Premium Essay

Chuck Pierce's The Apostolic Church Arising

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Chuck Pierce released a book called “The Apostolic Church Arising” last year, as a prophetic picture of the next ten years for the church. One of the main highlights of the book for me was a coming shift from a Church mindset to a Kingdom mindset.

There are many issues facing the Church today. Several issues come to mind like the need for social justice and righteous living with Micah 6:8 and Proverbs 14:34 on my mind. One could also think about the increasing darkness with all the latest headlines and news report, but there is also a victorious people arising for His Glory is upon us. It is time for the church to “Arise, shine.” (Isaiah 60:1). I choose to dream about a people who will arise to take their places in God’s Advancing Kingdom. People who will write new decrees (see Esther 8:8), …show more content…
I dream of whole nations turning to God because I stand upon the promise of Habakkuk 2:14. I dream of more apostolic and prophetic leaders arising, the fivefold ministry actively equipping and edifying the Body of Christ
(see Ephesians 4:11-13), prophetic proclamations being made to shift cultures and atmospheres, love and unity in the church to eradicate racism and social injustice. We were not left powerless! (See Acts 1:8) We have the indwelling and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to advance God’s Kingdom in the earth and this is our mission (see Matthew 28:18-20). My heart breaks for the many ways that deception and humanism has crept into the church. So, I dream of a 1 Kings 18 encounter for people that will cause them to say “The Lord, He is God!
The Lord, He is God!” (See 1 Kings 18:39 NKJV)

I dream of a Bride fully awakened to Our Bridegroom King! A people who will be laid down lovers of

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