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PLFS: A Checkpoint Filesystem for Parallel Applications
John Bent∗† Garth Gibson‡ Gary Grider∗ Ben McClelland∗
Paul Nowoczynski§ James Nunez∗ Milo Polte† Meghan Wingate∗


Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.4.3 [Operating Systems]: File Systems ManagementFile organization

General Terms
Performance, Design

High performance computing, parallel computing, checkpointing, parallel file systems and IO

LANL Technical Information Release: 09-02117
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

(c) 2009 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by a contractor or affiliate of the U.S. Government. As such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes only.
SC09 November 14–20, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-744-8/09/11 ...$10.00.

Speedup (X)

Parallel applications running across thousands of processors must protect themselves from inevitable system failures. Many applications insulate themselves from failures by checkpointing. For many applications, checkpointing into a shared single file is most convenient. With such an approach, the size of writes are often small and not aligned with file system boundaries. Unfortunately for these applications, this preferred data layout results in pathologically poor performance from the underlying file system which is optimized for large, aligned writes to non-shared files. To address this fundamental mismatch, we have developed a virtual parallel log structured file system, PLFS. PLFS remaps an application’s preferred data layout into one which is optimized for the underlying file system. Through testing on PanFS, Lustre, and
GPFS, we have seen that this layer of indirection and reorganization can reduce checkpoint time by an order of magnitude for several important benchmarks and real applications without any application modification.






1: Summary of our results. This graph summarizes our results which will be explained in detail in Section 4. The key observation here is that our technique has improved checkpoint bandwidths for all seven studied benchmarks and applications by up to several orders of magnitude.

In June 2008, Los Alamos National Labs (LANL), in partnership with IBM, broke the petaflop barrier and claimed the top spot on the Top 500 list [3] with the Roadrunner supercomputer [23]. Due to its unique hybrid architecture,
Roadrunner has only 3060 nodes, which is a relatively small number for a supercomputer of its class. Unfortunately, even at this size, component failures are frequent. For large parallel simulations at LANL, and other High Performance
Computing (HPC) sites, which can run for several months, restarting a calculation from the beginning is not viable, since the mean time to interrupt for today’s supercomputers is measured in days or hours and not months [31, 41].
Typically these applications protect themselves against failure by periodically checkpointing their progress by saving the state of the application to persistent storage. After a failure the application can then restart from the most recent checkpoint. Due to the difficulty of reconstructing a consistent image from multiple asynchronous checkpoints [18],
HPC applications checkpoint synchronously (i.e. following a barrier). Synchronous checkpointing, however, does not eliminate the complexity; it merely shifts it to the parallel file system which now must coordinate simultaneous access from thousands of compute nodes. Even using optimal checkpoint frequencies [9], checkpointing has become the driving workload for parallel file systems and the challenge it imposes grows with each successively larger super-

11 11
00 00
111111111 11 11
000000000 00 00

11 1 1
00 0 0
11 1 1
00 0 0

(a) N-N



111 11 00 00
000 00 00 00
111 11 11
000 11 11




111 111
111 111
111 111
11 000 000
00 000 000
11 000 000
00 000 000
111 000 000
000 000 000
111 111
111 111
111 111



1111 1111111 11
0000 0000000 00


11 1 1
00 0 0

111111111 11 11
000000000 00 00


(b) N-1 segmented





111 00 00
000 00 00
111 11 11
000 11 11
111 00
000 00






111 1111111 11
000 0000000 00
1111 111
0000 000

11 11 111111 11111 11 11111
00 00 000000 00000 00 00000
111 111 11 11
000 000 00 00
11 111 000
11 00 111111 11111 00 11111
00 00 000000 00000 00 00000
11 000 000
11 00
00 00

11 11
00 00

111 11 11 11
000 00 00 00
11 11 11 11
00 00 00 00
111 11 00
000 00 00



11 11
00 00
11 00
00 11


111 1
000 0

11 11 00
00 00 00
11 11
00 11




11 1 1
00 0 0


11 1 11
00 0 00



(c) N-1 strided

2: Common Checkpointing Patterns. This figure shows the three basic checkpoint patterns: from left to right, N-N, N-1 segmented, and N-1 strided. In each pattern, the parallel application is the same, consisting of six processes spread across three compute nodes each of which has three blocks of state to checkpoint. The difference in the three patterns is how the application state is logically organized on disk. In the N-N pattern, each process saves its state to a unique file. N-1 segmented is simply the concatenation of the multiple N-N files into a single file. Finally, N-1 strided, which also uses a single file as does N-1 segmented, has a region for each block instead of a region for each process. From a parallel file system perspective, N-1 strided is the most challenging pattern as it is the most likely to cause small, interspersed, and unaligned writes. Note that previous work [16] refers to N-N as file per process and N-1 as shared file but shares our segmented and strided terminology. computer [32, 42]. The difficulty of this challenge can vary greatly depending on the particular pattern of checkpointing chosen by the application. In this paper, we describe different checkpointing patterns, and show how some result in very poor storage performance on three of the major HPC parallel file systems: PanFS, GPFS, and Lustre.
We then posit that an interposition layer inserted into the existing storage stack can rearrange this problematic access pattern to achieve much better performance from the underlying parallel file system. To test this hypothesis, we have developed PLFS, a Parallel Log-structured File System, one such interposition layer. We present measurements using
PLFS on several synthetic benchmarks and real applications at multiple HPC supercomputing centers. The results confirm our hypothesis: writing to the underlying parallel file system through PLFS improves checkpoint bandwidth for all tested applications and benchmarks and on all three studied parallel file systems; in some cases, bandwidth is raised by several orders of magnitude.
As we shall discuss, and is summarized in Figure 1, PLFS is already showing very large speed ups for widely used HPC benchmarks and important real HPC codes, and at extreme scale. PLFS works on unmodified applications as an optional mount point on the compute nodes and is designed to augment, and not replace, an existing underlying parallel file system. PLFS consists of three thousand lines of code and is publically available at
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We present more detailed background and motivation in Section 2, describe our design in Section 3 and our evaluation in Section 4.
We present related work in Section 5, current status and future work in Section 6, and finally we conclude in Section 7.



From a file system perspective, there are two basic checkpointing patterns: N-N and N-1. An N-N checkpoint is one in which each of N processes writes to a unique file, for a total of N files written. An N-1 checkpoint differs in that all of N processes write to a single shared file. Applications using N-N checkpoints usually write sequentially to each file, an access pattern ideally suited to parallel file systems. Conversely, applications using N-1 checkpoint files typically organize the collected state of all N processes in

some application specific, canonical order, often resulting in small, unaligned, interspersed writes.
Some N-1 checkpoint files are logically the equivalent of concatenating the files of an N-N checkpoint (i.e. each process has its own unique region within the shared file). This is referred to as an N-1 segmented checkpoint file and is extremely rare in practice. More common is an N-1 strided checkpoint file in which the processes write multiple small regions at many different offsets within the file; these offsets are typically not aligned with file system block boundaries [8]. N-1 strided checkpointing applications often make roughly synchronous progress such that all the processes tend to write to the same region within the file concurrently, and collectively this region sweeps across the file. These three patterns, N-N, N-1 segmented, and N-1 strided, are illustrated in Figure 2. Since N-1 segmented is a rare pattern in practice, hereafter we consider only N-1 strided and we refer to it with the shorthand N-1.
The file system challenge for an N-N workload is the concurrent creation of thousands of files which are typically within a single directory. An N-1 workload can be even more challenging however for several different reasons which may depend on the particular parallel file system or the underlying RAID protection scheme. In the Panasas ActiveScale parallel file system [46] (PanFS), for example, small strided writes within a parity stripe must serialize in order to maintain consistent parity. In the Lustre parallel file system [25], writes to N-1 checkpoint files which are not aligned on file system block boundaries cause serious performance slowdowns as well [28]. Although both N-N and N-1 patterns pose challenges, it has been our observation, as well as that of many others [14, 22, 28, 29, 44], that the challenges of
N-1 checkpointing are more difficult. Applications using N1 patterns consistently achieve significantly less bandwidth than do those using an N-N pattern.
Figure 3 presents experimental data validating this discrepancy: An N-1 checkpoint pattern receives only a small fraction of the bandwidth achieved by an N-N pattern on
PanFS, GPFS, and Lustre and does not scale with increased numbers of nodes. The PanFS experiment, run on LANL’s
Roadrunner supercomputer using its 1000 blade PanFS storage system, shows a maximum observed N-N bandwidth of
31 GB/s compared to a maximum observed N-1 bandwidth of less than 100 MB/s. Although we show PanFS results





