...struggle to keep afloat in their own country forget about opening a business overseas. Running a business can be a challenge especially trying to do it from a different country. There are many things that you need to take into consideration such as language barriers, currency exchange and customs to name a few. Many entrepreneurs look to the international market because they have lower startup costs and there is less business around to compete for startup costs. This by no means makes starting a business overseas easy however; there are definitely tricks to the trade. As with anything there are challenges, setting up an international business takes a lot of time and could potentially take longer than a business started in your own country. Dealing with the international laws and tax regulations is a job in itself. A lot of thought needs to be put into starting the business as there are far more things to think about such as transportation, utilities, internet speed and economic stability. Not many people would think about it but traffic and transportation are huge things to consider. Traveling three miles to the office in the United States which takes ten minutes could take easily three hours while in another country. Opening a business in unfamiliar territory certainly opens up a myriad of roads to be traveled and the possibilities of success are endless. It is all about the time, effort and research you put into it. Depending on which country and how much time you have to devote...
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...than the opposite sex with different characteristics. In today’s society choosing the sex of your child is technically possible. Advances in fertility treatments allow doctors to identify male and female embryos. The treatment is an option for parents who either want to avoid passing sex-linked genetic disorders to their children, or for other cultural reasons. The debate for whether or not parents should be allowed to choose the sex of their baby is very heated, but in my opinion parents should not choose the sex of their baby for many reasons. One of the reasons would be the consideration of the population as a whole. The ratio of males to females is roughly 1:1 and that is due to nature choosing the sex for us. If parents were to choose the sex of their baby, there would be a massive affect on the gender balance in the population. For example, many countries such as China, Japan, and Vietnam prefer boys over girls, because in most cases, these countries think men take higher value because they are portrayed as leaders, the one with responsibility, the one who has abilities, is responsible for taking care of the family, bringing wealth to family, etc. On contrast, women are considered weak, submissive, obedient, etc. Parents living in these countries prefer sons to daughter because they can take over the family's will, inheritance, business, and responsibilities and make them prosperous. If these countries allowed to have all boys, the society will be disrupted and result in...
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...__________________________________ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: January 04, 2011 Lecturer, School of Business North South University Subject: Submission of survey Report on Appy Fizz and Grappo Fizz. It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to present the Internship report titled “APPY FIZZ and GRAPPO FIZZ market in Bangladesh” which was assigned to me as a working requirement for the completion of Internship Program. Throughout the study I have tried my level best to accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have suggested. I tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible. I sincerely believe that it will satisfy your requirements. I however sincerely believe that this report will serve the purpose of my internee program. I am grateful to you for your guidance and kind cooperation at every step of my endeavor on this report. I shall remain deeply grateful if you kindly take some pan to go through the report and evaluate my performance. My effort will be reworded only if it adds value to the research literature. Sincerely yours, _______________________________________ACKNOWDGEMENT First of all, I wish to thank the Almighty Allah, the Supreme Authority of the universe for immeasurable Grace and profound Kindness that he has bestowed on me for completing this valuable work. Successful completion of any course requires support from various persons. I have been...
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... 11: 82–91, 2010 Copyright C The Institute of Behavioral Finance ISSN: 1542-7560 print / 1542-7579 online DOI: 10.1080/15427560.2010.481981 Psychological and Cultural Factors in the Choice of Mortgage Products: A Behavioral Investigation Masaki Mori International University of Japan Julian Diaz III and Alan J. Ziobrowski Georgia State University Nico B. Rottke European Business School Using data from three countries that differ economically, culturally, and geographically, this study examines the role of Prospect Theory’s reflection effect, a psychological factor, in combination with Uncertainty Avoidance (UA), a cultural factor, on the choice of mortgage products. Experiments were conducted using business professionals in the United States, Germany, and Japan. The results suggest that risk-averse people tend to become more risk seeking, leaning more toward adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) when choosing a mortgage type, and that this psychological effect may underlie the mortgage choices of people who tend to choose ARMs, even across countries with different cultures. Keywords: Adjustable-rate mortgage, Fixed-rate mortgage, Prospect theory, Uncertainty avoidance, Experiment INTRODUCTION In terms of household risk management, the choice of a residential mortgage is one of the most significant decisions to make. At the end of second-quarter 2005, the value of outstanding U.S. residential mortgages was $8 trillion, 65% of the 2005 GDP (Federal Reserve Board of...
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...threats might happen. It is not because it is always a chance for everybody. Obviously, when it come to international platform, it becomes a part of global market, there would be a lot of requirements for a company to meet. The quality of the product has to be sustain, in order to ensure the quality of it, the imported material should be strongly examined. In this paper, the new established manufacturing company would be a sample of procedure in both importing raw material from foreign country to supply for the manufacture, and exporting its product to foreign market, some additional tips for trading would be talked. Contents Executive Summary 2 I. Introduction 4 2. The product and its industry 4 2.1 The Vietnamese Furniture industry 4 2.2 The company’s product 6 III. The procedure of importing raw materials 6 3.1. Choosing a country 6 3.2 Choosing a supplier 7 3.3 Legal platform between Laos and Vietnam 8 IV. Exporting wooden furniture 10 4.1. Market analysis 10 4.2 Choosing an importer 12 4.3 Legal platform notice when import wood product into the USA 13 V. Additional tips to ensure the success 14 VI. Conclusion 16 VII. Recommendation 17 VIII. References 18 IX. Appendix 19 I. Introduction Peace VN is a new established company in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is a furniture manufacturing company. With the mission of providing only the premium quality for every product with the most competitive price, Peace VN has put a lot of effort in finding...
