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Marathon Runner And Skeletal Muscle

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phosphate and anaerobic glycolysis. The runners can perform almost without breathing, using energy stored as ATP, creatine phosphate and glycogen which is anaerobic metabolism in the active muscles. In contrast to long distance runners, sprinters are often large. Muscular people. Sprinters have dominance of so called fast twist or anaerobic muscle fibers. Those remarkably high speeds can only be maintained while stored high energy phosphate in the form of phosphocreatine is present, however phosphocreatine in the skeletal muscle are emptied within the first 30 seconds of the strenuous activity. After that, their is a very rapid rate of running that must be reduced. The energy supply for those who run 60 seconds up to 3 minutes is primary glycogen …show more content…
Marathon runners oxygen intake involves many metabolic processes as an essential factor for producing ATP. However, reduction of oxygen during metabolic processes results in partial changes in the structure of the oxygen molecules in the body, to produce reactive oxygen species.However, in a situation that demands several to dozens of times greater oxygen supply, as during strenuous exercise, ROS production increases drastically. Prolonged endurance exercise, such as marathon running, increases oxygen intake by the human body by more than 10–15 times compared with resting oxygen intake, and such increased use of oxygen can result in excessive production of ROS at a ratio that exceeds the human body’s ability to recover the …show more content…
The rate that ATP is supplied by the aerobic processes is relatively slow, and therefore the rate of work output is also slow. The by-products of aerobic metabolism are carbon dioxide, which is exhaled by normal respiration, and water. As long as there is a continual supply of fuel (eg. fats and carbohydrates stored in the body and oxygen, aerobic activities can continue for long periods.
However for sprinters TP is required at a faster rate. This ATP can be supplied by anaerobic pathways. There are two pathways by which the body produces energy anaerobically. The muscle can use stores of ATP, or a similar compound called phosphocreatine, already present in the muscles. ATP can also be produced via the lactate anaerobic system, so called as lactic acid is produced as a by-product. The anaerobic processes cannot continue indefinitely as the stores of ATP or phosphocreatine become depleted, and lactic acid accumulates within the muscles and causes muscle pain and fatigue. Hydrogen

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