...Performance Lawn Equipment (PLE) Corporation Performance Lawn Equipment (PLE) Corporation BA 514 Business Analytics BA 514 Business Analytics Week 1 Assignment 05/17/15 Week 1 Assignment 05/17/15 Section 10 Group 6 Section 10 Group 6 Table of Contents Assignment Summary 3 Chapter 3 | Part I: Business and Market Overview 4 a) Dealer Satisfaction Analysis 4 North America 4 South America 4 Europe 4 Pacific Rim 5 China 5 C) Complaint Submissions Analysis 6 f) On-time delivery 6 g) Defects after delivery 7 h) Response time 7 Chapter 3 | Part II: Shipping Cost Analysis 7 Chapter 3 | Part III: Customer Survey Overview 8 Chapter 4: Detailed Statistical Information 12 a) Dealer, End-User Mean and Standard Deviation Analysis 12 Dealer Satisfaction Trends 12 End-User Satisfaction Trends 14 b) Descriptive Statistical Summary 16 c) Quarterly Response Time Analysis 17 d) Defects after Delivery Overview: Last 5 Years 18 e) PLE vs. Industry Mower and Tractor Sales Analysis 20 PLE vs. Industry Sales of Mowers 20 PLE vs. Industry Sales of Tractors 21 Appendix 23 Assignment Summary Week 1 | Assignment #1 due on 5/17/15 by 11:59PM PST | Chapter Required | Sub section | Chapter 3 | Part 1.a | Chapter 3 | Part 1.c | Chapter 3 | Part 1.f | Chapter 3 | Part 1.g | Chapter 3 | Part 1.h | Chapter 3 | Part 2 | Chapter 3 | Part 3 | Chapter 4 | a | Chapter 4 | b | Chapter 4 | c | Chapter 4 | d | Chapter...
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...International Management (Fall Semester) Individual Case Write Up 1: Amazon Goes Global 1. Why did Amazon choose the United Kingdom as its first entry location? Why not other countries such as Canada and Austrlia? With the emergence of a global marketplace, Amazon has since ridden on the waves of the opportunities that comes with globalisation. After more than a decade of expansion, Amazon’s international operations accounted for about 43 per cent of its revenue, bringing in $26.28 billion in 2012. This shows the significance of targeting the international markets. However, entry into foreign market does not come without risks and costs that resulted from barriers created by distance. The CAGE Framework of distance by Ghemawat explained distance as 4 main attributes – Cultural, Administrative, Geographic, Economic.1 To address these risks and costs, it is crucial to first assess the extent and type of differences between the USA market and the United Kingdom market. Amazon’s entry into United Kingdom (UK) can be attributed to minimal distance and various similarities, which allowed Amazon to significantly reduce risks and costs. Primarily, the UK market has a lot of similarities to the US market in terms of cultural, administrative and economic distance. UK has the second most number of native English speakers (60 million), after US (231 million), and is also the place where English was first spoken. Since books were the primary products sold by Amazon, the similarity...
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...employee from another country. There are different social and psychological frameworks that can be used to help an organization understand different cultures and to better communicate. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck developed a sociological framework which is made up of six dimensions: time orientation, space orientation, activity orientation, relationships among people, relations to nature, and basic human nature (Ahlstrom & Bruton, 2010, pp. 44-45). Different cultures will have different emphasis in the six dimensions. For example, the time orientation for people from South America may be vastly different than for people from North America. North Americans are more rigid and South Americans are more flexible when it comes to timing. So if you are given a time for something in North America, you’d better be on time if you don’t want to be rude. In South America, being late is the in thing to be. China and Japan are also very time conscious and the Chinese Business Etiquette Instructional Video shows how the two Americans show up early for their meeting with the Chinese section chief thus exhibiting a positive time orientation example (Liu, 2007). When looking at the Outsourced movie, Mr. Todd appears to be totally oblivious about the Indian culture and the sacred cow (PBS, 2007). The Indian people’s relationship to nature and religion holds the cow as sacred and therefore protected. So when talking about branding calves and eating beef, many of the Indian students are outright...
