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Chinese Sweatshops Research Paper

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A sweatshop is a shop employing workers for long hours, low wages, and under poor conditions. In Asian, sweatshops are very common. 82% of china's poor live in rural areas forcing them to look for work in the urban or city environment. These internal chinese migrant workers do not receive state benefits or protection and are forced to work for low pay in horrible conditions. These conditions violate all rights of the workers including denial and social security rights.
In Asia the minimum age to work is 16, employes may not be forced to work more than 8 hours a day and must not exceed over 40 hours of overtime a month. The minimum wage companies are required to pay their employees is from $.85 to $2.51 per hour. Yet many employees of chinese sweatshops are paid less than their daily expenses, 482 million people 36% of the population live on less than $2 a day in china. This low wage prevents workers from being able to save up enough money to get out of their horrible situations. Furthermore employees as young as 13 have been reported to be working in a well known chinese …show more content…
Factory workers lose or break around 40,000 fingers on the job every year. Losing a finger may seem like a lot, yet many employees lost their lives due to these sweatshops. The suicide rate in China in 20 deaths per 100,000 people, in Foxconn alone there 18 attempts at suicide and 14 deaths in one year. Only 3 years ago Foxconn reported 9 employes committing suicide within a period of three months. Foxconn now has installed suicide nets to keep stressed and overworked employees from jumping to their deaths. Not only has Foxconn installed suicide nets they have also required a document to be signed stating that the employee will not commit suicide or self torture. These precautions are proof that the conditions inside chinese sweatshops are not suited for any

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