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...Choosing Cost versus Fair Value: International Evidence from the European Real Estate Industry Upon Adoption of IFRS Karl A. Muller, III Pennsylvania State University Edward J. Riedl * Harvard Business School Thorsten Sellhorn Ruhr-Universität Bochum PRELIMINARY – PLEASE DO NOT QUOTE WITHOUT PERMISSION December 2007 ABSTRACT: We examine the determinants of investment property firms’ choice to use the cost or fair value model to account for their primary asset, real estate. Our examination exploits the European Union’s adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, which require firms to make this choice under IAS 40 – Investment Property. We hypothesize and find evidence that firms are more likely to choose the fair value model when the firm’s pre-IFRS domestic standards permitted or required fair values on the balance sheet, and when the firm exhibits a greater commitment to reporting transparency. We also find limited evidence that firms are more likely to choose the fair value model when ownership is more dispersed, and when the property market in which they operate has higher liquidity. Overall, our results reveal both the occurrence and causes of variation in firms’ reporting choices when differing accounting treatments are permitted. Key Terms: Fair value, accounting choice, IFRS, real estate, investment property, IAS 40 JEL Classification: M41, G15, G38 Acknowledgements: We appreciate useful discussion and data assistance...
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...Acknowledgement I would like to acknowledge God for giving me the wisdom and my teacher for providing guidance in doing this assignment. I would like to thank the respondents for participating and your cooperation in allowing me to collect information on the various questions I have put before you. This assignment would not have been possible without you. I thank you all. INTRODUCTION This Internal Assessment (I.A) will examine major factors that impinge on the issue of poverty, the analysis of which relates to problems of social integration of all members of society in the Caribbean. In its preparation, use has been made not only of the most recent data, but also of data relevant to periods, such as to detect trends of social development in terms of poverty and the direction of the process of social integration. This I.A. investigates the causes and effects, and solutions to, Poverty. Poverty is the state or condition of having little or no money, goods or means of support. The point of this I.A. is to find out the causes and effects of Poverty. This I.A. will outline the statement of the problem/aims, reasons why I chose Poverty, method of investigation, instrument of data collection/questionnaire, procedure for data collection, presentation of data, interpreting/analysis of data, findings/conclusions and recommendations. Numerous studies have been undertaken for the purpose of assessing...
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...Select a Canadian product of your choosing. Select a country to export this product to. Note that this should be a new idea and not something that you have already seen or heard about. Answer the following questions: Real Maple Syrup exporting to the Philippines 1. What social, cultural, economic, legal and/or political differences exist that could be barriers to introducing this product to the country selected? You will need to do some research on the country of your choosing in order to answer this. Ensure to research any trade agreements that exist with Canada and the country of your choosing. If maple syrup were to be introduced to the Philippines one of the main barriers that a company would have to overcome is the pricing of the product. The average monthly disposable income after tax for the Philippines of $330.73 is less than Canada at $2773.50. The price would have a great effect on the likelihood of the citizens of the Philippines to purchase maple syrup would be overshadowed by other necessities that they are required to pay for. Another factor that would make it hard for maple syrup to hit the markets of the Philippines is their love for rice. Rice is the staple food of the Philippines and plays an important part in their diet. I think it would be hard to incorporate maple syrup into dishes that go with rice, as most dishes consist of just fried food, or different soups. 2. Can any of these barriers be overcome? How? I think the price barrier can be...
Words: 473 - Pages: 2
...a general environment, industry/market environment, and the rival firms, with which your firm is competing with in the industry. Those are the environments your firm finds itself and operates. * Choosing a corporation means you give all the relevant descriptions, characteristics, and data of the company (such as what product it produces, if it’s single business or diversified, how many employees, and all other internal resources/assets/capabilities of the firm, some operations data like sales revenue, market share, profits, etc.) * Choosing a general environment means you indicate in which country your firm operates (if multiple locations, you mention the country where the headquarters are located, and also the other countries where the firm has operations) and all the associated general factors and characteristics (e.g. economic, political, socioeconomic,…), which are described with data, specific numbers (e.g. the GDP is 500 billion US dollars, population is 25 million people,...). * Choosing an industry/market environment means you indicate in which industry/market your firm operates and you describe with data (numbers) the characteristics of the industry (number of firms, labor costs in industry, importance of industry in GDP, industry sales,…). * Choosing the rival firms of your company means you indicate and describe with data your competitors (their size,employees, internal resources/assets/capabilities, their product, brand, market share, product price...