Write Bandwidth (MB/s)



Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)







Number of Processes

(a) PanFS







10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Processors

(b) GPFS



10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of Processes

(c) Lustre

3: Motivation. These three graphs demonstrate the large discrepancy between achievable bandwidth and scalability using N-N and
N-1 checkpoint patterns on three of the major HPC parallel file systems. using their default RAID-5 configuration, PanFS has also a
RAID-10 configuration which reduces the implicit sharing caused by N-1 patterns when two writers both need to update the same parity. While this solution improves scaling and offers much higher N-1 write bandwidth without sacrificing reliability, it does so by writing every byte twice, a scheme that, at best, can achieve only approximately half of the write bandwidth of N-N on RAID-5. PLFS, however, as will be shown in Section 4, can get much closer.
The GPFS and Lustre experiments were run on much smaller systems. The GPFS experiment was run using an archive attached to Roadrunner using its nine, quad-core, file transfer nodes. The Lustre experiment was run using five client machines, each with eight cores, and twelve Lustre servers. All three file systems exhibit similar behavior;
N-N bandwidths are consistently higher than N-1 by at least an order of magnitude. Measurements were gathered using the LANL synthetic checkpoint tool, MPI-IO Test [12]. For each of these graphs, the size of each write was 47001 bytes
(a small, unaligned number observed in actual applications to be particularly problematic for file systems). Writes were issued until two minutes had elapsed. Although this is atypical since applications tend to write a fixed amount of data instead of writing for a fixed amount of time, we have observed that this allows representative bandwidth measurements with a predictable runtime.
Since N-N checkpointing derives higher bandwidth than
N-1, the obvious path to faster checkpointing is for application developers to rewrite existing N-1 checkpointing applications to do N-N checkpointing instead. Additionally, all new applications should be written to take advantage of the higher bandwidth available to N-N checkpointing. Although some developers have gone this route, many continue to prefer an N-1 pattern even though its disadvantages are well understood. There are several advantages to N-1 checkpointing that appeal to parallel application developers. One, a single file is much easier to manage and to archive. Two,
N-1 files usually organize data into an application specific canonical order that commonly aggregates related data together in contiguous regions, making visualization of intermediate state simple and efficient. Additionally, following a failure, a restart on a different number of compute nodes is easier to code as the checkpoint format is independent of the number of processes that wrote the checkpoint; conversely, gathering the appropriate regions from multiple files or from multiple regions within a single file is more complicated.
Essentially these developers have once again shifted complexity to the parallel file system for their own convenience.
This is not unreasonable; it has long been the province

of computer systems to make computing more convenient for its users. Many important applications have made this choice. Of the twenty-three applications listed on the Parallel I/O Benchmarks page [36], at least ten have an N-1 pattern; two major applications at LANL use an N-1 checkpointing pattern as do at least two of the eight applications chosen to run on Roadrunner during its initial stabilization phase. N-1 checkpointing is very important to these applications. For example, at the core of one of LANL’s N-1 applications is a twenty-year old Fortran checkpointing library. About a decade ago, in response to a growing clamor about the limitations of N-1 checkpointing bandwidth, developers for this application augmented their checkpointing library with fifteen thousand lines of code. However, instead of changing the application to write an N-N pattern, they added a new IO routine in which interprocess communication is used to aggregate and buffer writes. Although they did not improve the performance to match that of other applications using an N-N checkpoint pattern, this effort was considered a success as they did improve the N-1 performance by a factor of two to three. This checkpointing library, called bulkio, has been maintained over the past decade and ported to each new successive supercomputer at LANL [7]. Furthermore, N-1 patterns continue to be developed anew in many new applications. High level data formatting libraries such as Parallel NetCDF [19] and HDF5 [2] offer convenience to application developers who simply describes the logical format of their data and need no longer consider how that data is physically organized in the file system. Once again this convenience merely shifts the complexity to the underlying parallel file system since these libraries use an N-1 pattern.

We start with the hypothesis that an interposition layer can transparently rearrange an N-1 checkpoint pattern into an N-N pattern and thereby decrease checkpoint time by taking advantage of the increased bandwidth achievable via an N-N pattern. To test this hypothesis, we have developed one such interposition layer, PLFS, designed specifically for large parallel N-1 checkpoint files. The basic architecture is illustrated in Figure 4. PLFS was prototyped with FUSE [1], a framework for running stackable file systems [49] in nonprivileged mode.
PLFS is a virtual FUSE file system, mounted on the compute nodes, situated between the parallel application and an underlying parallel file system responsible for the actual data storage. As PLFS is a virtual file system, it leverages





11 11 11
00 00 00
111 111 11
000 000 00
11 11 11
00 00 00
111 111 11
000 000 00
111 11
000 00





111 111111 11
000 000000 00
111 111111 11
000 000000 00

11 1 11
00 0 00
11 1 11
00 0 00

11 11
00 00
11 11
00 00
11 11
00 00

A parallel application consisting of six processes on three compute nodes creates an N−1 strided file, checkpoint1.
PLFS preserves the application’s logical view of the file.

PLFS Virtual Interposition Layer

111 11111111 11 11111 11 111
000 00000000 00 00000 00 000
111 11 111 11 111
000 00 000 00 000
111 11111111 11 11111 11 111
000 00000000 00 00000 00 000
111 11 111 11 111
000 00 000 00 000





PLFS then creates a container structure on the underlying parallel file system to hold the data for file checkpoint1.

Actual Underlying Parallel File System

11111111111111 1 111111 111
00000000000000 0 000000 000
11111111 1 111111
00000000 0 000000
11111111 1 111111 111
00000000 0 000000 000
11111 1111 111 11 1111
00000 0000 000 00 0000
1111 1111
0000 0000
1 11
0 00
111 11111
000 00000
11111 111111 1111 1
00000 000000 0000 0
1 11 11 11
0 00 00 00
111 111 11
000 000 00
11 11
00 00
111 1111 11
000 0000 00
11 111 11
00 000 00
00 checkpoint1/ subdir1/





111 11
000 00
111 11
000 00





4: Data Reorganization. This figure depicts how PLFS reorganizes an N-1 strided checkpoint file onto the underlying parallel file system. A parallel application consisting of six processes on three compute nodes is represented by the top three boxes. Each box represents a compute node, a circle is a process, and the three small boxes below each process represent the state of that process. The processes create a new file on PLFS called checkpoint1, causing PLFS in turn to create a container structure on the underlying parallel file system. The container consists of a top-level directory also called checkpoint1 and several sub-directories to store the application’s data. For each process opening the file, PLFS creates a data file within one of the sub-directories, it also creates one index file within that same sub-directory which is shared by all processes on a compute node. For each write, PLFS appends the data to the corresponding data file and appends a record into the appropriate index file. This record contains the length of the write, its logical offset, and a pointer to its physical offset within the data file to which it was appended. To satisfy reads, PLFS aggregates these index files to create a lookup table for the logical file. Also shown in this figure are the access file, which is used to store ownership and privilege information about the logical file, and the openhosts and metadata sub-directories which cache metadata in order to improve query time (e.g. a stat call). many of the services provided by the underlying parallel file system such as redundancy, high availability, and a globally distributed data store. This frees PLFS to focus on just one specialized task: rearranging application data so the
N-1 write pattern is better suited for the underlying parallel file system. In the remainder of this paper, we refer to
PLFS generally to mean this virtual file system which itself is comprised of a set of PLFS servers running across a compute system bound together by an underlying parallel file system; when we refer to a specific PLFS we mean just one of these servers.

3.1 Basic operation
The basic operation of PLFS is as follows. For every logical PLFS file created, PLFS creates a container structure on the underlying parallel file system. Internally, the basic structure of a container is a hierarchical directory tree consisting of a single top-level directory and multiple subdirectories that appears to users; PLFS builds a logical view of a single file from this container structure in a manner similar to the core idea of Apple bundles [4] in Mac OS X.
Multiple processes opening the same logical file for writing share the container although each open gets a unique data file within the container into which all of its writes are ap-

pended. By giving each writing process in a parallel application access to a non-shared data file, PLFS converts an N-1 write access pattern into a N-N write access pattern. When the process writes to the file, the write is appended to its data file and a record identifying the write is appended to an index file (described below).

