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Slavery By Another Name Analysis

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1. During the late 1950’s and 1960’s was a time in American history that seemed as if a tight rope was being pulled back and forth between several groups of political power, and those seeking to gain it. A time where simple debates could turn into heated arguments and even sometimes brawls in the matter of seconds, a new form of thinking needed to come about in the political realm. That is when a new thought process came about, the word “compromise” comes into play for what seems as if previously was a rarity in U.S. politics. The theory came from the Social Democratic Party of Germany (pre-World War I) by a german sociologist named Robert Michels, who released his work in a book titled Political Parties. It roughly stated that political groups …show more content…
These laws were made to be enforced upon anyone who breaks them, however most, if not all of the laws that were designed were formulated with the intent of criminalizing black individuals for almost “laughable” crimes, but this was no laughing matter. During the documentary “Slavery by Another Name” it is stated that “none of them said they applied exclusively to African Americans, but overwhelmingly they were only ever forced against African Americans.. When I say that the intent was explicit, it was.” (Slavery by Another Name) Some of the examples of the laws enacted were quite ridiculous, for example, it was illegal to speak loudly when a white woman was around, or it was illegal to sell your farm products after dark. But none of these laws fall directly as responsible to the incarceration of many African Americans as the enforcement of vagrancy laws. This stated that people who were unemployed and could not provide a valid proof of employment at any given time to an officer could be arrested and charged with felonies, large fines, and even harsh sentences. This was entirely unjust, for several reasons the first being in the American south during this time period it was extremely hard for individuals to become employed because most businesses were owned by white individuals and no laws were in place stating equality in the workplace. Another being that, if an officer sees an individual or a group of black civilians loitering in one place he could approach them, and if they did not have a proof of employment in hand at the time he was going to be

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