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Christian Gospel Research Paper

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In today’s culture, the perception of the Christian Gospel by many cultures believe the Gospel it is a type of false teaching made up by society to control people’s lives and actions. The believe Christians feel the need to believe there is someone greater then themselves that knows the purpose of life and destiny. They perceive that Jesus did not die on the cross for the remission of all sins. The bible states, “My people My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge, because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will reject thee” (Hosea 4:6). God knows that no man is perfect; therefore, the wages or consequences for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life though Jesus Christ. The bible states, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered …show more content…
People reject the gospel because they do not want to stop sinning and change their life. Sensual gratification is a moral reason a person may reject the Christian gospel. The bible state, this is condemnation that light has come into the world and man loves darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practice evil hates the light and do not come to the light unless his deeds are exposed’ (John 3:19). Adultery is an example of a type of sin that some people do for the gain of money, love, or control. Some people will not stop because of the material things or the thrill of getting away with it; however, when caught in the act, guilt sets in the heart. God has an answer for guilt. The Bible states, there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because while we were yet sinners he died for us (Romans 8:1), (Romans 5:8). People will read this in the Bible and come up with all kinds of reason they cannot follow what is right in the sight of God. Egoism is the idea that self-interest or personal happiness should be the goal of all actions (Weider, 2014). A person with psychological Egoism everyone acts only in their own interest, even though people may seem to act altruistically they are only acting for their own self- interest. Ethical egoism is morally would help a person the most the long

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