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Child Prostitution And Human Trafficking

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Child trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children are issues that, despite affecting a large portion of the world’s population – prompting protocols and reports being made by the United Nations – is widely misunderstood. This common misunderstanding leads to victims having prolonged and more detrimental mental and social recovery periods once reintegrated into community life. This essay argues that wider public education about the child sex trade and community involvement in trafficking prevention programs are necessary for the mental and social wellbeing of trafficking victims, and for the prevention of future trafficking crimes. Public participation in prevention initiatives provides a safety net and strong community for victims being …show more content…
When interviewed, Alma, a victim of forced prostitution in the Philippines, stated, “Society’s understanding of human trafficking and prostitution need to change. In my country, people believe that prostitutes are criminals and buyers are the victims. This is wrong…” (Equality Now). This statement demonstrates the common lack of understanding the public has around the sex trafficking industry and how this lack of understanding then contributes to the wrongful discrimination against victims. Burn (2013) suggests that victims in Australia have a hard time integrating into normal life, especially when they are looking for housing. She notes that at the time of publishing, in NSW, non-residents were not able to get housing support from the state government (p. 2). This demonstrates one of the many issues faced by victims of child sex trafficking …show more content…
Whilst governments have implemented various laws criminalising forced labour, trafficking, etc. (Burn, 2013, p. 2), there is a continued focus on the after-effects of trafficking and sexual exploitation on victims. This is further demonstrated by Burn (2013) as she discusses methods that she believes the Australian government and community should implement, such as a national compensation scheme as a joint effort of the Commonwealth and Australia, emergency accommodation from Housing NSW, more legal education and law enforcement contact details for visa applicants, better training for police and health and social services staff, and national public awareness programs in schools and the community (pp.

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