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18th Amendment Outline

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Repealed in 1933, the Eighteenth Amendment was one of the most controversial at the time it was ratified, with an entire black market opposing it. Spurring the Prohibition, a period of time in which the selling and drinking of alcohol was illegal, this amendment changed the lives of many people, creating a whole new meaning of breaking the law. Quoting the specified amendment, “The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all the territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.” As we saw during our research, there were oppositions and protests to this unpopular amendment, and many people found new ways to break and go around the law—enough so that the …show more content…
These laws were included in the aforementioned amendment after President Woodrow Wilson suggested a temporary ban on producing and importing alcohol during World War I to save precious grain resources, with Congress passing the Eighteenth Amendment enforcing the Prohibition proper a little less than a year later. At first, forty-six states encouraged passing the amendment, each having their own mini-Prohibitions, but the disapproval of the public came soon after, and after that, came illegal manufacturing of alcohol, known as “bootlegging,” which brought down the economy proper. Eager drinkers found their own ways around the law, with many eager providers willing to make money from their needs; the Eighteenth Amendment, on the surface, lessened the amount of people consuming alcohol, but there was an entire black market of organized crime unknown to the officers. A famous quote from Al Capone sums it all up: “Some call it bootlegging. Others call it racketeering. I call it

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