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...responsible for omissions or errors. Figures in tables and analyses are calculated from unrounded data and may not sum. Analyses found in the briefings may not totally reflect the companies’ opinions, reader discretion is advised. The PAs will add the report abstract here © Euromonitor International 1 THE SPORTSWEAR REVOLUTION: GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS AND FUTURE GROWTH OUTLOOK MAGDALENA KONDEJ – HEAD OF APPAREL RESEARCH 24TH JULY 2013 STATE OF THE INDUSTRY: THE HIGHLIGHTS DYNAMICS OF MAJOR SPORTSWEAR MARKETS EXPLORING HOT CATEGORIES AND INDUSTRY TRENDS EMERGENCE OF OMNI-CHANNEL – WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR SPORTSWEAR BRANDS? THE SPORTSWEAR REVOLUTION: GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS AND FUTURE GROWTH OUTLOOK Setting the scene - sportswear vs other consumer goods industries $1728bn $2200bn $433bn $770bn $245bn Forecast % CAGR 2.7% 4.1% Sportswear 2.3% 3.0% Beauty and Personal Care 2.1% Consumer 4 Electronics © Euromonitor International Apparel and Footwear Packaged Food THE SPORTSWEAR REVOLUTION: GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS AND FUTURE GROWTH OUTLOOK Three-speed recovery of the global apparel and footwear market Apparel and Footwear Market Value Growth 2012 5.8% Global growth in 2012 US 2.2% © Euromonitor International EUROZONE -0.4% EMERGING AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 12.2% 5 THE SPORTSWEAR REVOLUTION: GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS AND FUTURE GROWTH OUTLOOK Sportswear outperforms across all years Market Value Growth 2007-2012 ...
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...In this essay, the political regimes of China and United States will be discussed. A political regime is an assembly of political structures that make up a government. This helps in regulating the management of the government and building of the society. The three ways how the government can choose to run the country are via, One-Party State, Liberal Democracy or Military Dictatorship. China and United States have the world’s biggest economies and effective militaries with their ruling influencing politics globally. Even with a huge trade agreement and countless diplomatic meetings, the both countries are unable to sustain a façade of a civil relationship. Though, there is pressure from leaders of United States, China is not discouraged but instead continues to grow its economy. (Super-power showdown - US vs. China, 2012) China follows a One-Party State political system. It is led by a highly controlling communist party. The Chinese Communist Party is fully committed in upholding endless domination in power and will not tolerate others who doubt its right to rule. Freedom of speech is strictly constrained. The Chinese Communist Party dictates both state and society in China. They have been ruling China for over six decades, ever since they gained power in 1949. There are no elections in China. All institutions, executive, judiciary and legislation are all communist as well. (Lawrence & Martin, 2012) Benefits of being a socialist include: equal distribution of...
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...heating and cooling, commercial air conditioning, commercial and industrial refrigeration and marine controls. 2015 vs. 2014 - Sales for Climate Technologies were $4.0 billion in 2015, a decrease of $98 million, or over 2 percent due to unfavorable foreign currency translation ($112 million). Underlying sales were up slightly ($14 million) as an increase in the global refrigeration business was essentially offset by a decrease in air conditioning. The temperature controls and sensors businesses were flat. Air conditioning sales in the U.S., Europe and China decreased while the rest of the world had strong growth. Global refrigeration was up modestly with growth in the U.S. and Asia and weakness in Europe. Overall, underlying sales were flat in the U.S., down 2 percent in Asia (China down 12 percent) and decreased 1 percent in Europe. Latin America was down 4 percent, Middle East/Africa was up 26 percent and Canada increased 13 percent. Earnings of $698 million decreased $39 million and margin declined 0.5 percentage points primarily due to unfavorable mix. Growth investments, and higher rationalization and unfavorable foreign currency transactions of $6 million each, were more than offset by cost reduction savings. Global demand in the air conditioning and refrigeration markets is expected to remain favorable in 2016, supporting an outlook for modest growth. 2014 vs. 2013 - Sales for Climate Technologies were $4.1 billion in 2014, an increase of $233 million, or 6 percent on increased...