3.1.1 Reading from PLFS
Rearranging data in this manner should improve write bandwidths, but it also introduces additional complexity for reads. In order to read the logical file, PLFS maintains an index file for each compute node which records the logical offset and length of each write. PLFS can then construct a global index by aggregating the multiple index files into an offset lookup table. This global offset is constructed as needed to satisfy read operations and lookup operations when cached metadata is not available (as will be discussed in Section 3.2).
One difficulty in constructing the global index stems from multiple processes that may write the same offset concurrently. These processes cannot know which will be the ultimate writer, so they need to synchronize to determine the appropriate order. This synchronization needs to be exposed to the file system to be effective [13]. If a logical clock [18]

was associated with these synchronizations, its value could be written to index files so that the merge process could correctly determine write ordering. Since parallel applications synchronize with a barrier called by all processes, a simple count of synchronization calls could be sufficient. In practice checkpoints do not experience overlapping writes, so at this time PLFS has not implemented overlap resolution.
One interesting nuance is that PLFS has a data file for every process but only a single index file per compute node shared by all processes on that node. Sharing an index file is easy; by the time PLFS sees writes, they have been merged by the operating system into a single memory space. The operating systems sends all writes to a single PLFS process which ensures index records are correctly, chronologically appended. Having a single index greatly reduces the number of files in a container since current LANL applications run up to sixteen processes on a node; on the next LANL supercomputer, this could be up to sixty-four. We tried reducing the number of data files similarly. Write bandwidth was not affected, but reads were slowed for uniform restarts in which reading processes access the file in the same access pattern as it was written. The pattern of a single reader accessing a single data file sequentially lends itself very well to prefetching. However, due to timing differences between the write and read phases, multiple processes in a uniform restart may not always read from a shared file sequentially.
Having described the basic operation of PLFS, we now present some of its implementation in finer detail. Although there are many interposition techniques available ( [43] includes a survey), we have selected FUSE for several reasons.
Because FUSE allows PLFS to be accessible via a standard file system interface, applications can use it without modification and files on PLFS can be accessed by the entire suite of existing tools such as ls, diff, and cp. In addition to providing user transparency, using FUSE dramatically simplified our development effort. A file system in userspace is significantly easier to develop than a kernel file system and is more portable as well. However, this convenience is not free as FUSE does add some overhead as shown in Section 4.

3.1.2 Container implementation
Because PLFS leverages the underlying parallel file system as much as possible, we give the container the same logical name as the PLFS file. This allows PLFS to pass a readdir system call directly to the underlying parallel file system and return its result without any translation. PLFS also handles mkdir system calls without any translation. Leveraging the underlying parallel file system in this way requires that PLFS use some other mechanism to distinguish between regular directories and containers in order to implement the stat system call correctly. As the SUID bit is rarely used on directories and yet is allowed to be set by the underlying file system, PLFS sets this bit on containers; the implication however is that PLFS must disallow setting this bit on a regular directory.
As we discussed previously, parallel applications do synchronized checkpointing; the implication for PLFS is that multiple processes running on multiple compute nodes writing an N-1 checkpoint file will cause PLFS on each compute node to attempt to create the same container concurrently on the underlying parallel file system. The difficulty arises because each PLFS must first stat that path to see whether the path is available, whether that container already exists,

or whether there is a regular directory at that location. Ideally, each PLFS could stat the path and, when the location is empty, atomically create a directory with the SUID bit set.
Unfortunately, the mkdir system call ignores the SUID bit; each PLFS must therefore first create a directory and then set the SUID bit. Doing this naively results in a race condition: if one PLFS stats the path after another has made the directory but before it has set the SUID bit, then the stat will indicate that there is a regular directory in that location. The application issuing the open of the logical file will then receive an error incorrectly indicating that there is a directory already at that location. To avoid this race condition, each PLFS first makes a hidden directory with a unique name, set its SUID bit, and then atomically renames it to the original container name.

3.2 Metadata operations
Metadata operations against a file include accessing its permissions (including SUID), its capacity, the offset of its last byte and the timestamp of its last update. For a directory on PLFS, these are provided by the underlying file system. But for a PLFS file which is constructed from a container like the example in Figure 4, these metadata operations have to be computed from the many underlying files within the container.
Because the SUID bit on the container itself has been overloaded to indicate that the directory is not a directory at all, but rather a container, it cannot be also used to indicate if the user has set SUID on the PLFS file represented by the container. Instead we use a file inside the container, the access file, to represent the appropriate SUID and the rest of the permissions associated with the container. For example, where chmod and chgrp are directed at the logical file, they are applied to the access file within the container.
Capacity for the logical file is the sum of the capacities of the files inside the container. The last update timestamp is the maximum of the last update timestamps. And the offset of the last byte is the maximum logical offset recorded in any of the index files.
Computing these sums and maximums with every stat call on a PLFS file is expensive. Our strategy for quickening this is to cache recently computed values in the metadata subdirectory. To make this cache as effective as possible we have each PLFS server cache into this metadata subdirectory any information it has in its memory data structures when the last writer on that node closes the file. On this close, the
FUSE process creates a file named H.L.B.T, where H is the node’s hostname, L is the last offset recorded on that node,
B is the sum of the capacity of all files that this node manages, and T is the maximum timestamp among these files.
When no process has this container open for write, a stat call on the container issues a readdir on the metadata subdirectory, then reports the maximum of the offsets for last byte offset, the maximum of the timestamps for modification timestamp and the sum of the blocks for capacity.
If one or more processes has the container open for writing, then the corresponding cached metadata values could be stale. PLFS clients therefore create a file in the openhosts subdirectory named by its hostname when one or more processes on that node have that file open for writing, and then deleting this file once all opens have been closed. stat must then do a readdir on openhosts as well to discover if any node has the file open for writing, and thereby determine

which metadata cache entries might be stale.
When there are hostname files in the openhosts subdirectory, the node that is executing the stat call could read the contents of the index files associated with those hostnames in order to find the largest logical offset, and then combine this with the metadata cache files that are not stale.
In the experience of the HPC community, stat’ing an open file is almost always done by a user trying to monitor the progress of their job. What they want is an inexpensive probe showing progress, not an expensive instantaneously correct value [37]. Following this logic, PLFS does not read and proccess the index files associated with hostnames that have the container open for write. Instead it assumes that files are not sparse (i.e. every byte has been written) and sums the sizes of all data files within a container to estimate the last offset of the PLFS file. Because writes to each data are always simply appended, this estimation will monotonically increase as additional data is written into the file, allowing users to monitor progress. When the container is closed, the metadata subdirectory contains fully correct cached values, and full accuracy is provided at all times when the container has no processes writing it.



We present the results of our experimental evaluation in
Figure 5. Eleven of these twelve graphs present one experiment each. The twelfth, Figure 5k, is a summary. In the majority of these graphs, the write bandwidth is shown on the y-axis in MB/s as a function of the number of processes. We will note it in the text for those few graphs for which we deviate from this general configuration. The write bandwidth that we report is whatever is reported by the particular benchmark; whenever possible, we report the most conservative value (i.e. we include open and close times in our write times, and we either barrier after close or we use the time reported by the slowest writer). Benchmarks were run on LANL’s Roadrunner supercomputer using the default parameters unless indicated otherwise. Finally we have attempted to run multiple iterations for each experiment; where applicable, the standard deviation is included.

