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Whitetail Deer Research Paper

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Challenges Facing Whitetail Deer
Throughout the Midwest, whitetail deer hunting has been a time-honored tradition for well over a century. Every November 15th, the opening day of the firearm season, family bonds are renewed as grandfathers, fathers, and sons hit the woods. White-tailed deer have been a valuable resource dating back to the Native Americans who hunted them long before settlers came to the area. Back then, however, the population was abundant compared to the scarcity that is facing the herd in the twenty first century. As our modern day world changes, so do the deer; yet people are still oblivious to the problems that have arisen. Every year, the whitetail deer herd encounters new challenges that range from disease to weather to predators; nevertheless, the herd has hope in the form of the Department of Natural Resources as it works to prevent these problems in the future. One of the main areas of danger that faces the population of whitetails is in the form of disease. The most common known disease discovered in the Midwest is Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). The disease became prominent when a mule deer in Colorado contracted the disease in 1967. Since then, it has spread eastward into Midwestern states (Carmody). It is by far the most fatal …show more content…
Although not as ferocious and meat hungry as wolves and coyotes are, the black bear pulls its weight in how they affect the herd. The only time black bears will attack the whitetail deer is when they feel that either their food sources are in danger, or someone is trying to hurt their cubs. Otherwise, they will mainly keep to themselves and not bother anyone (Herbert). Recently, black bears have not been among the main topics of discussion when it comes to predator threats to whitetails; however, their position behind wolves and coyotes is always susceptible to change for the

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