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...shared equally. Some Asian countries are large power distance and western countries are small power distance. Uncertainty Avoidance: When a society has threat from ambiguous and uncertain situations, they try to through providing a safe job, setting up more formal rules and beveling experts’ assessment to avoid uncertain situations. Using weak or strong to describe uncertainty avoidance. Strong uncertainty avoidance is characterized by intolerance for behaviours and ideas that deviate from the norm. Collectivism vs Individualism: The extent to which people define themselves as autonomous individuals or members of groups. An individualist society is a loose organization of social structure. People just care about themselves and their immediate families. Collectivism societies are characterized by a strict social structure. People have their own group and want to get help from group, at same time members put emphasis on groups and be loyal to group. Femininity vs Masculinity: The distribution of emotional roles between the genders. A masculine society has social values such as competitiveness, assertiveness, self-confident materialism, ambition and power. A feminine society has different social values such as nurturing sympathy for the disadvantages, quality of life, friendship and harmonious environment. Time orientation: First called “Confucian dynamism”, it describes societies’ time horizon. Long term oriented societies attach more importance to the future. They foster...
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... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Preparing a Comprehensive Case Analysis Avon vs. Competitors | | | | Carrie Rose Business Policy, Professor Frost 4/20/2012 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Preparing a Comprehensive Case Analysis Avon vs. Competitors | | | | Carrie Rose Business Policy, Professor Frost 4/20/2012 | History Avon is a global manufacturer and marketer of beauty, fashion, and home products. The company operates worldwide using a direct selling model; Avon has approximately 6.5 million independent representatives that sell their products for them across the globe. They are divided into six geographic locations: Latin America, North America, Central, Eastern, and Western Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and China. The company has numerous distribution centers, manufacturing facilities, and administrative offices in every one of these locations. They initiated global expansion in the in the 1950’s, went public and was listed on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in 1964. (Datamonitor, 2011)...
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...Hofstede's Framework for Assessing Culture He has found five dimensions of culture in his study of national work related values: • Low vs. High Power Distance - the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. Low power distance (e.g. Austria, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand) expect and accept power relations that are more consultative or democratic. People relate to one another more as equals regardless of formal positions. Subordinates are more comfortable with and demand the right to contribute to and critique the decision making of those in power. In High power distance countries (e.g. Malaysia, Slovakia) less powerful accept power relations that are more autocratic and paternalistic. Subordinates acknowledge the power of others simply based on where they are situated in certain formal, hierarchical positions. As such the Power Distance Index Hofstede defines does not reflect an objective difference in power distribution but rather the way people perceive power differences. In Europe, Power Distance tends to be lower in Northern countries and higher in Southern and Eastern parts. There seems to be an admittedly disputable correlation with predominant religions. • Individualism vs. collectivism - individualism is contrasted with collectivism, and refers to the extent to which people are expected to stand up for themselves and to choose their own affiliations, or alternatively act predominantly...
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...Hofstede's Framework for Assessing Culture He has found five dimensions of culture in his study of national work related values: • Low vs. High Power Distance - the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. Low power distance (e.g. Austria, Israel, Denmark, New Zealand) expect and accept power relations that are more consultative or democratic. People relate to one another more as equals regardless of formal positions. Subordinates are more comfortable with and demand the right to contribute to and critique the decision making of those in power. In High power distance countries (e.g. Malaysia, Slovakia) less powerful accept power relations that are more autocratic and paternalistic. Subordinates acknowledge the power of others simply based on where they are situated in certain formal, hierarchical positions. As such the Power Distance Index Hofstede defines does not reflect an objective difference in power distribution but rather the way people perceive power differences. In Europe, Power Distance tends to be lower in Northern countries and higher in Southern and Eastern parts. There seems to be an admittedly disputable correlation with predominant religions. • Individualism vs. collectivism - individualism is contrasted with collectivism, and refers to the extent to which people are expected to stand up for themselves and to choose their own affiliations, or alternatively act predominantly...
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...Make America Great Again: Put Our Money to Good Use Growing up our parents try to teach us to spend our money wisely, but maybe our government never learned this lesson. We are 19 trillion dollars in debt and there is an abundant amount of programs and organizations that could use major tune ups here in America with that money (Boccia). Putting our money in the right places is what will truly make America great again. We already put enough into the military budget; the United States should focus on other government programs like health care, infrastructure, and education. There is absolutely no reason to increase the military budget when our military is already the biggest military in the world and the military budget is already bigger than...