4.1 MPI-IO Test
The top three graphs, Figures 5a, 5b, and 5c, present the results of our study using the LANL synthetic checkpoint tool, MPI-IO Test [12], on three different parallel file systems, PanFS, GPFS, and Lustre. There are several things to notice in these graphs. The first is that these are the same three graphs that we presented in Figure 3 except that we have now added a third line to each. The three lines show the bandwidth achieved by writing an N-N pattern directly to the underlying parallel file system, the bandwidth achieved by writing an N-1 pattern directly to the underlying parallel file system, and the third line is the bandwidth achieved by writing an N-1 pattern indirectly to the underlying parallel file system through PLFS.
These graphs illustrate how the performance discrepancy between N-N and N-1 checkpoint patterns is common across
PanFS, GPFS, and Lustre. Remember, as was discussed in Section 2, switching to N-N is not a viable option for many applications which are inextricably wed to an N-1 pattern and are resigned to the attendant loss of bandwidth.
Fortunately, as is evidenced by these graphs, PLFS allows these applications to retain their preferred N-1 pattern while

achieving most, if not all, of the bandwidth available to an N-N pattern. Particularly for the PanFS results, which were run on our Roadrunner supercomputer, PLFS achieves the full bandwidth of an N-N pattern (i.e. up to about 31
GB/s). In fact, for several of the points, an N-1 pattern on PLFS actually outperforms an N-N pattern written directly to PanFS. Although we have yet to fully investigate the exact reason for this, there are several reasons why this could be the case. The first is that PLFS rearranges writes into a log structured pattern so an N-N pattern which incurs seeks could do worse than a PLFS pattern which appends only. Secondly, the structure of the PLFS container spreads data across multiple sub-directories whereas a typical N-N pattern confines all N files into only a single parent directory.
Although PLFS does improve the bandwidth of N-1 patterns on GPFS and Lustre, the improvement is not as large as it is on PanFS. This is because the scale of the experiments on PanFS are 200 times larger than on the other two platforms. In the inset in Figure 5a at the extreme low values for the number of processes, we see that PLFS does not scale N-1 bandwidth as fast as N-N scales for PanFS as well. This is due to overheads incurred by both FUSE and
PLFS; these overheads limit the total bandwidth achieved by any single compute node relative to N-N. For HPC systems at extreme scale this limitation does not matter since aggregate bandwidth across multiple nodes is more relevant than the bandwidth from a single node. In this case the real limiting factor is the total bandwidth capacity of the storage fabric, which generally saturates when using only a small fraction of compute nodes. However, with poorlybehaved IO patterns (i.e. N-1), even very large jobs may not reach these bandwidth limits because they will be more severely constrained by file system limitations as exemplified by Figure 3. PLFS is designed to remove these file system limitations, so that jobs can achieve higher bandwidth and reach the same limitation of the storage fabric which is constraining N-N bandwidth. We will examine the FUSE and
PLFS overheads in greater detail in Section 4.6.
An unusual feature of the inset graph in Figure 5a is that there are localized bottlenecks about 700 processes. This is due to the architecture of Roadrunner and it’s connection to its 1000 blade PanFS storage system. Roadrunner is split into seventeen sub-clusters, CUs, each of which can run 720 proceses. The CUs are fully connected via an Infiniband fat tree, however, in order to minimize network infrastructure costs, the storage system is partitioned into multiple subnets. Each CU currently has six specialized IO nodes, one for each sub-net; these six IO nodes are the storage bandwidth bottleneck. Therefore, as a job grows within a CU, it quickly saturates the IO node bandwidth; when it grows into another CU, its bandwidth increases sharply due to gaining six additional IO nodes: this explains the “stair-step” behavior of the N-N and PLFS lines in this graph.
We do see this same behavior in our GPFS and Lustre graphs, but due to the very small size of our test systems, we do not have enough compute nodes to saturate the available storage bandwidth and thus neither the N-N nor the PLFS lines in these graphs reach a storage bandwidth bottleneck.

4.2 Real LANL Applications
The second row in Figure 5 shows the results of using
PLFS to improve the bandwidth of three important LANL applications which use N-1 checkpoint patterns. The appli-










10 15 20 25 30 35 40




Without PLFS (bulkio)


Without PLFS








Number of Processes



Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

Without PLFS














Number of Processes



Without PLFS





(f) LANL Anonymous 3




Write Size (MB)



Without PLFS

Number of Processes

(g) PatternIO

(h) QCD

Without PLFS

Speedup (X)



(i) BTIO
Write Bandwidth (MB/s)



(e) LANL Anonymous 2




Number of Processes

(d) LANL Anonymous 1


Without PLFS


Write Bandwidth (MB/s)


10 15 20 25 30 35 40

(c) MPI-IO Test on Lustre



Number of Processes

(b) MPI-IO Test on GPFS
Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)


Number of Processors

(a) MPI-IO Test on PanFS


N-N Lustre
N-1 Lustre



Write Bandwidth (MB/s)


Number of Processes

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)



Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

N-N, PanFS
N-1, PanFS

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)





Without PLFS







Number of Processes







(d) (e)







128 256 512

Number of Processes

(l) Chombo IO

5: Experimental Results. The three graphs in the top row are the same graphs that were presented earlier in Figure 3, except now they have an additional line showing how PLFS allows an N-1 checkpoint to achieve most, if not all, of the bandwidth available to an
N-N checkpoint. The bar graph in the center of the bottom row consolidates these results and shows a pair of bars for each, showing both the relative minimum and the maximum speedups achieved across the set of experiments. Due to radically different configurations for these various experiments, the axes for these graphs are not consistent. The relative comparison within each graph should be obvious; absolute values can be ascertained by reading the axes. cation shown in Figure 5d is the application whose developers augmented their checkpoint routine with a new checkpoint library called bulkio, which aggregates and buffers writes into larger, contiguous writes more friendly to the underlying parallel file system. Therefore we compare the bulkio method writing directly to PanFS to the MPI-IO method writing indirectly to PanFS via PLFS. This data was collected on Roadrunner. The next two graphs show similar results; using PLFS to rearrange an N-1 pattern yields significantly improved bandwidths. Figure 5e was run on a small
Roadrunner test cluster which consists of 128 8-core compute nodes with a 66 blade PanFS storage system, whereas

Figure 5f was run on Roadrunner itself. Note that these are extremely important applications at LANL, consuming more than half of LANL’s total cycles. Although they must remain anonymous, traces of their IO are available [8].

4.3 NERSC’s PatternIO Benchmark
Figure 5g presents the data derived from our measurements taken using NERSC’s PatternIO benchmark [28] which plots write bandwidth as a function of write size. Notice that this deviates from the other graphs in Figure 5 which plot write bandwidth as a function of the number of processes.
For this experiment, run on the Roadrunner test cluster, the

4.4 Other Benchmarks
The remainder of the graphs show various other parallel
IO benchmarks with an N-1 checkpoint pattern. QCD [45] in Figure 5h shows a large improvement using PLFS but this improvement actually degrades as the number of processes increases. This is because the amount of data written by QCD is a small constant value and the overhead due to container creation incurred in the open becomes proportionally greater as the amount of data written by each process decreases. BTIO [26] in Figure 5i also shows a large improvement but only for one data point. FLASH IO [24] and
Chombo IO[27], shown respectively in Figures 5j and 5l, both show improvement due to PLFS which scales nicely with an increasing number of processes. FLASH was run on
Roadrunner whereas Chombo was run on the Roadrunner test cluster; both were built with the HDF5 library [2].

4.5 Summary
A summary of the benchmark results, excluding the LANL and NERSC synthetics, is presented in Figure 5k. This summary shows a pair of bars for each benchmark; one for both the worst-case and best-case speedups for PLFS. Only in one case did PLFS actually degrade performance: a slowdown of three percent for LANL 1 when it was run on just a single node. Although we did test on single nodes to be thorough, single node sized jobs are extremely rare in HPC.
The relevant results from reasonably sized jobs, showed at least a doubling of performance for all studied benchmarks.
QCD and BTIO experienced a single order of magnitude improvement. The best result was observed for FLASH which was improved in the best case by two orders of magnitude.

4.6 Overhead
As was seen in Figures 5a, 5b, and 5c, N-1 patterns written through PLFS only match the bandwidth achieved by
N-N patterns written directly to the underlying parallel file system once the storage system bandwidth is saturated. For small number of processes, PLFS cannot match the performance of N-N (nonetheless, it does still improve bandwidth over a direct N-1 pattern). This overhead is measured in
Figure 6 which shows results as measured on LANL’s GPFS system. In order to measure the both overhead incurred by FUSE as well as any additional overhead incurred by
PLFS, we developed a second FUSE file system, No-opFS.
No-opFS does no extra work, merely redirecting all IO to the underlying parallel file system(i.e. GPFS). For those readers familar with FUSE, please note that No-opFS caches the file descriptor created in the open into the opaque FUSE file handle pointer, uses it for subsequent writes and reads, and closes it in the flush.


