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Chemical Change Lab Report

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How does a physical or chemical change affect the mass of a substance within a closed system? Our hypothesis to this question was, if a chemical change affects the mass, then the mass will change. Our second hypothesis was, if a physical change occurs, then the mass would stay the same. Changes in matter happen all around us everyday. When we use a coloured pencil, they change in the size of how hard you are pushing on the coloured pencil which dulls it out. When you chew food it, changes its size so we as humans can swallow. Matter is anything that has mass and volume, that can go through chemical and physical changes. When physical change happens, no new substance is created because the molecules of the substance remain the same. As for when …show more content…
Our procedure was first, gather baking soda, vinegar, plastic bags, and the electric scale. Then, weigh a bag of 40 millimeters of vinegar as well as, weigh a teaspoon of baking soda in a bag. We would then add the masses of vinegar and baking soda together and record their masses. The next step after we added both of the substances together was to, watch what would happen to both of them after the were combined. Our observations were, the first thing that happened was it would fizz up an bubble and make the substance go higher in the bag, while before it was at the bottom of the bag and non-reactant. when we first mixed the ingredients together, we noticed the colour would change from it’s crystal clear appearance to a bright white, like the colour of printer paper. Once we got our hands on the bag we noticed a massive drop in the temperature, it first started as room temperature, then after the mixtures we mixed it began to turn icy cold. When the bag was open there was an odor that you can smell from a few inches away. These were all signs that a chemical change had occurred during our experiment. When the masses were combined before the experiment it was 2.2 oz, and after the experiment it changed to 3.1 oz. After the reaction, we weighed the substance to see if the mass had changed at all, and noticed an

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