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...under these rights, and that no one is discriminated against. An article that I feel most countries in our global community do not abide by is Article 23. A portion of this article states “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 2008) In America, for the most part, we see very fair employment conditions and treatment, with specific legislation enacted that protects against discrimination or unlawful termination. As citizens of a global community it is our obligation to respect the freedoms that everyone has the right to. Without equal participation in this community it ceases to exist. I feel that equal freedom is one of the major reasons why we have such universal diversity and fairness amongst our country, because everyone is able to be on the same economic playing field. Unfortunately, America is the exception to many countries. When doing research, it becomes evident very quickly that we take “fairness” to a new level. The definition of fair in the United...
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...Liability vs. Asset of Foreignness Foreign firms face additional costs arising from distance. Of course, distance here dose not only mean the geographic distance, but also distance from different cultures, perceptions, institutions and rules. Geographic distance brings the most obvious impact. Foreign firms must undertake additional costs caused by transportation and communication. They are all about money and it’s tangible. But as the development of information and communication technology and globalization, this cost will keep reducing. Different cultures may increase the difficulty of understanding the practices in host countries. And also, it may increase the costs of internal governance. For example, Haier in America, at the beginning it was really in trouble about the reward system. In China, if an employee does a bad job, supervisor can criticize him/her in a public meeting, but in America, supervisors are not going to do this because you emphasize human rights so much. Then Haier changed its way. Instead, it began to praise ones who did good jobs. Another question comes. This made someone else to be jealous. Finally, it changed rewards to money. It took a long time to make it right. So this kind of things is always not to be educated, but to practice by yourself because we hold different philosophy. There are numerous differences in formal and informal institutions governing the rules of the game in different countries. While local firms are already well versed...
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...Zheng He vs. Christopher Columbus When you hear the name Christopher Columbus the first thing that probably comes to your mind is that he was the one who founded America. However, if you actually do some research you will find out that he wasn’t the only one. Evidence shows that there was another man who discovered America seventy years before, Zheng He. He was a Chinese admiral during the Ming Dynasty, who also served as the Ming Dynasty Emperor and leader of seven voyages in the Indian Ocean. Christopher Columbus and Zheng He were both great travelers with great differences in their journey. Columbus’ story is one of great greed and domination while Zheng’s however one of a more noble cause. Very rarely, does the name Zheng He ever come up unless you’re in China. But he was a very important traveler in the world of discovery and he predates many of the more famous explorers. The purpose of his travel and explorations was to display the power of China while also creating better relations with other nations and setting up trade agreements in different parts of the world. One of the things that Zheng He’s voyages are known for is the size of the fleets that he commanded. In all, there were seven voyages headed up by Zheng He, including voyages to East Africa, India, and Arabia. Zheng He and his expedition exemplified the highest level of ancient Chinese propriety in terms of foreign trade. Zheng’s voyage stimulated and inspired the development of overseas trade....
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...Luck Club * About 4 mother-daughter (Lindo - Waverly, Ying Ying - Lena, An mei - Rose, Suyuan - June) duos living in America * 4 mothers were immigrants from China with tragic past * 4 daughters are American born and raised * A movie with many layers of intercultural and intergenerational communication (miscommunication) between mothers and daughters, as well as the daughters’ struggle with their cultural identities II/ Relevant literature and intercultural communication term * High context/ Low context Cultures * Collectivism / Individualism * Cultural Identity III/ Language barriers Even though the mothers speak understandable English, there are differences between the mothers’ English (alternative version of English with different accents and dialects) and the daughters’ English (American Standard English) Analysis: Analyses scenes where the differences are prominent Ex: [The title of the movie] The word “Joy Luck” does not exist in English. It is a poor, fractures version of English [Clip 01: The opening sequence (family/ friend gatherings)] Even though they are both speaking English, when spoken in groups (of mothers and of daughters), the languages used in each group seem different => Analyze differences in grammars, vocabulary and accents IV/ Communication style * High/Low Context China (high context) vs US (high context) Analysis: Compare characters’ interaction to point out the differences and culture clash Ex: [Clip...
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