NoopFS, N-N
NoopFS, N-1

Write Bandwidth (MB/s)

number of processes was set at a constant 512. This graph also is a scatter plot instead of using lines with standard deviations. The points for writing directly to PanFS show three interesting slopes all converging at about 1 GB/s on the far right side of the graph. The highest of these three regions shows the performance of writes when the write size is both block aligned and aligned on file system boundaries.
The middle region is when the write size is block aligned only and the lowest region is when the write size is not aligned at all. This graph demonstrates that PLFS allows an application to achieve a consistently high level of write bandwidth regardless of the size, or alignment, of its writes.




Number of Processes



6: Overhead. Ideally, N-1 patterns written through PLFS would be able to achieve the bandwidth available to an N-N pattern written directly to the underlying parallel file system. However, this graph shows that various overheads make this difficult.
Even though there is overhead, the important point is that PLFS still allows an N-1 pattern to be written much more quickly than if it was written directly to the underlying parallel file system.
Figure 6 is almost the same as Figure 5b which compares the bandwidths measured for N-N directly to GPFS, N-1 directly to GPFS, and N-1 indirectly to GPFS written through
PLFS. The difference here is that several new measurements have been added. The first is for N-N written indirectly to
GPFS through No-opFS. This line is significantly lower than the line for N-N written directly to GPFS; the delta between these lines is the overhead incurred due to FUSE, which is approximately 20%. The next measurement added is running an N-N workload through PLFS; this shows the additional overhead incurred by PLFS, approximately 10%. The delta beween that line and the existing N-1 through PLFS measurements show additional overhead which we believe is due to serializations within FUSE due to multiple processes accessing the same path within FUSE’s file table (approximately another 10% loss). For completeness, we also measured the bandwidth achieved by an N-1 workload written through No-opFS; therefore, the bottom two lines on the graph provide another view of the overhead lost to FUSE.
Although this graph shows a total overhead cost of about
40 to 50%, this loss of potential bandwidth is not unduly concerning. As was seen in Figure 5a, the loss of potential bandwidth due to this overhead disappears for reasonable
HPC processor counts. Even with a limited per-node bandwidth, a relatively small number of nodes writing through
PLFS is able to saturate the storage bandwidth.

4.7 Beyond Writing
Although PLFS is designed primarily for writing checkpoints, checkpoint files are still occassionally read. We must therefore weigh improvements in write bandwidth against possible degradations in other operations.

4.7.1 Read Bandwidth
To ensure PLFS does not improve write bandwidth at the expense of read bandwidth, we ran a set of read experiments on Roadrunner test cluster which are shown in Figure 7.
We first created two sets of 20 GB files, each written by a different number of writers; all writes were 47001 bytes (in other words, increasing numbers of writers issued decreasing numbers of writes). One set was created directly on PanFS;



Without PLFS


Read Bandwidth (MB/s)

Without PLFS


Read Bandwidth (MB/s)

Read Bandwidth (MB/s)








Without PLFS




Number of Writers

(a) Uniform Restart







Number of Writers

(b) Non-uniform Restart




Number of Writers

(c) Archive Copy

7: Read Bandwidth. These three graphs show the results of our read measurements on the Roadrunner test cluster. We created a set 20 GB N-1 checkpoint files through PLFS and another directly on PanFS. Each file was produced by a different number of writers; all of the writes were 47001 bytes in size. For each graph, the y-axis shows the read bandwidth as a function of the number of writers who created the file. The graph on the left shows the read bandwidth when the number of readers is the same as the number of writers, as is the case in a typical uniform restart; in this case, the size of the reads is the same as the size of the original writes. The graph in the middle emulates a non-uniform restart in which the application resumes on one fewer compute nodes; in this case, the size of the reads is slightly larger than the size of the original writes. Finally, the graph on the right shows the read bandwidth when there only four readers; we used LANL’s archive copy utility and modelled the common scenario of copying checkpoint data to an archive system using a relatively small number of readers. To enable comparison across graphs, the axis ranges are consistent. the other indirectly through PLFS. In all cases, reads were performed on different nodes than those where the corresponding data was written and caches were always flushed between successive reads.
We measured the time to read these files using three different read scenarios. One emulates a uniform restart in which the number of processes resuming the application is the same as the number that wrote the last checkpoint. In this case, each process reads the same data in the same order as one of the previous writers. In contrast, a non-uniform restart is one in which the number of readers is different from the number of writers and the read offsets are therefore not aligned with the previous writes. In this case, we emulate the scenario where an application resumes after a failure by simply running on the newly reduced number of nodes. The number of reads is not affected by the size of the job for typical N-1 checkpoints since each read is extracting a region for a particular variable within the simulation.
However, the size of this region depends on the number of processes within the job since each gets 1/N th of the region. Specifically, for a non-uniform restart in which the number of processes, N , has been reduced by M , the size of each read will be N/(N − M ) times the size of the original writes. The third scenario emulated is where a relatively, small fixed number of processes reads a checkpoint in order to save it onto an archive system. For these measurements, we used LANL’s archive copy utility with fours readers each running on their own node; each reader reads a single contiguous 5 GB region by issuing sequential 1 MB reads.
The results of these experiments can be seen in Figure 7.
In order to allow comparison across the three experiments, the ranges of the axes have been made consistent. The yaxis shows read bandwidth as a function of the number of writers who created the checkpoint. We can easily see from these graphs that the highest bandwidth is achieved using
PLFS in the uniform restart scenario. This is not surprising: each reader moves sequentially through just one, nonshared file, a pattern easily improved through prefetching performed by the underlying parallel file system. The bandwidth decreases here due to the decreasing amount of data read as the number of readers increases. With less data read by each, the open times begin to dominate, and there is less

potential for prefetching. The very low bandwith observed when the checkpoint is stored directly on PanFS is also not surprising due to its layout of data within RAID groups.
Each contiguous GB is spread only across a single RAID group (in this case consisting of just eight storage devices from a pool of around one hundred). The nature of the N-1 pattern and the size of the reads means that all readers will almost always be reading within just a single RAID group.
In addition to limiting the bandwidth to only a few storage devices, it also reduces the bandwidth from each of them due to overloading them with non-sequential requests.
The results for the non-uniform restart can be similarly explained. The PanFS results and explanation are essentially the same. The results for PLFS are also very similar; better than PanFS due to spreading the reads across all storage devices and not quite as good as the PLFS results for the uniform restart. The difference between the uniform and non-uniform results for PLFS is only seen for small numbers of readers in the area where PLFS was helped by prefetch in the uniform experiment. Since the readers are reading different offsets than were written in the non-uniform restart, they will read multiple data files instead of just reading a single one. The underlying parallel file system, unsurprising, does not identify this admittedly strange pattern and therefore there is no prefetch benefit. Only when there is no longer any prefetch benefit, do these results converge.
Although we are pleased to see that PLFS also does relatively well for the archive copy experiment, we do not yet fully understand all of these results. We can think of no reason why the bandwidths should be this low and we assumed that PanFS would easily outperform PLFS due to having contiguous data within its RAID groups instead of having data spread across multiple data files within a PLFS container. However, we are not surprised to see the read bandwidths drop as the number of writers increases. Increasing numbers of writers results in a data layout with fewer large contiguous regions of data for both PLFS and PanFS; therefore, the read bandwidth will suffer accordingly.

4.7.2 Metadata Queries
As we discussed in Section 3.2, there are currently two techniques used to discover the metadata for a PLFS file.

Stat Time (s)


PLFS Open File
PLFS Closed File
PanFS Closed File




Number of Writers



8: Metadata Queries. This graph compares the time to stat a 20 GB file on PLFS with the time to stat a comparable file on PanFS. The y-axis, which is in logscale, shows the stat time as a function of the number of writers who created that file. We compare the PanFS stat rate to the PLFS rate for files opened for writing, and to the PLFS rate for closed files.
For a file being currently written, metadata is discovered by stat’ing individual data files. When a file is closed, metadata information is cached as file names within a specific subdirectory inside the container. Thereafter, metadata information can be discovered merely by issuing a readdir.
Obviously, the first technique is much slower; if our primary interest was in optimizing metadata query rates, than we could cache this metadata following every write. However, since PLFS is designed for checkpoint writing, we do not consider this technique.
Figure 8 compares these two times against the time it takes to query a closed file written directly to the underlying parallel file system, PanFS. We have not yet measured the time to query an open file on PanFS. For this experiment, conducted on LANL’s Roadrunner test cluster, we created two sets of 20 GB files each written by a different number of writers all issuing 47001 byte-sized writes. One set was created directly on PanFS; the other indirectly through
PLFS. As the graph shows, the stat times for closed files on
PLFS and PanFS are approximately the same. However, as expected, the time to query a PLFS file open for writing is greater than to query a closed file.



