...Child safety seats are designed to protect children from injury or death during the car accidents. Each year, thousands of children are killed or injured because of the car accidents and safety seats help to protect children (Car Seats); however, the child safety seats did not appear until 1962. There were two inventors who invented the child safety seats: one was Briton Jean Ames, who invented the featured a Y-strap, which was similar than the modern one. The other designer was American Len Rivkin, who invented the seat surrounded by the metal frame (A Graphic History). According to Pennsylvania’s Seat Belt Law: “Under Pennsylvania’s primary child passenger safety law, children under the age of four must be properly restrained in an approved...
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...given time. While there is a lot of important information on the internet on child safety, there is very little on the use of child protection products such as alarm backpacks or remote monitors. Much of the information is centered on keeping up to date photographs, fingerprints, etc. This is important, however, these are not preventive. That is, they are after the fact items that will not help prevent your children from becoming a victim. There is much information on speaking to your children and teaching them to avoid dangerous situations. While this is certainly important advice, these efforts need to be coupled with child safety products like the aforementioned backpack. Why? Simple, a child may confront a dangerous situation and may need that little extra something which will easily bring the attention of bystanders and passers-by....
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...This is Child Safety Month. Many parents are putting their children in harm's way without even realizing it by not installing the safety seat properly. In fact, it is estimated that 80 percent of car seats are not installed properly. Fortunately, there are many things you can do in order to make sure that your child's safety seat is installed properly. You want to make sure that you pick the car seat that is the appropriate size for your child. Keep in mind that newborns and infants need rear-facing car seats. Once your child has outgrown the rear-facing car seat, he or she can move to a forward-facing one. Most children can fit in a forward-facing car seat by the age of two. Once children reach 40 pounds, they can move to a booster seat....
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...Child Health, Safety and Nutrition CDCG 110 5-8-2012 What did I learn from this course? Health, safety and nutrition are three of the most important factors to consider when raising a child. In other words, every child should be raised with proper nutrition, good health and safety as possible, allowing him or her to grow with a great well-being. Something that I've learned about this class is that in today’s fast-paced world where the child’s safety and health issues are rapidly growing, more than fifty sites online present health and safety guidelines for the public to consider. These websites given to us has really opened up a door for me to look into my own life as well as my child's development. Another thing I've learned about this course is that the interrelationship between health, safety, and nutrition regarding children is very important. Understanding certain guidelines, and potential hazardous conditions can help prevent physical and emotional incidents. I never really thought all three of these subjects were all correlated, of course I thought they all meant something important but together they really do emphasize the importance of a child well-being as a whole. Through the projects and online discussions I've also found that even though we all talk about a different subject we all have a common goal and that is to further understand that health, safety and nutrition starts with the family and how it all can affect one's life as they get older. Some of...
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...or die from fatal crashes. Numerous studies demonstrated that proper use of child restraint devices can help reduce the fatality rate in vehicle crashes. However, only a few number of countries around the world adopted some laws to implement the safety of the young children. Currently in the United States, child safety seats and seat belts law regulations vary by states and they are mainly based on the age, height and weight of the children. Many countries are yet to adopt this law that can potentially save the lives of many infants and children. In my country, I grew up riding in the front seat of the car with no seat belt on which is pretty common things to see in other countries as well. Infant car seat is unheard of to people and airbags doesn’t even work on most cars. Babies are cradle by someone while children will often sit on the lap or small children will be moving around while the car is in motion. It wasn’t until recently that all the cars in my country were fully equipped with working seat belts and mandatory seat belt laws were passed....
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...Top 10 Baby Stroller Safety Tips Baby strollers are an essential part of family life. They help us parents get on with what we need to do when our children can't keep up with us. They give our children as 'safe place' to retreat to when the world gets a little too big for them. For the most part baby strollers are very safe. However as with any 'tool' there are always risks and dangers. This article will give you 10 basic safety tips for using your baby stroller to make sure that it is as safe as possible for you and your children to use. Basic Baby stroller Safety 1.Be sure the stroller you're using is the right size for your child. Much like with a car seat, different sized kids need different sized strollers. This is not only for their comfort, but also for their safety. In the wrong size of stroller padding doesn't rest where it should on the child's body, hands can reach things they shouldn't, and weight isn't distributed properly which can make a stroller unbalanced....