Words: 509 - Pages: 3
...the state and burdens the problems of it. As powerful it is, the person that wanted to be a president must possess some traits that make him suitable for the position. The president embody the direction of country's future. Every election the public is charged with choosing the person who will serve as the next president. In order to decide who the best person for the job is, an evaluation must be performed of the candidate’s experience and qualities. Choosing the right person goes beyond political party affiliation, it goes to choosing the candidate with the right stuff. To begin with the voters must examine the traits that make a good president. The qualifications for an individual aspiring to become the President of the Philippines are outlined in Article VII, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution. First he must be a natural born Filipino. Second, he or she must be a registered voter. Third, he or she must be able to read and write. Fourth, he or she must be 40 years of age at the day of the election. And the last qualification id he or she must have resident in the Philippines for at least ten years. A quality most commonly associated with the president is leadership. A president must be able to lead the country. The president must be a great man. He must be honest, humble, and most of all: a great leader. He must led his presidential days leading the state through the better or for the worst; however, the president must held his ground, as all great leaders must. He stood...
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...the right choice when choosing to imperialize other countries. The imperialization of Hawaii and Alaska gave the US two major military bases and a multitude of resources. Hawaii was originally imperialized due to the fact that sugarcane grew extraordinarily well on the island. The US them signed a treaty that stated Hawaii was exempt from tariffs. This helped Hawaii since they were in the middle of a recession and this also prevented Hawaii from looking to Britain and Spain for help. Later, the US wanted to add to the treaty that Pearl Harbor would be a US military base. The island of Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific ocean, making it a halfway point between the US and Japan. Alaska was also used as a military base for similar reasons. The purchase of Alaska gave America the ability to keep an eye on the Russians since Alaska is only 2,936 miles away from Russia. Also, Alaska is home to a plethora of natural...
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...Global Marketing Management 1 Global Market Entry Strategies 2 Overview Target Market Selection Choosing the Mode of Entry Exporting Licensing Franchising Contract Manufacturing Joint Ventures Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Strategic Alliances 3 1. Target Market Selection A crucial step in developing a global expansion strategy is the selection of potential target markets. A four-step procedure for the initial screening process: 1. Select indicators and collect data 2. Determine importance of country indicators 3. Rate the countries in the pool on each indicator 4. Compute overall score for each country 4 Choosing the Mode of Entry Sample Decision Criteria: Mode of Entry Market Size and Growth Risk Regulatory Environment Competitive Environment Local Infrastructure Tax Breaks… 5 2. Choosing the Mode of Entry (contd.) • Emerging Countries (Vietnam, the Philippines) • Growth Countries (China, India) • Maturing and established Countries (South Korea, Taiwan, Japan) Company Objectives Need for Control Internal Resources, Assets and Capabilities Flexibility 6 2. Choosing the Mode of Entry (contd.) Mode of Entry Choice: A Transaction Cost Explanation Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Transaction-Specific Assets 7 3. Exporting Indirect Exporting Cooperative Exporting Piggyback Exporting Direct Exporting 8 4. Licensing Licensor and the licensee...
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...We know we share this pain with all of the people in the country.” When Ronald says “pained to the core” that shows strong emotions that show the depth of the president's sadness, showing the gravity of the situation. Ronald Regan also says “we know we share this pain” so he can connect with the audience by sharing they’re grief. This diction helps Ronald Regan have a connection with the audience, making it known that the loss of the Challenger astronauts is not just a personal loss for the families but instead a loss for the entire country. Ronald emphasizes the bravery of the astronauts by saying “they had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths”. They wished to serve, and they did. They served all of us.” When Ronald used the words like “hunger” and “discover” evokes purpose and dedication to learn, showing the astronauts as heroes who died doing what they love and exploring and not victims. By choosing words that show the astronauts bravery, Ronald Regan shows that their sacrifice should inspire the nation to continue pursuing space...
Words: 706 - Pages: 3
...individuals that show up to vote. That quote touches on one aspect of voting which is to choose elected leaders, however voting has many other functions than just choosing leaders. Voting gives a government legitimacy, holds elected officials accountable by placing them under threat of being voted out of office, and influence public policy decisions. Overall, voting is a key piece of the American political system because of the representative nature of the Constitutions and the notion that the people are the rightful masters of the government at all levels of power. Main Body Of all the functions, the connotation around elections is that they are for...
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...The decision I made about the choice of Terror Vs. Horror as the theme to analyze is the right decision because there's a lot of terror in the World, people in the Middle East have terror and horror of coming out of there homes and getting shot or getting their homes bombed, Also this theme Terror Vs. Horror will help me with Situational irony."The old charts call it ship-trap island. Whitney replied, sailors have a curious dread of the place" (beer et.al19). Illustrated in the book “The Most Dangerous Game”. This quote supports my claim because people all around the world are scared to visit other countries or others are scared to leave their homes because some people like to harm other people for fun. My first set of examples of why I know...
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