did you DO (do) during your holidays in the Bahamas? 5. Van Gogh DREW ( draw) beautiful sketches before he painted them 6. The Berlin wall FELL ( fall) in 1989. 7. Why did you BREAK ( break) this vase...
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...Lives in Fences Fences are built to keep life in order, on track and simple. Such as “The Berlin Wall was a concrete barrier that separated West Berlin from East Berlin throughout much of the cold war.” The Berlin Wall was built up to keep two sides separated from conflict, but eventually the two sides overcame that. The Berlin wall was once necessary, but as time went by and the world evolved, so did the people and eventually came down. There will always be fences built up in our lives, but that doesn’t always mean they need to be a barrier and are necessary. There are times when barriers crucial and keeps everyone orderly. In Robert Frosts poem, he repeats “Good fences make good neighbors”. (“Mending Wall”46) Fences are the comfort zones for all people, its their own little privacy. It also could be very crucial in getting along with other because as long as we all have that barrier no conflicts will arise.Robert introduces differences, “He is all pine and I am apple orchard”. (“Mending Wall” 24) Two totally different concept, a pine an an apple, one sweet and one sharp. This is a crucial time to have to have a fence for if they were to cross in each others path it will easily not end well for the differences are so enormous. Fences are always built up to keep something in; whether it be a way of life or simply to avoid conflict. There also comes a time when a barrier is no longer necessary. Robert Frost says, “But here there are no cows. Before I built a wall I’d...
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...PLFS: A Checkpoint Filesystem for Parallel Applications John Bent∗† Garth Gibson‡ Gary Grider∗ Ben McClelland∗ , , , , Paul Nowoczynski§ James Nunez∗ Milo Polte† Meghan Wingate∗ , , , ABSTRACT Categories and Subject Descriptors D.4.3 [Operating Systems]: File Systems ManagementFile organization General Terms Performance, Design Keywords High performance computing, parallel computing, checkpointing, parallel file systems and IO ∗ LANL Technical Information Release: 09-02117 Los Alamos National Laboratory ‡ Carnegie Mellon University § Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center † (c) 2009 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by a contractor or affiliate of the U.S. Government. As such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes only. SC09 November 14–20, Portland, Oregon, USA. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-744-8/09/11 ...$10.00. 100 Speedup (X) Parallel applications running across thousands of processors must protect themselves from inevitable system failures. Many applications insulate themselves from failures by checkpointing. For many applications, checkpointing into a shared single file is most convenient. With such an approach, the size of writes are often small and not aligned with file system boundaries. Unfortunately for these applications, this preferred data...
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...Checkpoint: Business Models and Systems One business that I use on a regular basis is Wal-mart Super center. I use this company a lot because it has everything that you need all in one store. You can shop for clothes, groceries and other thing in one stop shopping. It is also known world wide on having great saving an rollback prices also. Business Commerce At Wal-Mart people do not trade items. The things are already there for your convenience. Things are produces like the foods that are made in the bakery and the deli that you can buy that they cook. Also you can trade things there for other things if you don’t like them or if it’s something that you can’t use. Business Occupation Wal-Mart has claimed a lot of customers for its worldwide known low prices over competitor’s prices and quality of goods. It has been known to have rollback prices that are always an ongoing thing compared to their competition like Target. Its known to always have some kind of sale also without having to go through newspaper ads and coupons to have the lowest price things. With being a branch to Sam’s Club they have many of the same thing and also a few of the items can be bought in bulks like house materials lie tissue, paper towels and plastic silverware. Business Organization The relationship between employees and managers are quite good. A entry-level employee can work their way up to a key holder, customer service associate or department manager in no time. Higher level employees...
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...Checkpoint: Motivating Employees Many employers, large or small, use many motivation techniques with their employees. It is obviously known that an employee who is motivated in their workplace is much more productive than employees who are not feeling motivated. Having motivated and productive employees make for a more successful company. Furthermore, if a business has motivated and productive leaders and managers, chances are they will set the example for the rest of the staff. New employees will develop higher work ethics and better work habits. When other employees see how an employee who is performing well is treated by management, they will strive to receive the same treatment. A noticeable difference will most likely be seen between those employees who are being motivated and treated compared to the treatment that an employee who is not motivated and not productive is given. Motivating an employee or a company full of employees can be difficult for any organization if the necessary reinforcement plan is not in place for those motivators. Motivation can be referred to as either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation focuses more on motivation received from an activity itself such as why children play or adults who work on crosswords or puzzles. There is not a physical goal, other than just the fun they receive from doing that action. Extrinsic motivation focuses more so on a reward or consequence from an activity. An example of...
