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Chronic Bronchitis Research Paper

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Bronchitis (also known as a chest cold) is a disease in which the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs become inflamed, leading to coughing and shortness of breath.
When learning about bronchitis, it is important to know how the lungs function. When a person breathes, the diaphragm (located between the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity) goes down, bringing air into the lungs in a vacuum. The lungs are the organ that brings oxygen into the body and send carbon dioxide out. This process is known as gas exchange, or respiration. Inside the lungs, the two main branches called bronchi split into smaller tubes called bronchioles. There are thousands of bronchioles within each lung. These bronchioles each end with bunches of sacks filled with …show more content…
Similar to acute bronchitis, it can be diagnosed when the lining of the bronchial tubes is in a relentless state of inflammation, leading to coughing and excess amounts of mucus in the lungs and bronchial tubes. Due to the constant irritation in the tubes, the tissues there are sensitive and prone to infection. Patients diagnosed with chronic bronchitis are more susceptible to infections in the bronchial tubes; when this happens, their symptoms will increase and will last longer. The main cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking, or inhalation of second-hand smoke. (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute… August 4, …show more content…
If it is a viral infection, there are no affective medications, and most cases will resolve themselves in a one to two-week time frame. In the case of a bacterial infection, a doctor can prescribe an antibiotic to fight off the infection. Both viral infections and bacterial infections can be made less painful for the patient by the usage of cough medication, as it will ease the symptoms. (Mayo Clinic… June 9, 2011) It is also a good idea to drink a lot of water, as the mucus produced by the bronchial tubes is made up of fluid, and the body needs to replenish its water supply. It will also help to soothe the throat that can feel raw due to

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