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Grey Water Research Paper

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Our world is made up of approximately 71 percent water, and of that large percentage, only three percent is freshwater. Fresh water is a valuable source that sustains life for both plants and humans. And of that small percentage of fresh water, only less than one percent is available for use by humans. The rest of the fresh water is located in ice caps or is groundwater (Mullen, 2012). Approximately 31 percent of fresh water in the United States is used for irrigational purposes (USGS, 2016). On average, an American family can use up to 300 gallons of water per day. Although toilets account for the highest percentage of use of water in the household, there is still high percentages of water used for showers, faucets, washing machines, leaks, and others (EPA, 2017). Used water …show more content…
The grey water from these sources are usually sent off to a wastewater treatment facility or sent to a nearby septic tank. Grey water can be a key source that can help maintain our water supply. Investing in a grey water system can be a beneficial way to save water and put it to good use without wasting it. Many sources of water are depleted due to the need of maintaining a good lawn or farm land.The more freshwater is used for such purposes, the more scarce the supply of water in rivers and wells become (greywater-systems). Grey water is a safe and beneficial way to sustain a good farm land, or any type of land needed for irrigational purposes. Grey water is sometimes seen as an uncleanly source of water, but it can actually benefit plants in many ways. Grey water can contain a variety of substances mixed in with it, such as cleaning products, dirt, or even food. Although these substances do not sound very beneficial to plants, the nutrients found in grey water can act in a similar way as fertilizers. It is important to take notice that although the substances found in grey water can be very beneficial plants, they are also very similar to fertilizers in the way they

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