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...number 1 cause for nonfatal injury to the school aged child (ages 5 –9). In 2009, falls accounted for more than 2.8 million ED visits. The falls occur from many locations, such as, from windows, playground equipment, and bunk beds. Most falls occur at home. (Safe child. 2012). Adult supervision is the most effective deterrent of injury. There are some important safety tips that the adult should know. Safe Kids Worldwide lists these tips as: no playing on high porches, decks, balconies, or stairs; install window guards to keep from falling out of windows; no climbing on furniture; secure TVs and furniture to the wall to prevent them from tipping over; use playgrounds that have shock-absorbing surfaces; and wear helmets and safety equipment for bike riding and skateboarding. (Safety Tips. 2014) The CDC informs us that, in the US, more than 9000 children die each year from unintentional injuries. In 2009 there were 9143 US children who died, about 25 deaths per day. They list the five leading causes of unintentional injury deaths in the 5 – 9 age group as: motor vehicle traffic, drowning, fire/burns, transportation (other), and suffocation (Safe child. 2012). Adult supervision is the number one preventative measure that might save a child’s life. Centers for disease control and prevention: Safe child, national action plan. (2012). Retrieved from CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/safechild/NAP/background.html Safe kids: Safety tips. (2014). Retrieved from Safe kids worldwide:...
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...Leaving Medication Unsecured Susan Money HLT 317V 12/13/2014 Ms. Lemke Introduction Unsecured medication is harmful to human life but can be extremely dangerous especially to innocent children. The fatalities or health complications attached to unsecured medication cannot be overlooked and there is a growing need to prevent medication errors like leaving medicine unsecured (Malloch & Porter, 2009). Leaving medication unsecured mostly happens accidentally and has dire consequences. As a result, this research will focus on the imperative need for parents with toddlers to store medications and poisonous products safely. The challenge of leaving unsecured drugs at home is larger than car crashes today. More than 2100 kids engage in behavior such as accidental abuse of unsecured medication for the first time (Betar, 2012). Accidental use of drugs and wrong medication by toddlers is a result of unsecured drugs lying somewhere in the house. Literature review Unintentional poisonings at home are a major cause of fatal or nonfatal injuries in children aged 0-24months. Reports from studies carried out in 2003 showed that 49.6% of all poisonings exposure reported in the USA occurred amongst school going children. 3 out of 1000annual poisoning incidents in Dutch children aged between one and two was as a result of leaving medication unsecured at home. This number was much higher as compared to children from other age groups. In the study, it has come...
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...Environment of China Unawareness is a state that results due to lack of attention or knowledge concerning a particular aspect. Usually, it may result due to forgetfulness or may as a result of unconsciousness. As a result, it causes one to have limited information about one self or the surrounding. In most cases, nescience is often confused with denial which is the inability to cope with a stressful circumstance psychologically. In most social life the lack of knowledge can cause huge loss to individuals and the society in general. Medically nescience is associated with various illnesses and may result in increase of certain behavior such as denial and violent behaviors. This essay will discuss the negative implications nescience in workplace safety can have on company success. Anosognosia is the term used to describe nescience of illnesses. Unawareness of certain illness causes one to be unable to identify warning symptoms. For instance hypoglycemia nescience causes individuals to be unable to identify the warning signals signifying low blood sugar. They thus do not take any precautions of treating the low glucose level until it is too late. In most cases due to nescience of the warning symptoms such people end up realizing they are low in glucose level when it is too late. In another aspect, the lack of knowledge may result to development of certain medical condition such as Huntington’s disease. This disease results when an individual is unable to evaluate their behavior...
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...Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper Gayatri Gajaria NRS 427V Grand Canyon University December 22, 2014 Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper For this assignment, I chose my community in city of Montclair, CA. The teaching was done at Montclair Christian Church. The target audience for this teaching plan was parents of infants, pregnant women, and the topic I addressed was Fall Prevention. Falls occurs most frequently in infants when they are trying to explore their environment and can lead to head injury and many fatalities. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries for all children ages 0 to 19. Every day, approximately 8,000 children are treated in U.S. emergency rooms for fall-related injuries. This adds up to almost 2.8 million children each year” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,2012). Falls can be prevented and many fatalities can be avoided. This is the epidemiological rationale for choosing this topic. Infant falls can be traumatizing for the parents and the infants. There are many ways parents can protect their infants from falling. Most of the time, majority of the falls occur at home. They result from infants falling from bed, sofa, chairs, stairs; changing tables etc. When infants fall they can get injured easily. “Minor head trauma is frequent among infants and leads to numerous visits to emergency departments for neurological assessment to evaluate...