Translating random access checkpoint writes into a sequential pattern is an idea which extends naturally from work on log-structured file systems [38] such as NetApp’s
WAFL [17] and Panasas’s Object Storage [47]. While these ideas reorganize disk layout for sequential writing, they do not decouple concurrency caused by multiple processes writing to a single file. Another approach to log-structuring N-1 patterns addressed only physical layout and also did not decouple concurrency [35]. We believe our contribution of rearranging N-1 checkpoints into N-N is a major advance.
Checkpoint-restart is an old and well studied fault tolerance strategy. A broad evaluation of rollback-recovery protocols and checkpointing and a discussion of their future at the petascale can be found in [10, 11].
Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart [15] and Condor Checkpointing [21] both allow unmodified applications to checkpoint the state of a single node. They leverage the operat-

ing system’s ability to swap a process to save the totality of the swap image persistently. The great strength of this approach is that it can be used by applications that have no internal checkpoint mechanism. A disadvantage is that these checkpoints are larger then when an application specifies only the exact data that it needs saved. Conversely, incremental checkpointing and memory exclusion [32, 34] reduce the size of checkpoint data by only saving data that has changed since the previous checkpoint. Buffering with copy-on-write [20] can also reduce checkpoint latency. stdchk [40] saves checkpoints into a cloud of free disk space scavenged from a cluster of workstations. A similar approach [39] reserves compute node memory to temporarily buffer checkpoints and then asynchronously saves them to persistent storage. Diskless checkpointing [33] also saves checkpoints into compute node memory, but does not subsequently transfer them to persistent storage. Rather it achieves fault protection by using erasure coding on the distributed checkpoint image. Although these techniques work well for many applications, large HPC parallel applications jealously utilize all memory and demand a high degree of determinism in order to avoid jitter [5] and are therefore seen to be poorly served by techniques reducing available memory or techniques which require background processes running during computation.
The Adaptable IO System (ADIOS) [22] developed by the
Georgia Institute of Technology and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory provides a high-level IO API that can be used in place of HDF5 to do much more aggressive write-behind and log-like reordering of data location within the checkpoint. While this technique requires application modification, it enables interoperability with other middleware libraries. Similarly, Lustre Split Writing [48], uses a library approach and leverages Lustre’s file joining mechanism to decouple concurrent access at runtime as does PLFS. However, Lustre Split Writing is wed to the Lustre file system, requires application modification, and prevents the data from being immediately available following a checkpoint.
ZEST [29], developed at Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, is a file system infrastructure that is perhaps the most similar in philosophy to PLFS, particularly in its borrowing of concepts from log-structured file systems. Rather than each client process pushing their writes sequentially to storage, in ZEST manager threads running on behalf of each disk pull data from a series of distributed queues, in a technique borrowed from River [6]. The key aspect of ZEST is that no individual write request is ever assigned to a specific disk; disks pull from these queues whenever they are not busy, resulting in high spindle utilization even in a system where some devices are performing more slowly than others.
Unlike PLFS, however, data is not immediately available to be read, requiring a subsequent phase to first rewrite the file before it can be accessed. Since this phase happens in the relatively long time between checkpoints and since it happens on the server nodes and not on the compute nodes, this subsequent rewrite phase is not typically problematic for a dedicated checkpoint file system.

We initially developed PLFS in order to test our hypothesis that an interposition layer could rearrange checkpoint patterns such that the convenience of N-1 patterns could be preserved while achieving the bandwidth of N-N. However,

ADIOS stdchk Diskless
Sp Writ


No Extra
Used During
No (LD, M)
No (M)
No (RD)

No Extra
Resources Used
No (LD, N, M)
No (M)
No (RD)


Works with


1: Techniques for improving N-1 Checkpointing This table presents a comparison of the various techniques for reducing N1 checkpoint times. For exposition, we have used various shorthands: Diskless for Diskless Checkpointing, Sp Writ for Lustre Split
Writing, LD for local disk on the compute nodes, RD for remote disk on the storage system, M for memory, and N for network.

after achieving such large improvements with real LANL applications, we were compelled to harden it into a production file system. Consisting of about three thousand lines of code,
PLFS is currently an optional mount point on Roadrunner where several applications have begun using it to improve their N-1 checkpoint performance. PLFS is publically available at
Although PLFS works transparently with unmodified applications, in practice some applications may need to make minor changes. Many users find it most convenient to stage their input data sets and their executable code in the same directory where they write their checkpoint files. Since PLFS is specifically a checkpoint file system and is not a general purpose file system, this usage pattern may suffer a performance hit. These users should instead stage their input data sets and their executable code in a general purpose file system and merely direct their N-1 checkpoint files to PLFS.
Also, applications that open PLFS files in read-write mode will find that reading from these files can be very slow. As we discussed in Section 3.1.1, reads in PLFS are handled by reading and aggregating the index files. When files are opened in write-read mode, this process must be repeated for every read since intervening writes may have occurred.
Although the vast majority of HPC applications are able to read in read-only mode, we do plan to investigate removing this limitation in the future for those few applications who must occasionally read while writing. One possibility is to introduce metadata servers which can synchronously maintain an aggregated index in memory.
Originally intended merely to address N-1 challenges, PLFS as currently designed, also has the potential to address N-N challenges. One way that PLFS can reduce N-N checkpointing times is by reducing disk seeks through its use of logstructured writing. However, we have yet to measure the frequency of non-sequential IO within N-N checkpoints.
Another challenge of an N-N pattern is the overwhelming metadata pressure resulting from the simultaneous creation of tens of thousands of files within a single directory.
Currently HPC parallel file systems do distribute metadata across multiple metadata servers; however they do so at the granularity of a volume or a directory (i.e. all files within a directory share a single metadata server). PLFS can easily refine this granularity by distributing container subdirectories across multiple metadata servers. At the moment, PLFS only creates container structures for regular files; directories are simply created directly on the underlying parallel file system. By extending PLFS to create a similar con-

tainer structure for directories, we believe that PLFS can effectively address this N-N challenge as well, in a manner similar to [30].

Large systems experience failures. To protect themselves against these failures, parallel applications running on these systems save their progress by checkpointing. Unfortunately for many of these applications, their preferred checkpointing patterns are extremely challenging for the underlying parallel file system and impose severe bandwidth limitations. In this paper, we have developed PLFS to demonstrate how a simple interposition layer can transparently rearrange these challenging patterns and improve checkpoint bandwidth by several orders of magnitude.
The parallel file system attached to Roadrunner is the largest LANL has ever had; testing it has revealed that the challenges of N-1 patterns are severely exacerbated at this scale. Given current bandwidths, we know of no current N-1 application at LANL that can effectively checkpoint across the full width of Roadrunner. PLFS allows them to do so.

The work in this paper is based on research supported in part by the Department of Energy, under award number DE-FC02-06ER25767, by the National Science Foundation, under award number OCI-0852543, by the Los Alamos
National Laboratory, under contract numbers 54515-001-07,
DOE/NNSA DE-AC52-06NA25396 ASC Program, and by the Petascale Data Storage Institute under DOE/SC DEFC02-06ER25767 SciDAC. We also thank the member companies of the PDL Consortium (including APC, DataDomain, EMC, Facebook, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi,
IBM, Intel, LSI, Microsoft, NEC, NetApp, Oracle, Seagate,
Sun, Symantec, and VMware) for their interest, insights, feedback, and support.


