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Christianity Vs Buddhism Research Paper

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The foundation of both Christianity and Buddhism were outlined by a primary figurehead. Jesus, the leader of the movement in favor of Christianity, came from lowly birth. He was also known as the Messiah and the Son of God, and was dispatched to caution the nations that the kingdom of God was approaching and only believers would be preserved. After Jesus’s death, his twelve disciples sustained the circulation of his sermons, no other Messiahs or those of divine birth followed. In contrast, Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, is considered a man of noble or princely birth. Gautama, having been shielded from the world at a young age, was horrified by the suffering and havoc in everyday life. Through meditation he achieved Enlightenment and established the Eightfold Path, freedom from suffering. However, numerous other Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas succeeded Gautama and also circulated Buddhist ideals. Furthermore, these prominent figures differ substantially; Siddhartha ranks much higher in the relevant social hierarchies than Jesus, was not the sole Buddha, and preached on an entirely separate topic than Jesus. …show more content…
New roads were constructed to maneuver troops and promote trade. With the increased exchange of merchandise, ideas also became widespread. For example, Paul of Tarsus, a disciple of Jesus, utilized the intricate roadways, providing pathways not only to Rome, but also to the outlying provinces. Therefore, he sent letters, preached, and encouraged commitment to the gospels throughout the land of the Roman Empire.Additionally, the trade routes of the Silk Road linked China to cities and other nations, including India from which Buddhism was popularized under Ashoka’s rule. Those entranced by this new concept eventually journeyed to India in order to possess translated versions of the Buddhist

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