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...industrial revolution this policy of safety wasn't followed through deeming it as a curse. There were multiple violations such as the door blockage so if there were to be a fire there would be many casualties because of the safety hazard. An incessant that represents this is "The Triangle Shirt Factory Fire" which had 114 casualties"". Since factories were requiring employees people lined up...
Words: 449 - Pages: 2
...TIEALTTry H,ARNING ENVIRONMENT. In order to establish and maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for childreo certain elernents af,e necessary. Classroom equipment needs to be app,rop,riate for the childs age group. The space needs to provide adequate room for developrnental$ appropriate learning centsr$ and pfoper storage for equipment. Quiet af,eas are ssrential for re*t and as a personal ohoice for children whe,tr teeded- Children need to know where the fire exits are and have regular fire drills to ensure safe exit in case of an emergency. Children also need to be tauglrt about personal hygiene and good eating habits. In order to provide this for the children I teach them that it is important to bnrsh their teeth after meals and to wash their hands before meals and after toileting. IVe shown the ctrildren the basic food groups and discrxsed with thern the inrpo'rtance of each of these groups to their bodies. lVeVe discussed the nufritious value of the meals they are serued at the center. I also plan exercises to teach them about keeping fit physical$. While walking to the park I show them the proper way to cross the street using the stop, look and listen technique before they cross. I have taken them tc the fire deparfinent so they cau leam fire safety &om the fiiremen. The centers in my cla$sroom are cleaq tables and equipment is wiped offdaity with a water and bleac,h solution. The material is kept on tow shelfs allowing children, to use by choice. I...
Words: 414 - Pages: 2
...Competency Goal 1 To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment Functional Area 1: Safe I make sure to provide a setting that promotes safety and in which the risk of injuries is minimized. I teach the children simple safety rules and enforce them daily. I often role play about the safety precautions with the children. I plan monthly fire drills and teach the to exit the building safety and as fast as possible. Once a month I try to discuss with the parents safety information and give them resources that I have collected. I also talk with children about safety procedures on And off of t he play ground. I make sure that the children with special needs get extra time to explain and sample the uses of mechanical audio equipment. I do my very best to prevent injuries and accidents. Functional 2: Healthy I encourage proper nutrition and good health habits everyday by modeling these behaviors and providing age-appropriate, nutritious meals and snacks. I share information with the parents and ask them to provide healthy foods when they donate to the center. I teach the children to wash there hands before food preparation and eating. Even after using the toilet facilities. I make sure the play areas and materials are cleaned daily. I do an inspection daily of the children. I check for unusual marks, head lice and if they are not feeling well I let the parents know as soon as possible...
Words: 388 - Pages: 2
...Case Study Designing Safety in the Toy Industry Company Radio Flyer Industry Toys Radio Flyer’s classic red wagon has become a cultural icon since its inception more than 90 years ago – creating a legacy of toys that continues to spark the imagination. Millions of children have played with Radio Flyer wagons all over the world, praised for their beauty, simplicity and standards of safety that encourage adventure, discovery and the wonders of childhood. Region North America and China Intertek Solutions Design Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment “We have partnered with Intertek throughout our product development cycle to be certain we design safe products that go beyond regulations. Intertek’s integrity, fast and friendly service and global outreach helped us to ensure that our products are manufactured to the highest industry standards.” - Shenwei Zhu, Senior Quality Assurance Engineer for Radio Flyer For further information on Intertek’s Quality and Safety solutions visit: www.intertek.com Imagining Safer Play With the family in mind from toy design to the very heart of Radio Flyer’s dedicated staff, Radio Flyer emerged as a leader in safety long before 2007’s wave of recalls and regulatory changes. Anticipating the heightened awareness for product safety globally, Radio Flyer needed to ensure that any manufacturing challenges and safety precautions in its wagon designs would be addressed before hindering its speed-to-market ...
Words: 424 - Pages: 2
...It can, and should, be said that the railroad industry is an industry where safety is paramount; not just for the men and women responsible for its operations, but also for the public forced to function on or near its premises each and every day. Railroads intervene and intertwine through every part of this nation’s countryside; from the largest of inner city infrastructures to the most rural of farmlands. It is part of everyday life for millions of Americans. So, one would have to ask, why, in an industry where safety is literally the difference between life or death, the Government’s lone safety oversight agency for the nation’s railroads would consider the potential for replacing and/or augmenting its primary method of operation; especially,...
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