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...Write an essay on ONE of the topics listed below: Recommended length: 5,000 words Submission date: 12 noon, Thursday Week 4 of Term 3 You are recommended to consult the following three Department documents when writing this essay: • Undergraduate Studies Handbook • Assessed-essay-writing guidelines • Essay-marking criteria for Options and Core Modules 1. ‘Zeugnisse guten Willens, zugleich aber wieder Dokumente der Ratlosigkeit’ (Günther Mahal). Discuss with reference to a representative selection of texts from the material in the collection Die Berliner Moderne, 1885-1914. 2. ‘Tatsächlich ist es die Erfahrung der Großstadt Berlin, die Konfrontation eines in der Provinz herangebildeten kleinbürgerlichen Bewußtseins mit der Hektik, der Unübersichtlichkeit, den Massenmenschen, dem Elend der industrialisierten Metropole, aus denen die Entstehung der künstlerischen Moderne, ihr unklarer und widersprüchlicher Charakter verstanden werden können.’ (Jürgen Schutte and Peter Sprengel). Discuss with reference to a representative selection of texts or visual material produced before 1930 that you have studied on the module. 3. ‘Die psychologische Grundlage, auf der der Typus großstädtischer Individualitäten sich erhebt, ist die Steigerung des Nervenlebens, die aus dem raschen und ununterbrochenen Wechsel äußerer und innerer Eindrücke hervorgeht.’ (Georg Simmel). Analyse the significance of Simmel’s essay ‘Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben’ of 1903 for an understanding...

Words: 920 - Pages: 4

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Immigration Us Politics

...The President's Proposal  Strengthen border security and infrastructure. - Strengthens and improves infrastructure at ports of entry, facilitates public-private partnerships aimed at increasing investment in foreign visitor processing, and continues supporting the use of technologies that help to secure the land and maritime borders of the United States.  Combat transnational crime. - Creates new criminal penalties dedicated to combating transnational criminal organizations that traffic in drugs, weapons, and money, and that smuggle people across the borders. It also expands the scope of current law to allow for the forfeiture of these organizations’ criminal tools and proceeds. Through this approach, we will bolster our efforts to deprive criminal enterprises, including those operating along the Southwest border, of their infrastructure and profits.  Improve partnerships with border communities and law enforcement. - Expands our ability to work with our cross-border law enforcement partners. Community trust and cooperation are key to effective law enforcement. To this end, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will establish border community liaisons along the Southern and Northern borders to improve communication and collaboration with border communities, boost funding to tribal government partners to reduce illegal activity on tribal lands, and strengthen training on civil rights and civil liberties for DHS immigration officers.  Crack down on criminal networks...

Words: 1007 - Pages: 5

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...Testing Right Form 1. I [pic](be) born in 1944 during the war. 2. My parents [pic]( go) to the cinema yesterday and they hated the film. 3. Did you [pic](find) your course book? 4. What did you [pic](do) during your holidays in the Bahamas? 5. Van Gogh [pic]( draw) beautiful sketches before he painted them 6. The Berlin wall [pic]( fall) in 1989. 7. Why did you [pic]( break) this vase? 8. The Police [pic]( catch) the thieves in Paris near the Louvre. 9. At the restaurant Ben [pic](drink) white wine and ate sushis. 10. What did you [pic]( have) for breakfast? 11. Behind the door , he [pic]( hear) all the conversation. 12. When my father was twenty years old he [pic]( drive) a Lexus. 13. The boy felt angry because he [pic]( be) punished. 14. Two months ago he [pic]( fly) to Los Angeles. 15. Sorry Miss, I [pic]( forget) my book. 16. What did you [pic]( get) for Christmas? 17. Did you [pic](begin) the test at half past nine? 18. He didn't [pic]( hurt) the little boy. 19. The Police didn't [pic]( catch) the thieves. 20. The students never [pic](forget) their homework last week. Ans: I WAS(be) born in 1944 during the war. 2. My parents WENT( go) to the cinema yesterday and they hated the film. 3. Did you FIND(find) your course book? 4. What did you DO (do) during your holidays in the Bahamas? 5. Van Gogh DREW ( draw) beautiful sketches before he painted them 6. The Berlin wall FELL ( fall) in 1989. 7. Why did you BREAK ( break) this vase...

Words: 400 - Pages: 2

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Lives in Fences

...Lives in Fences Fences are built to keep life in order, on track and simple. Such as “The Berlin Wall was a concrete barrier that separated West Berlin from East Berlin throughout much of the cold war.” The Berlin Wall was built up to keep two sides separated from conflict, but eventually the two sides overcame that. The Berlin wall was once necessary, but as time went by and the world evolved, so did the people and eventually came down. There will always be fences built up in our lives, but that doesn’t always mean they need to be a barrier and are necessary. There are times when barriers crucial and keeps everyone orderly. In Robert Frosts poem, he repeats “Good fences make good neighbors”. (“Mending Wall”46) Fences are the comfort zones for all people, its their own little privacy. It also could be very crucial in getting along with other because as long as we all have that barrier no conflicts will arise.Robert introduces differences, “He is all pine and I am apple orchard”. (“Mending Wall” 24) Two totally different concept, a pine an an apple, one sweet and one sharp. This is a crucial time to have to have a fence for if they were to cross in each others path it will easily not end well for the differences are so enormous. Fences are always built up to keep something in; whether it be a way of life or simply to avoid conflict. There also comes a time when a barrier is no longer necessary. Robert Frost says, “But here there are no cows. Before I built a wall I’d...

Words: 531 - Pages: 3

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...Checkpoint: Business Models and Systems One business that I use on a regular basis is Wal-mart Super center. I use this company a lot because it has everything that you need all in one store. You can shop for clothes, groceries and other thing in one stop shopping. It is also known world wide on having great saving an rollback prices also. Business Commerce At Wal-Mart people do not trade items. The things are already there for your convenience. Things are produces like the foods that are made in the bakery and the deli that you can buy that they cook. Also you can trade things there for other things if you don’t like them or if it’s something that you can’t use. Business Occupation Wal-Mart has claimed a lot of customers for its worldwide known low prices over competitor’s prices and quality of goods. It has been known to have rollback prices that are always an ongoing thing compared to their competition like Target. Its known to always have some kind of sale also without having to go through newspaper ads and coupons to have the lowest price things. With being a branch to Sam’s Club they have many of the same thing and also a few of the items can be bought in bulks like house materials lie tissue, paper towels and plastic silverware. Business Organization The relationship between employees and managers are quite good. A entry-level employee can work their way up to a key holder, customer service associate or department manager in no time. Higher level employees...

Words: 302 - Pages: 2

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...Checkpoint: Motivating Employees Many employers, large or small, use many motivation techniques with their employees. It is obviously known that an employee who is motivated in their workplace is much more productive than employees who are not feeling motivated. Having motivated and productive employees make for a more successful company. Furthermore, if a business has motivated and productive leaders and managers, chances are they will set the example for the rest of the staff. New employees will develop higher work ethics and better work habits. When other employees see how an employee who is performing well is treated by management, they will strive to receive the same treatment. A noticeable difference will most likely be seen between those employees who are being motivated and treated compared to the treatment that an employee who is not motivated and not productive is given. Motivating an employee or a company full of employees can be difficult for any organization if the necessary reinforcement plan is not in place for those motivators. Motivation can be referred to as either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation focuses more on motivation received from an activity itself such as why children play or adults who work on crosswords or puzzles. There is not a physical goal, other than just the fun they receive from doing that action. Extrinsic motivation focuses more so on a reward or consequence from an activity. An example of...

Words: 400 - Pages: 2

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...Simple Array Process Check Point Joshua William Graham Simple Array Process Check Point I had asked my mother to help out with this assignment and sent her the appendix in an e-mail. After receiving her responses I was surprised to see that we did agree on many of the placements of terms in the given categories. Before my mother started the survey she gave me call to ask a few questions on some of the terminology used such as patriarchal society. After she finished she sent it back to me and I looked it over. To begin with, the both of us thought that both groups could have been chosen for a lot of the terms given simply because there are a lot of different people in the groups mentioned with beliefs that are not the normal views as others in the same group. I can see though from some of my mother responses that we also did not agree on a few terms and their placement. One of the terms I noticed that we did not agree on was the term social inclusive. In my opinion, I think that this is a correct placement simply due from the way other Americans might treat the Muslim and Arab Americans after the attacks on 9/11. Many Americans view Muslims and Arab American in distrust and are generally “snubbed” in society and they in turn stay inclusive to themselves. Some of the terms presented were factual and had only one category to be placed in. One of the terms “oppressive to women” in my opinion would only belong into the Muslim and Arab Americans category...