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...Simple Array Process Check Point Joshua William Graham Simple Array Process Check Point I had asked my mother to help out with this assignment and sent her the appendix in an e-mail. After receiving her responses I was surprised to see that we did agree on many of the placements of terms in the given categories. Before my mother started the survey she gave me call to ask a few questions on some of the terminology used such as patriarchal society. After she finished she sent it back to me and I looked it over. To begin with, the both of us thought that both groups could have been chosen for a lot of the terms given simply because there are a lot of different people in the groups mentioned with beliefs that are not the normal views as others in the same group. I can see though from some of my mother responses that we also did not agree on a few terms and their placement. One of the terms I noticed that we did not agree on was the term social inclusive. In my opinion, I think that this is a correct placement simply due from the way other Americans might treat the Muslim and Arab Americans after the attacks on 9/11. Many Americans view Muslims and Arab American in distrust and are generally “snubbed” in society and they in turn stay inclusive to themselves. Some of the terms presented were factual and had only one category to be placed in. One of the terms “oppressive to women” in my opinion would only belong into the Muslim and Arab Americans category...
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...Culture influences personality in a big way. One of these reasons being that what one may consider friendly or normal, someone who was raised in a different culture or environment may not feel the same way. For example, people in France like to greet people with a kiss on the cheek. One person may react to this in the same friendly manner but another person’s reaction could be one of disgust or discomfort because they do not like people getting too close to them. With that said, I believe that a person’s reaction to certain things is separate from social experience as well as a result of social experience. I think it depends on the situation. We all have different traits and we are going to react differently to certain things. Out of the four positions of nature of traits I agree with behavioral dispositions. This is because I feel like this position ties into my claim that each individual is different and their reactions to certain things is both separate from and a result of social experience. We are all going to react to situations differently based on our own traits and sometimes cultural upbringing. When contrasting my position to the position of linguistic categories, I see that this theory is saying that traits cannot have an influence because they do not exist outside of the mind of the observer. I do not agree with this because our traits are what makes us who we are as individuals. That is why we all have different personalities. Those traits have some kind of...
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...Maura Walsh Honey Frydman September 17, 2014 DSSA100M Kohlberg’s Development Theory In my personal opinion Kohlberg’s theory was well thought out. He believed that people progress in life through a series of stages. Kohlberg’s theory was put into six different stages and classified into three separate levels. Kohlberg’s theory is very accurate due to the fact that all though some kids may be in a more challenging group than the stage they are meant to be in, that gives us a measurement of how maturity can be major factor. Kohlberg’s stages are based on different levels; level one is pre-conventional, stage one is obedience and punishment orientation (how can one avoid punishment), Stage two is self-interest orientation (what’s in it for me), level two is conventional, stage three is interpersonal accord and conformity (social norms), stage four is authority and social order maintaining orientation (law and order morality), level three is post conventional- stage five is social contract orientation, and lastly stage six is universal ethical principles (principled conscience). Kohlberg’s stages are reasons we have morals, you basically go through six stages to become more knowledgeable about life. Stage one is most crucial in growing up. Obedience- kids should be frightened of getting punished, one can have religious morals where they don’t partake in some activities because they are scared “God will send them to hell.” Stage two is dealing with self-interest, in...
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...• How does e-mail benefit an organization? Why might an organization want to limit how an employee uses e-mail during work hours? What is an e-mail’s path once it leaves an organization? E-mails benefit an organization by giving the opportunity to send out information instantly rather than mailing it to client your potential customers. Emails offer a way to save cost on printing information it is paperless so not only is it cost effective but it is also eco friendly. Emailing can increase productivity because it will cut down on waiting for information to get to one place. Emails can also be sent to multiple people at once. An organization may want to limit the time employees use emails during work hour to cut down on loss of productivity. If it is work related then I think organization will not have a problem as long as you are not using emails for personal communications. Employers may also want to limit the time employees on emailing because it is security issue sensitive information can be leaked if the wrong person receives a email with companies information that is not intended for the general public. The path of a email can be insecure, the email path can be broken, it can get delayed, or it may even disappear all together, When an email paths is directed to a person or persons it can also be miss directed to the wrong person by accident and can be leaked out and spread through the...
