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4th Of July Research Paper

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4 Clever Party Planning Tips for 4th of July

Party planning tips are super handy for most parties, but especially so for 4th of July. Everyone wants to put on a good show for 4th of July. It doesn’t matter if you’re organizing a 4th of July wedding or just a big family party, you want everything to go smoothly and celebrate this wondrous day in style.

So, what are some clever party planning tips that help make your 4th of July party a success? Here are four things to keep in mind.

1. Keep your 4th of July theme simple and classy

It’s easy to go a bit too far with your 4th of July theme. You might end up having a décor and menu that is full of stars and stripes, eagles, hotdogs, burgers, barbecue, blue, red, white and so on. While these are all great ideas for an Independence Day party, you want to keep it classy and simple. …show more content…
Don’t make everything about 4th of July. Your plates can just be white – everything doesn’t need to have an American flag in them. Furthermore, streamline your menu as well. Pick a theme such as barbecue or a specific state, don’t try to add every single American food item on the menu but celebrate the food you love the most. For example, make your party about local Hudson Valley produce.

2. Pick the right venue for your needs

Most people organize 4th of July in their back garden. But you shouldn’t automatically think the party has to be in your home or indeed outdoors. If you want, your party can be a sit-down dinner instead of a yard-style cocktail party.

It’s a good idea to start thinking how many people you want to invite. If you have a small party, you could organize it at home or hire a small venue. Of course, if you’re planning for a big Hudson Valley wedding, you want to pick a bigger venue. Just make sure the venue fits your party theme.

3. Add enough engaging

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