Words: 372 - Pages: 2

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...Culture influences personality in a big way. One of these reasons being that what one may consider friendly or normal, someone who was raised in a different culture or environment may not feel the same way. For example, people in France like to greet people with a kiss on the cheek. One person may react to this in the same friendly manner but another person’s reaction could be one of disgust or discomfort because they do not like people getting too close to them. With that said, I believe that a person’s reaction to certain things is separate from social experience as well as a result of social experience. I think it depends on the situation. We all have different traits and we are going to react differently to certain things. Out of the four positions of nature of traits I agree with behavioral dispositions. This is because I feel like this position ties into my claim that each individual is different and their reactions to certain things is both separate from and a result of social experience. We are all going to react to situations differently based on our own traits and sometimes cultural upbringing. When contrasting my position to the position of linguistic categories, I see that this theory is saying that traits cannot have an influence because they do not exist outside of the mind of the observer. I do not agree with this because our traits are what makes us who we are as individuals. That is why we all have different personalities. Those traits have some kind of...

Words: 265 - Pages: 2

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...Maura Walsh Honey Frydman September 17, 2014 DSSA100M Kohlberg’s Development Theory In my personal opinion Kohlberg’s theory was well thought out. He believed that people progress in life through a series of stages. Kohlberg’s theory was put into six different stages and classified into three separate levels. Kohlberg’s theory is very accurate due to the fact that all though some kids may be in a more challenging group than the stage they are meant to be in, that gives us a measurement of how maturity can be major factor. Kohlberg’s stages are based on different levels; level one is pre-conventional, stage one is obedience and punishment orientation (how can one avoid punishment), Stage two is self-interest orientation (what’s in it for me), level two is conventional, stage three is interpersonal accord and conformity (social norms), stage four is authority and social order maintaining orientation (law and order morality), level three is post conventional- stage five is social contract orientation, and lastly stage six is universal ethical principles (principled conscience). Kohlberg’s stages are reasons we have morals, you basically go through six stages to become more knowledgeable about life. Stage one is most crucial in growing up. Obedience- kids should be frightened of getting punished, one can have religious morals where they don’t partake in some activities because they are scared “God will send them to hell.” Stage two is dealing with self-interest, in...

Words: 1127 - Pages: 5

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...• How does e-mail benefit an organization? Why might an organization want to limit how an employee uses e-mail during work hours? What is an e-mail’s path once it leaves an organization? E-mails benefit an organization by giving the opportunity to send out information instantly rather than mailing it to client your potential customers. Emails offer a way to save cost on printing information it is paperless so not only is it cost effective but it is also eco friendly. Emailing can increase productivity because it will cut down on waiting for information to get to one place. Emails can also be sent to multiple people at once. An organization may want to limit the time employees use emails during work hour to cut down on loss of productivity. If it is work related then I think organization will not have a problem as long as you are not using emails for personal communications. Employers may also want to limit the time employees on emailing because it is security issue sensitive information can be leaked if the wrong person receives a email with companies information that is not intended for the general public. The path of a email can be insecure, the email path can be broken, it can get delayed, or it may even disappear all together, When an email paths is directed to a person or persons it can also be miss directed to the wrong person by accident and can be leaked out and spread through the...

Words: 255 - Pages: 2

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...A direct marketing channel (also called a zero level channel) involves a manufacturer selling directly to customers. There are many examples of this that many people don’t realize on a day to day basis. TV selling and internet selling remain to be the main the channels in marketing. Many people shop on networks such as QVC and HSN to purchase goods that are directly sold to them. When a person buys a tea pot on, they are going through one of the direct marketing channels. Many other well-known companies such as Apple and Avon sell their products through their own stores or door to door. Other venues for direct marketing include telemarketing, mail orders, and door to door sales like the company Avon. Channel conflict can be defined as one channel member’s actions preventing another channel from achieving its goal. One prime example of channel conflict would be that of Oracle Corporation. This company experienced problems concerning channel conflict on a way that related to their sales force and their vendors. When the activities of the vendors impeded on the activities of the sales force, the company had to set some boundaries. Oracle set up an “All Partner Territories” where all the deals of all groups went through the partners. While the company did experience these problems, realizing the causes could have helped aid the company through the tough times. Some of the causes include: 1. Unclear roles and rights 2. Differences in perceptions 3. Intermediaries dependence...

Words: 1237 - Pages: 5

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...Week 1 Review Questions Chapter 1 |3.  |How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events such as meteorite impacts, huge | | |volcanic eruptions, or great earthquakes? | | | | | |A Scottish geologists named James Hutton gave geology the name uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism is the study of rock formations | | |structure, and the distinctive patterns. Sand dunes near Yuma Arizona contains sand grains that are deposited by wind grains. The | | |earth has tectonic plates that can move, this movement is called Tectonic activity. When the plates shift, the movement can cause | | |volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The earth has received two kinds of crust due to tectonic activities, the thick granitic | | |continental crust, and the thin basaltic oceanic crust. The theory that the earth is not one solid shell of rock sitting on a magma | | |core is called the lithosphere theory. The shifting plate theory seems to help explain the formations of mountains, volcanoes | | |eruption, and the occurrence of earthquakes. The earth contains several plates that float around on the softer upper mantle of the | | |earth. Scientist can study the...

Words: 1070 - Pages: 5

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...1. (TCO 8) Which of the following is a potential area of concern for managers when they use internal sources to fill a vacant position? (Points : 2) A drop in morale An increase in turnover The ripple effect Complaints from the union The loss of highly qualified employees 2. (TCO 8) Recruiters need to keep in mind the employment decision goes both ways, and the perspective employee is selecting a job. One of the best tools for getting a good match between the job and the person filling the job is to (Points : 2) provide a realistic job description. conduct a realistic job preview. conduct an extensive pre-employment testing program. do extensive work on validating selection devices. hire professional personnel interviewers. 3. (TCO 8) ____ is used to determine the relative value of jobs within the organization. (Points : 2) Job analysis Job evaluation The wage-level decision The individual wage decision Performance evaluation 4. (TCO 8) Fairway Green Inc. has added a lucrative retirement plan for its employees that includes medical benefits for retirees. These benefits target which level of need in Maslow's hierarchy (Points : 2) esteem. physiological. belongingness. security. self-actualization. 5. (TCO 8) Ellen claims her job is so easy she goes to work to relax after...

Words: 668 - Pages: 3

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...Associate Level Material Appendix B Cash Management Matrix Directions: Using the matrix, list how each of the principles of internal control works, and give an example for each. Next, list how each of the principles of cash management works, and give an example for each.  |Principles of Internal Control |How it Works |Example | |Establishment of responsibility |This principle works by assigning one person to one specific |one person controls all of the bread baking in a bakery for a | | |task. It is done so that if a problem arises blame can be |given amount of time | | |placed accordingly. | | |Segregation of duties |This principle is quite similar to establishment of |one person is only working in the kitchen of a restaurant, and | | |responsibility. The purpose of this principle is to ensure that|another is working the tables | | ...

Words: 643 - Pages: 3

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...Resource: Ch. 2 of Introduction to Business Write a 200- to 300-word description of a business scenario, either real or fictional, that depicts each of the following forms of business organization: • Joint-stock company • Limited liability company • Partnership • Sole proprietorship A joint-stock company is a business that is owned by shareholders. Every individual that owns a share is partial owner. Shareholders are also allowed to transfer their portion or share of the company whenever the shareholder chooses to do so. The Green Bay Packers are an example of a joint-stock company A limited liability company protects stockholders in the event of a company going bankrupt. Under a LCC, creditors cannot seize the money of stockholders; however, creditors can seize money from the initials stockholders that started the business. A LLC was created to protect shareholders from fraud and corruption. A partnership is where a select number of people in different professions start a company and share the profits equally. Only the people in the partnership will be stockholders. Basically, if I opened a business with three other skilled professionals, the four of us would share equal profits of 25%. Sole proprietorship is where there is one sole owner of a noncorporated business. The one sole owner has no partners and receives all profits. On the other hand, the one sole owner also talks on all personal liabilities and financial risks. The company I work for, Vivolac...

Words: 259 - Pages: 2