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...A direct marketing channel (also called a zero level channel) involves a manufacturer selling directly to customers. There are many examples of this that many people don’t realize on a day to day basis. TV selling and internet selling remain to be the main the channels in marketing. Many people shop on networks such as QVC and HSN to purchase goods that are directly sold to them. When a person buys a tea pot on macys.com, they are going through one of the direct marketing channels. Many other well-known companies such as Apple and Avon sell their products through their own stores or door to door. Other venues for direct marketing include telemarketing, mail orders, and door to door sales like the company Avon. Channel conflict can be defined as one channel member’s actions preventing another channel from achieving its goal. One prime example of channel conflict would be that of Oracle Corporation. This company experienced problems concerning channel conflict on a way that related to their sales force and their vendors. When the activities of the vendors impeded on the activities of the sales force, the company had to set some boundaries. Oracle set up an “All Partner Territories” where all the deals of all groups went through the partners. While the company did experience these problems, realizing the causes could have helped aid the company through the tough times. Some of the causes include: 1. Unclear roles and rights 2. Differences in perceptions 3. Intermediaries dependence...
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...Week 1 Review Questions Chapter 1 |3. |How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events such as meteorite impacts, huge | | |volcanic eruptions, or great earthquakes? | | | | | |A Scottish geologists named James Hutton gave geology the name uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism is the study of rock formations | | |structure, and the distinctive patterns. Sand dunes near Yuma Arizona contains sand grains that are deposited by wind grains. The | | |earth has tectonic plates that can move, this movement is called Tectonic activity. When the plates shift, the movement can cause | | |volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The earth has received two kinds of crust due to tectonic activities, the thick granitic | | |continental crust, and the thin basaltic oceanic crust. The theory that the earth is not one solid shell of rock sitting on a magma | | |core is called the lithosphere theory. The shifting plate theory seems to help explain the formations of mountains, volcanoes | | |eruption, and the occurrence of earthquakes. The earth contains several plates that float around on the softer upper mantle of the | | |earth. Scientist can study the...
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...1. (TCO 8) Which of the following is a potential area of concern for managers when they use internal sources to fill a vacant position? (Points : 2) A drop in morale An increase in turnover The ripple effect Complaints from the union The loss of highly qualified employees 2. (TCO 8) Recruiters need to keep in mind the employment decision goes both ways, and the perspective employee is selecting a job. One of the best tools for getting a good match between the job and the person filling the job is to (Points : 2) provide a realistic job description. conduct a realistic job preview. conduct an extensive pre-employment testing program. do extensive work on validating selection devices. hire professional personnel interviewers. 3. (TCO 8) ____ is used to determine the relative value of jobs within the organization. (Points : 2) Job analysis Job evaluation The wage-level decision The individual wage decision Performance evaluation 4. (TCO 8) Fairway Green Inc. has added a lucrative retirement plan for its employees that includes medical benefits for retirees. These benefits target which level of need in Maslow's hierarchy (Points : 2) esteem. physiological. belongingness. security. self-actualization. 5. (TCO 8) Ellen claims her job is so easy she goes to work to relax after...
Words: 668 - Pages: 3
...Resource: Ch. 2 of Introduction to Business Write a 200- to 300-word description of a business scenario, either real or fictional, that depicts each of the following forms of business organization: • Joint-stock company • Limited liability company • Partnership • Sole proprietorship A joint-stock company is a business that is owned by shareholders. Every individual that owns a share is partial owner. Shareholders are also allowed to transfer their portion or share of the company whenever the shareholder chooses to do so. The Green Bay Packers are an example of a joint-stock company A limited liability company protects stockholders in the event of a company going bankrupt. Under a LCC, creditors cannot seize the money of stockholders; however, creditors can seize money from the initials stockholders that started the business. A LLC was created to protect shareholders from fraud and corruption. A partnership is where a select number of people in different professions start a company and share the profits equally. Only the people in the partnership will be stockholders. Basically, if I opened a business with three other skilled professionals, the four of us would share equal profits of 25%. Sole proprietorship is where there is one sole owner of a noncorporated business. The one sole owner has no partners and receives all profits. On the other hand, the one sole owner also talks on all personal liabilities and financial risks. The company I work for, Vivolac...
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